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Clubroom => General Discussion => Topic started by: FAT-TOY on February 19, 2018, 08:29:56 pm

Title: Media beat ups
Post by: FAT-TOY on February 19, 2018, 08:29:56 pm

  Am I the only one who thinks that most of this Barnaby Joyce crap, that is all over the air waves at the moment, is a media beat up.  There's nothing much for these parasites to report on, so they badger this poor bastard mercilessly for something to do and I don't even like the prick.  They are insinuating that it was a quick shag, and because of that he should resign. Yet they don't put the pressure on these politicians when they have sold out our manufacturing industries.  Spending millions of dollars overseas on trains when that money would have kept our train building strong and employing heaps more Aussies.  Or pricks like Joe Hockey standing there and daring the car makers to close down, arsehole.  Who knows, this couple might end up together for 20 or 30 years and lets face it, not all marriages last, in fact I saw it reported by these same media arse wipes, that up to 50% of marriages in the US and Australia end up in divorce.  How would you like to be in the trenches with our prime minister ( Mr potato head ) as soon as there was any pressure, he folds and throws his mate to the wolves, hardly a Winston Churchill type is he and Bill Shorten is just as bad but at least this dickhead is in opposition.  Who know maybe some princess or film star will get up the stick then these reporter can concentrate on them and leave this poor bastard and his girl alone.
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: 80-85 husky on February 19, 2018, 08:43:55 pm
correct, although he was expecting with the "quick shag"when he stood up in the gay marriage debate and said marriage is sacred ..Har de Har Har
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: pokey on February 19, 2018, 09:36:06 pm
Being a politician is all about how much Teflon you can spray on yourself . We all know they are full of shit but when some leaks out, it’s imperative that it doesn’t stick. The more shit that leaks out the slipperier it gets for the other pollies and the whole place takes on a pretty foul stench. Who wants to hang around someone who didn’t make the loo after a nite of chilli and beans? No one that’s who. We poke them with a stick so they go home and have a good hot shower. Barnaby smells pretty bad but wont go for that shower.

Turdbull is showing  the voters and his financial backers just how damn stupid he is , Should have dotted his I's and crossed his T's when the nationality BS went down but he was too busy thinking how good he is and sucking up to the Nats so he stays in power. Thanks for the shit internet Turdhill. I dont think he has doe anything else and for that I feel fortunate. If He has any smarts at all he would not bother embarrassing himself by standing for reelection.
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: fred99999au on February 20, 2018, 08:09:57 am
I have a mate who has been in a technological meeting with Mr Potato Head and my mate is bloody smart. And Mr Potato Head was also very smart technologically.

Makes you wonder who is really running the show when you see the stupidity coming out from Canberra.

Re Barny, I don't care what he does in his private life but I think he has a case to answer about the 'jobs for the girls' that he seems to have made happen using public money, and the free rent from a supporter who was looking for a free ride.

Almost as bad as the vet forgetting be bought his extensive farm in the Otways.

They are all crooks. Self first, self last, any left over, self again.
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: Colin Jay on February 20, 2018, 05:07:59 pm

   How would you like to be in the trenches with our prime minister ( Mr potato head ) as soon as there was any pressure, he folds and throws his mate to the wolves, hardly a Winston Churchill type is he...

I would not be so keen on putting Churchill on a pedestal. You need to remember that the Gallipoli Campaign was one of his ideas. Yes, he did later spend time on the Western Front after being sacked / resigning from his position of First Sea Lord, and he did an admirable job during WW2, but at Gallipoli Australian and New Zealand troops were pretty much "thrown to the wolves".
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: FAT-TOY on February 20, 2018, 07:45:37 pm
  I wasn't putting Churchill on a pedestal, I was just referring to his grit in refusing to do a deal with Hitler, which is what the British War Cabinet wanted to do.  I wonder what sort of world we would be living in now, had they got their way.
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: Curtis on February 21, 2018, 09:02:48 am
i don't have a television and I don't read the newspaper, it infuriates me. My life is better of without the biased brainwash and complete mind numbing garbage that comes out of main stream media.
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: 80-85 husky on February 21, 2018, 06:07:01 pm
nice work!
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: Glen08 on February 21, 2018, 10:45:43 pm
It's a deversion tactic...The next one will be Hanson changes her name to Paul & it'll drag on & on..meanwhile China slips in the back door..The problem with these pollies is they all want thier name down in history,,,look at what I've acheived..60 billion dollars later....It's a bloody shambles.
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: Butcher on February 22, 2018, 09:30:08 pm
geez i wonder if barny had an affair with his MALE media advisor, there would be so many jurnos on the case????? 
Title: Re: Media beat ups
Post by: mboddy on February 22, 2018, 10:40:25 pm
geez i wonder if barny had an affair with his MALE media advisor, there would be so many jurnos on the case?????

If one of them got pregnant there would probably be even more!   :)