OzVMX Forum
Clubroom => Vinduro => Topic started by: VERi on February 26, 2018, 11:00:32 pm
This year will see the 10th anniversary of the iconic Harrow Vinduro (a.k.a. The Harrow 100) on the weekend of July 28 – 29.
This event is the biggest event of its kind in Australia, and its fame extends beyond our borders.
The vintage enduro enthusiasts who put the first event together back in 2009 had no inkling of what an iconic event it would become, but it soon became obvious that something special had been created. Since then hundreds of riders have enjoyed this unique and challenging event.
VERi wants as many vintage dirt bike enthusiasts as possible to ride the 10th edition, or just come along and join the celebration.
The club’s AGM will not be held at Harrow this year, thus freeing up the Saturday night dinner for fun and frivolity for all!
More details will be made available closer to the event. In the meantime please use this thread to post any stories, photos, preparation updates, and anything else Harrow-related.
VERi is delighted to be putting the Harrow Vinduro on for the tenth time, and it’s a major milestone for the club.
See you there!
This is a Must Do Event Not only is it and Bloody Good Ride over some of the best riding Country you will see .
But the Town of Harrow itself is a Top place ..See and stay ...From the People to the Pub to the Take away Shop ...Just Gold ...
I turn the last weekend in July into a Bike Ride and Holiday ....28th and 29th of July
will Saturday be a grass track again? I did like that.
have rebuilt the husky, got more radiator shrouds, will be in top form ;)
will Saturday be a grass track again? I did like that.
Glad to hear it! Full details will be made known as we get closer to the event, but the 2 day format is pretty solid now.
Does anyone know what editions of Australasian Dirt Bike have featured articles about the Harrow Vinduro?
Clubby rode in 13 i rekon? there was an article after that i think so late 13
Id love a copy of that issue if anyone has one?
I don't think it featured in ADB
Definitely Trailzone and VMX mags.
Hey Tex , ADB OCTOBER 11 PAGE 136 ISSUE 385, TRAILZONE MAG. twice ,NOV/DEC 11 PAGE 50 ISSUE 38 & ISSUE 49 SEPT/OCT 13 PAGE 58, I have double copies and will bring to the next meeting ,regards Jimbo
ADB OCTOBER 11 PAGE 136 ISSUE 385, TRAILZONE MAG. twice ,NOV/DEC 11 PAGE 50 ISSUE 38 & ISSUE 49 SEPT/OCT 13 PAGE 58, I have double copies and will bring to the next meeting ,regards Jimbo
Top work Jimbo.
We've had great support from ADB, VMX, Old Bike Australasia and Clubby (ex Trailzone) along the way.
Hey Tex , ADB OCTOBER 11 PAGE 136 ISSUE 385, ... I have double copies and will bring to the next meeting ,regards Jimbo
Thanks! I was sure that ADB had covered the event at least once. I thought there was another article more recently too...
Tex you are correct. l have it but l haven't located it yet -will have another look today . regards Jimbo
Trailzone issue 55 SEPT/OCT. 14 PAGE 62. Also a great pic of Fitzy. for the VERI. club year poster on p.43. regards Jimbo.
see if they ( all media?) can do a "recap"and 10 year anniversary article?
Tex , OLD BIKE AUSTRALIA, issue 34 re .2012 Harrow, words by Drakie , pic's by Tony Tervoert , thats all l have on the event, regards Jimbo
tony did the dvd for that year i believe...any plans for a professional film of this historic and august occasion...
Cliff is planning to do one again this year. Check out his 2014 harrow video.
Found another write-up today , Dirt Action issue 198 Nov/15 page 86.
The VERi committee met last night, and naturally the 10th anniversary of this iconic event was the topic of much discussion.
We are planning on having a static display of vintage enduro bikes, that will be a feature of the Saturday night dinner. This is a chance to show that stunning garage queen to a wider audience! So, if you have a clean example of pre 1988 bike that you think would be suitable, please get in touch via email with some pics of your bike: [email protected]
Obviously bikes that are being ridden over the weekend won't be suitable.
We will have limited spaces available, so we might not be able to take up all offers for the Saturday night display, but everyone is welcome to bring bikes along and show them off around the camp site etc.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Ok, I don't get to brag too often (ok, never) but I think I must be in a pretty select group, having ridden and finished every Harrow vinduro.
I've listed the year, rider number, bike and medal below.
2009: 18B, 1979 Suzuki PE175, no medals awarded
2010: 20A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, bronze
2011: 16A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, gold
2012: 32A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, silver
2013: 18A, 1981 Yamaha XT250, bronze
2014: 26C, 1977 Yamaha DT125, gold
2015: 97, 1981 Yamaha XT250, silver
2016: 115, 1981 Yamaha XT250, gold
2017: 33, 1981 Yamaha XT250, silver
2018: ?
I'm really looking forward to making it ten, or have I jinxed myself?
Who else has ridden all (or most) of the Harrow Vinduros since 2009?
After protracted negotiations with the Reserve Bank, we have had this special edition $10 note issued for use at the 2018 Harrow Vinduro:
Ok, I don't get to brag too often (ok, never) but I think I must be in a pretty select group, having ridden and finished every Harrow vinduro.
I've listed the year, rider number, bike and medal below.
2009: 18B, 1979 Suzuki PE175, no medals awarded
2010: 20A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, bronze
2011: 16A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, gold
2012: 32A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, silver
2013: 18A, 1981 Yamaha XT250, bronze
2014: 26C, 1977 Yamaha DT125, gold
2015: 97, 1981 Yamaha XT250, silver
2016: 115, 1981 Yamaha XT250, gold
2017: 33, 1981 Yamaha XT250, silver
2018: ?
I'm really looking forward to making it ten, or have I jinxed myself?
Who else has ridden all (or most) of the Harrow Vinduros since 2009?
After a brag like that, you'll need to bring a spare bike, maybe 2 ;D
There's no shops in that town
Bookings are now open!
Click on the link below:
You will need to print out their tickets, and bring them along when you sign-in at the event. You'll collect your numbered sticker, 10 Years of Harrow booklet, plus the dinner wrist band and t-shirt (as applicable) at sign-in too.
Rider entries will be capped at 250 this year, 120 for the Saturday night dinner.
VERi thanks Wurth, and Wimmera Motorcycles for sponsoring the 10th Anniversary Harrow Vinduro.
Stay tuned for more details.
The booking system for the 10th Anniversary Harrow Vinduro is working well, and thus far these are some of the following punters (in no particular order) who have already reserved a place in history!
Stephen McCrae, Rob Jackman, Ryan Dew, Dale Brake, Curtis Pullinger, Robbie Warner, Phill Glasson, Horst Lueckl, John Cahill, Chris Handley, Dave Luff, John McClean, Geoff Davis, Ashly Hicks, Johnathon Hicks, Barry Collins, Mick Payne, Sarah Roberts, Colin Jay, David Boddy, Mark Boddy, Don Britt, Allan Rich, Peter Sutcliffe & Kurt Goodman.
Please note that we will be letting riders away on the Sunday in groups of three, numbered 2A, 2B, 2C* etc. Sign up a three person team if you wish. We're not doing the four person state teams this year, but if you want to name your trio after a state or territory, feel free.
* Numbers 1A, 1B & 1C will be auctioned off on Saturday night!
* Numbers 1A, 1B & 1C will be raffled off on Saturday night!
Auctioned, not a raffle for these numbers.
Auctioned, not a raffle for these numbers.
Yes! Quite right. ::)
I was poking back through old Harrow threads and re-found this one from 2015. Lots of fun smack talk and 14 pages of no arguments!! It was good to go back through the thread and got some good laughs and rekindled memories so now I'm looking even more forward to this years event - just as well as I've paid for my entry! ;D
it was a great ride as well!! ;D
in order to secure a coveted gold medal at the 10 year anniversary Harrow Vinduro i have embarked on a spartan training regime....
beer consumption--up by two stubbies a night..increasing to three in the last week ( this is on top of the std 6 pack)
physical exercise - minimised on all accounts
diet-- pizza now four nights a week, special with the lot only!
motorbike riding- testing only (dont want to fall off before the event!)
with this in train and religiously adhered to, im in good shape to grab the gold!! 8)
in order to secure a coveted gold medal at the 10 year anniversary Harrow Vinduro i have embarked on a spartan training regime....
beer consumption--up by two stubbies a night..increasing to three in the last week ( this is on top of the std 6 pack)
physical exercise - minimised on all accounts
diet-- pizza now four nights a week, special with the lot only!
motorbike riding- testing only (dont want to fall off before the event!)
with this in train and religiously adhered to, im in good shape to grab the gold!!
Now, that's a training regime I can relate to, and replicate! 8)
Please note that the closing date for UVP submissions via VERi is today (15 July 2018).
Also, all places for the Saturday night dinner have now been filled.
At the last count we have received 165 entries for the event thus far, with online entries closing on 20 July 2018.
We are very pleased to welcome Exit Brewing aboard as a sponsor too!
Exit Brewing :D..Nice work
Bike is ready not sure about the body
Yeah, nah, neither ready here. Trying to get an IT200L to Harrow as the IT400D nearly killed me last year.
I'm thinking some suspension might be a little more useful.
Except that I pulled my wheels out last weekend to put new tyres on and they are rooted. The straight one is full of aluminium rot and the unrotted one is as pissed as ten men. And my mag rotor is looking decidedly shady.
Anyone parting out an IT200 in Melbourne?
Main thing to pack would be your eskimo gear.
Brrrrrrrrr-rrrr. And brrrrr
Yeah, nah, neither ready here. Trying to get an IT200L to Harrow as the IT400D nearly killed me last year.
I'm thinking some suspension might be a little more useful.
Except that I pulled my wheels out last weekend to put new tyres on and they are rooted. The straight one is full of aluminium rot and the unrotted one is as pissed as ten men. And my mag rotor is looking decidedly shady.
Anyone parting out an IT200 in Melbourne?
Take the 400 to Harrow. Drink beer. Tell tall tales. Ride the 400 at Harrow. Problem solved. ;)
rain rain some showers and rain wit h occasional sunshine....the usual Harrow mix..lovely!!
good chance of up to 25 mm this week, course will be excellent, river may be too high ::) hopefully sunny sunday to top off the occaision
Harrow distance update.
Saturday 10km ends at mx track.
Sunday approx 140 km.
First 35 km loop ends back at camp to refuel.
30 km to fuel at McClures.
60 km loop back to McClures (optional to refuel if required) then additional 20 km or so back to the start.
The Saturday course uses none of the Sunday course.
Max distance between where you can refuel is approx 60 km.
Gold medals for all!! 8)
T shirts are ready, bloody brilliant design, everything you could ever want in a Harrow T shirt, everyone should be really impressed.
Don't miss out.
'So hot they're cool'
Where's that 'like' button!
A lot of effort went into that T, eh Serge! ;D
Again, where's that like button?
'So hot, they’re cool'
Cooler than a bucket of Penguin shit!!
Harrow all over for another year I've had a great weekend all round, thanks to all involved for the event and to the donations at the auction cheers Ek
What a fabulous 10 year anniversary, the weather was kind with saturday perfect with a warm up lap around Lauchies and a few laps around the grass mx track being chased by a drone! a line up of bikes in front of the pub and a tour de force down the main st... some great auction action with the VTR boys performing magic!
overnight rain (of course ::)) set the tone for the day. the main course was a slippery gully rich run around the district with a great morning section thru the river bed area including the bridge complete with Kristen "The troll" Cahill fleecing punters for cash to get across. all $$ to the Big Bruce fund.
Out to the west of town for the main run and slippery slippery sliding across the paddocks in parts with some classic bogs trying to spoil your day...some loverly sand single lane in the ferns with wet logs and sticks keeping you on your toes...( a lot of much faster riders in here i noticed...younger too im hoping ::)) the run back to the finish was an exhibition from a fast maico rider who had lost the needle in the carb i rekon....it was only on the main jet the whole way! :o the grand finale was the river crossing with 40 experts to provide advice!
a huuugee thanks to the team of track makers, bridge builders and arrowers (and de arrowers) who put this event on for the vinduro faithfull...build it and they will come! also thanks to main VERI team for all the background effort and a great 10 year event was had by all....next year!!
What an event!
I arrived late to the party at the Hermitage Hotel on Friday night, which probably wasn’t a bad thing! As always it was a highlight to catch up with old friends, and make new ones, over a glass or two.
The short ride on Saturday was bliss. The sun shone, I was riding a great track with mates and all was good in the world. A minor step off didn’t spoil the buzz. A couple of laps around the grass track was enough for me and the XT250. Then it was back to the camp to refresh, and then assemble out the front of the Hermitage Hotel for group photos and a parade down the main street.
How cool was that? Two hundred odd vintage dirt bikes cruising through town! A magic moment.
Saturday night dinner is always good value. Prize giveaways from sponsors is always a nice touch. The auction for the coveted first starting positions was done with much hilarity, and I’m impressed at the amount of money put up for a good cause by the bidders.
There wasn’t much sunshine on Sunday morning, and some overnight rain had dealt with any dust you might’ve been able to find.
Bikes were off in quick succession and it was game on again. Conditions were noticeably more slippery than the previous day.
The toll bridge was a treat, and I’ve never crossed a bridge before where you have to go through water to get on and off it! I got a nice soaking as I exited.
With the slippin’ and slidin’ in full swing I dropped the front wheel over a bank and was precariously balanced on the verge of full submersion in deep water until a riding buddy grabbed the back of the bike and we carefully dragged it out of danger. I’m waiting to see if my other mate caught the incident on his Go-Pro.
Aside from that minor hiccup, the day was going well so far. Back through town, and after a quick splash of fuel it was time to set out for the rest of the ride.
A big thank-you to the sweep rider who helped out when the XT suddenly stopped. We got it re-started. I caught up with my two buddies who’d been waiting for me down the track, and we pressed on.
At one point the low ground clearance of the XT saw me wedged after choosing the wrong rut. Drag it out, continue on.
I stepped into knee deep water to help a mate get his bike off a rock. If there were any dry spots in my boots, they were thoroughly soaked now. On the other side we stopped and I lent a spanner to a rider with a drowned Husky, while we caught our breath.
I loved the tight sandy single track through the bush areas. I hated the slimy, muddy track that ran forever beside those big dams. The rest of the day was pure Harrow Vinduro: riding through those big paddocks, looking for arrows, negotiating creeks, slimy logs, spine tingling off camber trails, and all the other stuff that makes this event so unique and hard to put into words.
I witnessed a couple of hilarious crashes courtesy of my riding buddy, the best being a high-side that sent him sliding on his face down a creek bank until a fence post stopped him from going into the water.
A successful crossing of the river at the camp ground marked the completion of my tenth Harrow Vinduro, and I’d earned a gold medal as well. Perfect.
A big thanks to all who made it happen, and in particular the township of harrow which always makes us so welcome.
The team prize at the 2018 Harrow Vinduro was won by Team Odd Bods from Queensland (Bill Linagh, Richard Dyke and Steve Martin). They travelled far to take part, rode with enthusiasm, and even helped tidy up. Oh, and they wore suits and took a candelabra to the Saturday night dinner!
Thanks to all of the other teams that took part: B1B2B3, Wurth, Handley, Vinduro Penrite Team, ACT UP, Misfits, Fishers & Shooters, Heaney, FBI, Creighton Crusaders, Gippy Boys, Team Sober, Sic Wog Machine, DVMCC, AMTRA, Dirty Bastards, Trents, Team Ag, 3 Bucks Short, Witch-er-way, Green & Gold, Dandenong MCC, Manly Warringa MCC, Husky NSW, Bus Boyz 1, Bus Boyz 2, SCAR, Colin’s Crew, The Fermiodds, Graham’s racing, Tolmie Beards, XL Boys, and Wandi Nuts.
Are there any final stats as to finishers and numbers?
I scored a bronze because I wasn't aware that Saturday arvo formed a part of the gold medal. Then some minor percussive maintenance after Lauchies place on Sunday and there weren't a lot of bikes out on the second Sunday stage after we pulled up and not many passed us and I reckon we were almost last in.
We didnt do the last stage from McClures as the rain was getting heavier and we were almost frozen.
i hid in the coffee tent for the first rain squall then behind a big tree for the second and was back at base for the last one....lucked it in nicely! ;D
Are there any final stats as to finishers and numbers?
Just shy of 220 entries. No way to measure finishers as such, but anecdotally I think most everyone rode at least some of the course.
2009: 18B, 1979 Suzuki PE175, no medals awarded
2010: 20A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, bronze
2011: 16A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, gold
2012: 32A, 1979 Suzuki PE175, silver
2013: 18A, 1981 Yamaha XT250, bronze
2014: 26C, 1977 Yamaha DT125, gold
2015: 97, 1981 Yamaha XT250, silver
2016: 115, 1981 Yamaha XT250, gold
2017: 33, 1981 Yamaha XT250, silver
2018: 46C, 1981 Yamaha XT250, gold
Might I add that to date I have a perfect Harrow record - 10 starts & 10 finishes! ;D
lucky its a two day TEX ;D
One of the many joys of Harrow!
Realizing which bits didn't get a thorough plating and watching them waste away due to the acidic nature of the local ground water and soil.
Fortunately, we have the technology to make them pretty again!
ive just finished recoing the brakes at both ends, a new wheel bearing for both front and rear wheels..the Harrow carnage is still being counted.... trying to find a sudden leaness that appeared over the weekend so a big carb clean is in order along with a look at a few seals..arf arf :o
VERi is thrilled with the successful running of the tenth anniversary of the Harrow Vinduro last weekend. With 217 entries, it was by any measure a terrific weekend, and a fitting way to mark this milestone.
Obviously, an event of this scale is only made possible by the hard work of a large amount of people and organisations. We've attempted to name them below.
All the riders and friends/families who attended, Peter Drakeford, Stephen Baker, Rob Shoemark, Dennis Myers, the NSW crew who helped set out the course, Andrea King, Karen Flowers, the Hermitage Hotel, Greg Gunn, Jimbo Laidler, Barb Goddard, George Goddard, Lauchie Turner, John Liddell, John Howden, Mick Pettifer, St Johns ambulance, Rachelle Wilkinson, John Ball and his father in law Barry, Chris Bullen, Colin Harper, Kurt Goodman, Geoff Davis, Serge Coffa, Chris Ross, John 'Tex' O'Brien, Randall and the cafe staff, David White, Paul Penrose, Dean Caulfield, all of the property owners, the sweep riders, the local Victoria Policeman, VicRoads, the people and business owners of Harrow, those who travelled vast distances to participate, all the contributors to the souvenir booklet, and anyone else we've forgotten.
Our thoughts are with the four riders who were injured in separate incidents over the weekend, we hope you mend quickly!
And a special mention for our sponsors: Wurth, Wimmera Motorcycle Company, and Exit Brewing.
VERi delivers cheque for charity
Official press release
Over the past ten years the Harrow township has been the recipient of the largess of an unlikely source – motorcyclists. Over the past two years alone the Vintage Enduro Riders Inc. (VERi) have donated $9530 to associated local organisations.
This year with the outstanding assistance of WURTH, Exit Brewing and Wimmera Motorcycles as well as the generosity of members bidding for front start numbers 1A, 1B and 1C, the auction raised near $3000 which the club matched. The estimated amount of donations over the past ten years has been in the region of $20,000.
This year, Gregg Gunn (Vice President), Peter Drakeford (Secretary and founder of the event with landowner Lauchie Turner) and club member Colin Harper presented the group cheque to Ann Vaughn and Ron Penrose on behalf of the four local organisations.
What Harrow offered was a location to ride off road through some of the most scenic country in the west. What came with this country was a group of people that couldn’t do more to help put their town on the map and smooth the way for our event – the Harrow Vinduro.
VERi have run a multitude of events across Victoria over the years, including; Beaufort, Ballan, Blackwood, Benalla, Bonnie Doon, Broadford, Ruffy, Three Bridges, Stratford, Yarram, Castella, Hopetoun and Tallarook. But our biggest has always been at Harrow.
The attraction is actually it’s greatest drawback – distance. Harrow is so far from ‘anywhere’ that once you’re in town you make the most of it. The true grit award goes to the NSW crew travelling 1200ks, who discovered the Harrow Vinduro on its third running and have been a huge help in setting out the extended course.
Over the years, organisations benefiting directly through donations from VERi have been the Bush Nursing, The Johnny Mullagh Reserve Committee, the Memorial Hall Committee, and Visitors Center, the Tennis Club, the Harrow Development and Promotion Association and indirectly from patronage on this peak weekend: the Hermitage Hotel, the Museum, the Café and Garage. This year with the death of local dynamo Bruce Caulfield a new recipient is the Horseman’s Challenge organisation.
As ever, the last weekend in July is set in stone as the vintage enduro scene’s highlight of the year. Its reputation has crept into all corners of the off-road motorcycling scene as a ‘must do’ event. Now that the cockatoos have stopped screeching at the intruders, silence had descended on the town, but the club is planning already for the next year to be bigger and better.
How do you think the Johhny Muller reserve committee would go wit ha "grasstrack speedway" special test ::)
Good work. Well written :)
VERi delivers cheque for charity
Official press release
Over the past ten years the Harrow township has been the recipient of the largess of an unlikely source – motorcyclists. Over the past two years alone the Vintage Enduro Riders Inc. (VERi) have donated $9530 to associated local organisations.
Hi Guys and gals,
I also would like to say thanks to all who help make Harrow happen . I went 7 years ago to check it out and have just done my SEVENTH . I have been lucky and managed GOLD on all seven visits this years with 2 tears in my MEDIAL Ligament in my right knee . But it is an event you just have to do . It is also my wifes birthday on the 29 th July so lot of browny point to get leading up to this weekend . I have got 2 gold on my little Yamonda, 2 on my Suzonda .1 on an IT 175,1 on a KTM 350 Thanks Duncan and my last on a TT 350 . I may make it back next year but time will tell .
But again a big thanks to the Town and all the people who make it happen .
Cheers GREG H
i see Harrow township was featured on the ABC's Backroads program..Big Bruce featured...i only saw the last half so no idea if muddaboiks were mentioned....might i view it later
typical ABC just talked about the "famous women" at Harrow and we didn't get a mention
did the famous two at the pub get a look in??
Nope Just a farmers wife ,the petrol station owner and some other woman from the art gallery i think .If we were a bunch of women (some say we are ) we would have got a look in but as far as the ABC is concerned we are the problem middle aged white men having fun how outrages and unpopular ?????
i figured as much... 8)