OzVMX Forum
Clubroom => Vinduro => Topic started by: 80-85 husky on May 19, 2017, 09:14:05 am
Really looking forward to the Harrow week end this year ;D
weather is shaping up nicely (bucketing rain)...the views...(when you break down) ..the serenity (while you wait) it has it all!
woo hoo!!
I'm thinking about it, again , lol. I'll probably enjoy everyones photos and stories- again ????
I need a pre 85 bike for this event!
Eight weeks to go 80-85 husky , that should give you heaps of time to get that other project of yours assembled and running .......
nahh...its on the slow train backburner...nearly finished the A30 spruce up...need to wet sand the engine bay and give it a lick of paint then refit the motor gearbox etc ::) drop the sump and timing cover of the 307 and refit seal the gaskets...do the top end on the husky :-X split the tractor and fit the new clutch...(best order that)...note NONE of this is on the landscaping before the daughters wedding LIST... :'(
gave the old 400 a minor spruce up, air filter was pooh after the Yass ride, fixed the lower chain roller (there is one at Yass somewhere), tidied the kill switch wiring which was causing an intermittent miss and put a new plug in (which could have been the cause of the miss..) also got a couple of globes for the taillight andsoldered up the broken headlight connector...always lots of little jobs which cause "you finished working on that bucket of bolts yet??? >:(" issues ;D
here are some more delights of the harrow weekend....stuck again...WARNING - coarse language can be heard from a bald old man ;D
Preparations are coming along, and we should have the entry form out shortly. We will once again be running the state/territory challenge, so if you would like to participate then get a 4 man team together and contact (Acting) Secretary John 'Tex' O'Brien via email at [email protected]
There will be a maximum of 2 teams per state/territory. You can nominate for a team prior to submitting your entry.
Please remember that the Harrow 100 Vinduro is a non-competitive event, and this includes the state/territory challenge. It's all a bit of fun, so the judges will be looking at stuff like team spirit, presentation, attitude and "je ne sais quoi" ;), as well as riding antics.
Entry forms and event info out now
If you need a UVP please get onto it straight away, don't wait for your team mates to enter with as per normal, just let us know they will be joining you and we will slot you in together.
The UVP form is the time critical one, everything else will fall together (or in the case of Harrow, fall off)
im installing a metal detector on the husky so I can find my way back...
The 2017 Harrow 100 Vinduro entry form and UVP application form is now available on the VERi website, and has also been emailed to members.
If you are applying for an Unregistered Vehicle Permit, we need to get these returned to us ASAP. You can return the UVP application via email, but we also need the paper copy, so get cracking! UVP cost is $50.
We have two state/territory teams so far: Victoria and the ACT.
Getting closer , time to start building bikes I think !
Breaking news: Fake Harrow poster has been put up on Facebook by Vinduro Penrite Team.
The bootleg poster can be identified by the 'Penrite Celebrating 90 Years' logo in the top right hand corner.
VERi have not requested Vinduro Penrite Team to take down the poster but have an official poster ready to post soon.
Speculation is high about the future value of the fake poster. Particularly the early one with the typo (shock!).
Entries are coming in steadily. We have two Victorian teams confirmed, as well as the defending State/Territory Challenge champions the ACT. Still plenty of time for riders from SA, NT, NSW, WA and Qld to put themselves forward.
The t-shirts are now being printed too, and look pretty damn cool.
Getting closer , time to start building bikes I think !
;D ;D
have you bought something to rebuild for Harrow yet??? :o ;D ;D or just pulling something out from the boneyard? ::)
Just the old bitza that I took out for a bit of a second lap at Harrow last year , with a bit of added GMC bling ...... I can feel the monday morning aching bones already ..........
Entries are rolling in! Already quite a mix of bikes, aside from the overwhelming number of Yamahas! IT blue could be the prevailing colour this year...
Honda, Suzuki & Kawasaki are also represented as well as examples from these marques: Bultaco, Can-Am, SWM, KTM, Husqvarna, Hodaka & Maico.
So far only one AG175 entered! 8)
ag 175, ultimate budget harrow machine...carry a shovel and bury all the bikes stuck in a bog ;D
(https://s11.postimg.org/e0slpnsnn/forgotten.something.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/onmev30sv/)
Image from @motovertevintage on Instagram
"I can't help feeling like I've forgotten something..."
How are everyone's preparations for Harrow coming along?
(https://s11.postimg.org/e0slpnsnn/forgotten.something.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/onmev30sv/)
Image from @motovertevintage on Instagram
"I can't help feeling like I've forgotten something..."
How are everyone's preparations for Harrow coming along?
Hmmm, yes, somethings forgotten......Ah-HA! I forgot my throttle!
Yep, that photo is where I'm at, lol. Plenty of bikes but none finished, looks like no Harrow for me.
Im not coming this year unfortunate ,its one of main events I like doing in the year anyway have fun guys and girls and hopefully I can ride my xr 600 next year ;D
I'm desperately trying to finish (start?) my IT200 for Harrow, but it is a bit chilly out in the shed. Might have to ride the IT400...
I'm desperately trying to finish (start?) my IT200 for Harrow, but it is a bit chilly out in the shed. Might have to ride the IT400...
Come on Peter a few Cold nights in the Man cave will get you ready for Harrow
The Stig.
Yeah, no good when I cant feel my fingers.
Please note that camping at Harrow is $10 per night (not $10 for the weekend) per person. Our apologies if this was not clear.
We've also received quite a few entries that have reserved a Saturday night dinner, but not paid for camping. If people have found alternative accommodation, or are not staying in Harrow, that is fine. However we urge all people using the camping facilities to do the right thing and pay the $10 fee.
All camping fees collected go to the relevant local entity, and are not kept by VERi.
There'll be plenty of opportunity to fix us up over the weekend if required. Please do not make any camping payments to local businesses or anyone other than VERi over the weekend.
The closing date for submission of Unregistered Vehicle Permits (UVP) was 17 July 2017.
Remember that all bikes being ridden at the Harrow 100 must be registered or have a permit. This applies for both Saturday and Sunday.
Anyone heard what the weathers been like up Harrow way ? The river up already , or will it just sneak up slowly this week to surprise us all come Saturday ! Time to break out the silicon and duct tape !
Entries are steadily rolling in. Keep it on the gas, like this guy!
Image from @fanticmotorheritage on Instagram
Anyone heard what the weathers been like up Harrow way ? The river up already , or will it just sneak up slowly this week to surprise us all come Saturday
The river is fine, nothing to worry about... ;D
Image from @dg533 on Instagram
Come On Tex stop scaring every One
I so excited and its still a week away ......
I think a lot of Blokes are heading South next week end
That photo reminds me of a certain bearded Husky rider a few years back , except I think the Husky may have been pointing the wrong way up .....
Just emailed in 9 entries for this year's Harrow 100
The Dandenong MCC have entered a Victorian state team and there will be 5 other DMCC riders plus support crew. Range of bikes coming - SWM, KTM, IT, XR, Maico, PE
You will be able to identify us all thanks to Serge Coffa and his excellent jersey printing. (Yes I have seen the official Harrow shirts - great work!)
Head to my Facebook page Steven Davis if you want to see the bikes we are bringing being prepped/tested and tuned.
Look forward to catching up with everyone
Disaster has struck :o..working away till nxt friday >:( i thought i had best give the husky a turn over and make sure it would go...i mean what could go wrong??? its started everytime (except when i left the rag in the airbox) since i recoed it in 2012....Hmm i noticed the fuel tap has been left on :-\ no probs it always starts after about 10 - 15 kicks when flooded to the hilt...not today...200 kicks, lots of plug cleaning swearing and much unhappiness.... plugs sparking ok after a hit with contact cleaner but nothing in the hole...pushed it around in 3rd no plug... im going to leave the plug out tonight, buy a handfull of new ones and hit it hard tomorrow morning. im off to work in the arvo >:(
You'll have to tip her over & drain the crank case, don't reckon you'll do it by kicking. Maybe a tow will get it clear. Put someone you hate behind it for when it does fire up.
that will be it....then a clean the pipe session i hope!
Pull the pipe off and kick it over or push it with no plug. Will probably get lots of raw fuel out. Been there and done that!
We finally got the WR430 Husky started with a new piston and re-bore last night. This is the first time it's ran since seizing at Harrow last year-(bloody Crank Seals) :o >:(
Anyway State Team- "Victoria's Better" is looking pretty good now that all four members bikes, PE175, PE250, DR400 and WR430 are almost ready to make the trip to hallowed grounds of Harrow on Friday. Lets hope the predicted rain stays away. Cheers Ryan.
two kicks on monday and the old girl fired right up...so, out for a quick pipe cleaner and she is ready (fuel off ::)) to load up on sat morning
so far so good
Anyone know the format for Saturday this year ?
Anyone know the format for Saturday this year?
Finer details are being sorted but it will be similar to last year. The practice track will open late morning or lunchtime and remain open for a few hours.
It should be a slightly longer course than last year's natural terrain scramble track.
Bear in mind too, that all bikes being ridden on both days must be registered.
How's your tyres ? ;D
try johnmcc he will be coming down on sat morning. i wont get there till sat mid day or later. kdx geoff might be up for it as well.
im out of town at woods point so no ph. will be back in bgo late friday nite and heading off sat am. i could drop past micks and get it if no one else can sort it for you.
try johnmcc he will be coming down on sat morning. i wont get there till sat mid day or later. kdx geoff might be up for it as well.
im out of town at woods point so no ph. will be back in bgo late friday nite and heading off sat am. i could drop past micks and get it if no one else can sort it for you.
Thanks John. I've got it sorted now. Cheers
Please note that entries via email have closed. If you haven't sent in your form(s) yet, bring them along with you to Harrow and we'll sort everything out there.
Also, be aware that there is a limited amount of places for the Saturday night dinner. We will have some dinner tickets available to purchase at Harrow, but once we sell all of the allocated spaces that's it.
If you've not been to Harrow before, the event headquarters and departure point is right in the middle of town, you can't miss it. And if you miss it, well you're gonna struggle finding your way around the course!
Sign on will be taking place at the event for several hours on Saturday, and before the main event on Sunday. Get there early if you're arriving on Sunday.
Saturday riding will start late morning/midday on Saturday. More details will be available at the venue.
There'll be a riders briefing on Sunday at 8.30am, with first riders away at 9am on Sunday.
See you there.
Excellent. Just enough time to fine tune the ...
Oh, who am I kidding. I'll still be chiselling Bonnie Doon contents off tomorrow at lunchtime.
Shit, I need to go and buy fuel.
160+ entries thus far! Everyone loved the riding today. Weather is a bit ordinary, but should be a great day regardless tomorrow. You can still enter at the event tomorrow morning, just get here early.
160+ entries thus far! Everyone loved the riding today. Weather is a bit ordinary, but should be a great day regardless tomorrow. You can still enter at the event tomorrow morning, just get here early.
don'f forget to send the Remnants of Toby from vindurowa back west. He's having way too much fun!!
Was having a great run with toby when the contents of my muffler parted company with the rest of the bike..had go beg and borrow a couple of tec screws from team Dewy :-[ that was the second drama as the plug poohed itself on the way to the "practise" loop and i had to do a roadside repair >:(
then i found my lower chain roller had disappeared :o so thanx to team Jimbo for a skateboard wheel and team Dewy for workshop services again!
i was ready for the big day (near dead last in the starting order) so had to work my thru some pretty chewed up ground in the lachy loop even got passed by kdx geoff on a greasy hill (after i showed him the best line across the pooh patch...did he thank me?? hell no, just kept reminding me about the hill >:( v(he was on the grass) so out for the big loop and managed to get thru the Sean Hamilton special test without outside assistance and had a pretty uneventful ride to the fuel dump. Enjoyed the drag race with kids across the paddock and had em till they cut the corner >:(
Headed out for the Mc Clure loop and hooked up with a couple of guys on XR's and had a hoot in the sand until they stopped for something and i lost them, got thru all the bogs and creeks and off camber slippery hills and had a ball in the sandy ferny country until the run down the fenceline where hidden in there somewhere was something that put me into orbit, (was a big ball root) i rekon the overloaded bum back was the only thing that stopped me from passing the centreline and i landed back down on old faithful who was rolling along like nothing happened (husky owners know what im talking about) headed back to the fuel dump after a wobbler run thru Zoggs bog and hooked up with Steve Scooter and his mate and headed for the campground and we both nearly finished up in the nasty looking ditch just before the road section back to the camp.
fuelled tank and stomach and headed out for the second loop, track just up to the road was in a sorry mess...my diet and exercise regime leading up to Harrow was paying dividends..NOT!!
The run through the ferns was a bit wobbly and luckily the Hamilton special test had been re flagged 8) i made the fuel stop all right and headed out on the Mc Clures loop and was passed by a fast young bloke in the sand hills, tried to keep up but that wasn't gunna happen :) then the maico stopped with a stick jammed in the speedo drive so i got passed him again only for him to catch me up and disappear... still he got me back on the gas for a bit....then we caught some blokes looking for a clean line through a creek and like vultures, when we spotted one we all dived on it. a little train of bikes chugged along for a while which was fun but a few fell off the back and the young fella on the maico headed off into the distance, coming around to the real greasy off camber hill, i saw him just cresting the rise and thought i will have another crack...this distracted me for a vital second or two and suddenly there was small ditch in front which i popped the front wheel over it only to realise that 1. the track went left, 2. i was going way too fast and 3. a ravine lay in front.....what to do?? PANIC, i hit the brakes and accelerated :o and as the bike left the bank, i lept for my life and went SPLAT ala Wiley Coyote on the far bank and slid slowly down onto the bike...bugger!
i lay about for a bit and had a few snakes then looked at the scene...shit the bike was being washed down into an even bigger hole under the fence so i had jump in and wrestle it back up. the only way it was coming out was with 3 or 4 fit blokes. None arrived. eventually a bloke showed up..."wheres your bike??" he said.. i pointed to the gully..."Christ..how we gunna get it out?" i said "go get help" fortunately he remembered to tell the sweeps and they came looking...when they arrived they all got their phones out and started snapping away ::) 10 minutes later and half a roll of tape holding the headlight on, i was away again (thanks guys, was a great job) i passed team penrite coming into zoggs bog and got passed by a pair of pigtales...can you believe it? :-[she was on it! Then she disappeared into a big puddle and i managed to avoid the mud shower and then struggled back to Mc Clures for a snag and a drink... i headed out for the final section but the sweeps had closed the gates so i was back on silver...top it off, it pissed rain on me all the way back to camp. what an epic. got a few minor aches and pains, (corked arse from that flying w) and i need a new radiator shroud, headlight and tailight....i love Harrow... sorry about the novel but i have a bit of time before the news...
Another Harrow done , and another brilliant event . Congratulations and thank you to all those involved in putting this event on for us to ride and enjoy . The work involved to put on such a large event must be enormous
Can anybody post a map or GPS tracking of the loops. I can figure out most of it but get lost a few times. Cheers Bill
sorry about the novel but i have a bit of time before the news.
Great yarn John!
when they arrived they all got their phones out and started snapping away
I've seen such a pic floating around on Facebook. I was wondering how the rider managed to get his bike into such strife. Now I know!
pretty easy really :D
so had to work my thru some pretty chewed up ground in the lachy loop even got passed by kdx geoff on a greasy hill (after i showed him the best line across the pooh patch...did he thank me?? hell no, just kept reminding me about the hill
;D ;D
The price of passing the Husky :( but we did make to the end :)
Congratulations Bryan, Spencer, Scott and Jack from Victorian team #2 on winning the 2017 state/territory challenge at the Harrow 100 Vinduro.
It was a great effort, and VERi was impressed by your team spirit as much as your riding skills, especially as this was your first vinduro. We hope to see all of you at future events.
The VERi Club Secretary will be in touch soon to organise transfer of the lavish trophy.
The guys only narrowly held off magnificent efforts from Victoria #1 and defending title-holders ACT #1.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this aspect of the 2017 Harrow 100 Vinduro (remember it's all a bit of fun).
now ya tell me.... :(
Yes, thanks all for a great event. One question I have though is how many completed a silver and how many completed a gold?
I got a silver which took nearly bloody forever, but I am trying to figure out bragging rights.
......it's been nearly a week since Harrow.......where's all the pictures ?????......or has everyone been f$£%"ed by photobucket ?
......those who couldn't go need to see !
......it's been nearly a week since Harrow.......where's all the pictures ?????......or has everyone been f$£%"ed by photobucket ?
......those who couldn't go need to see !
Facebook seems to be the place these days Roger, even before the Photobucket fiasco...
Was having a great run with toby when the contents of my muffler parted company with the rest of the bike..had go beg and borrow a couple of tec screws from team Dewy :-[ that was the second drama as the plug poohed itself on the way to the "practise" loop and i had to do a roadside repair >:(
then i found my lower chain roller had disappeared :o so thanx to team Jimbo for a skateboard wheel and team Dewy for workshop services again!
i was ready for the big day (near dead last in the starting order) so had to work my thru some pretty chewed up ground in the lachy loop even got passed by kdx geoff on a greasy hill (after i showed him the best line across the pooh patch...did he thank me?? hell no, just kept reminding me about the hill >:( v(he was on the grass) so out for the big loop and managed to get thru the Sean Hamilton special test without outside assistance and had a pretty uneventful ride to the fuel dump. Enjoyed the drag race with kids across the paddock and had em till they cut the corner >:(
Headed out for the Mc Clure loop and hooked up with a couple of guys on XR's and had a hoot in the sand until they stopped for something and i lost them, got thru all the bogs and creeks and off camber slippery hills and had a ball in the sandy ferny country until the run down the fenceline where hidden in there somewhere was something that put me into orbit, (was a big ball root) i rekon the overloaded bum back was the only thing that stopped me from passing the centreline and i landed back down on old faithful who was rolling along like nothing happened (husky owners know what im talking about) headed back to the fuel dump after a wobbler run thru Zoggs bog and hooked up with Steve Scooter and his mate and headed for the campground and we both nearly finished up in the nasty looking ditch just before the road section back to the camp.
fuelled tank and stomach and headed out for the second loop, track just up to the road was in a sorry mess...my diet and exercise regime leading up to Harrow was paying dividends..NOT!!
The run through the ferns was a bit wobbly and luckily the Hamilton special test had been re flagged 8) i made the fuel stop all right and headed out on the Mc Clures loop and was passed by a fast young bloke in the sand hills, tried to keep up but that wasn't gunna happen :) then the maico stopped with a stick jammed in the speedo drive so i got passed him again only for him to catch me up and disappear... still he got me back on the gas for a bit....then we caught some blokes looking for a clean line through a creek and like vultures, when we spotted one we all dived on it. a little train of bikes chugged along for a while which was fun but a few fell off the back and the young fella on the maico headed off into the distance, coming around to the real greasy off camber hill, i saw him just cresting the rise and thought i will have another crack...this distracted me for a vital second or two and suddenly there was small ditch in front which i popped the front wheel over it only to realise that 1. the track went left, 2. i was going way too fast and 3. a ravine lay in front.....what to do?? PANIC, i hit the brakes and accelerated :o and as the bike left the bank, i lept for my life and went SPLAT ala Wiley Coyote on the far bank and slid slowly down onto the bike...bugger!
i lay about for a bit and had a few snakes then looked at the scene...shit the bike was being washed down into an even bigger hole under the fence so i had jump in and wrestle it back up. the only way it was coming out was with 3 or 4 fit blokes. None arrived. eventually a bloke showed up..."wheres your bike??" he said.. i pointed to the gully..."Christ..how we gunna get it out?" i said "go get help" fortunately he remembered to tell the sweeps and they came looking...when they arrived they all got their phones out and started snapping away ::) 10 minutes later and half a roll of tape holding the headlight on, i was away again (thanks guys, was a great job) i passed team penrite coming into zoggs bog and got passed by a pair of pigtales...can you believe it? :-[she was on it! Then she disappeared into a big puddle and i managed to avoid the mud shower and then struggled back to Mc Clures for a snag and a drink... i headed out for the final section but the sweeps had closed the gates so i was back on silver...top it off, it pissed rain on me all the way back to camp. what an epic. got a few minor aches and pains, (corked arse from that flying w) and i need a new radiator shroud, headlight and tailight....i love Harrow... sorry about the novel but i have a bit of time before the news...
I think it was Greg H on a KTM that said you will need a Crane to get you out ....
Thanks must go once again to Steve Baker and his many trusty sidekicks for all the physical work to set up the course, the course is only what it is due to their tireless efforts.
Do I really have to join Facebook to see photos? What’s the world coming too?
It was another great weekend at Harrow. I can’t believe it was already a week ago.
The weekend started for me with a great night of catching up on Friday night at the Hermitage Hotel. I wasn’t planning to ride at all on Saturday as I had a few other things to do, but decided to go for a quick spin, which was fortunate as I discovered a problem with the bike.
Special thanks from me to Paul Kalika and Geoff Spurway who happily gave up their time on Saturday to help get my recalcitrant XT running properly. I crossed my fingers that everything would run a bit smoother the next day.
Sunday came with unexpected but welcome sunshine, and a flat rear tyre as I rolled out of the parc ferme on my minute. Straight back to the pits to put some air in, but it wasn’t long before I was back after the shorter loop for some more fettling.
Almost on the verge of putting the bike on the trailer and grabbing a (very) early beer I figured I’d just set off on the long loop and see what happens.
The XT actually decided to come (almost) good at exactly the same time and place as Frosty’s PE400 did the exact opposite! There were quite a few comments along the lines of “that didn’t sound good” as he overshot the gate where a few riders were congregating and the engine suddenly stopped. Hope you get it sorted mate.
Later I hooked up with Alex and Jacko at the fuel dump and we stuck together for the rest of the day, enjoying the ride. There were a few adventures along the way, but I didn’t fall off or get bogged once, so after a frustrating start it turned into a great day on a sublime course with like-minded riding buds.
Thanks to everyone who made it happen. Bring on the 10th edition next year!
i refuse to join sookbook as well geoff >:( it is a nice 1st world problem to have i rekon
thats where it was..(the husky) thanx again to the 3 Mr Atlas sweeps who hoiked it out with a strap and good ol muscle power
one of the catches of starting last is there is no baskets (in any numbers) to help you :-\
the pain has gone now so its just another Harrow adventure :D
I too refuse to sign up to f@#kbook was hoping for some more photos because of injury forced me away from the event this year
Set up tuesday out on the Loop Coffee and a Sandwich
The steel bridge was a team effort see above team just to get it pauls From .the 2 wooden was up to Duncan W and me
Rob S made the sign Ship Creek but last year this spot was a Stit of a place everyone got stuck even Me
this was Lockeys fram Got a bit boggy for the last rider
Camp check the flags that Kawasaki's one not working
I think this year's Harrow was the Best so far the 130 km loop was Fun to ride it had some bits to test you and it did but all was doable ..
tolk a few newbies to harrow and they Love it one when for a swim but Just the Harrow experience ..
great pics tex
great pic of the bog run there geoff...
Great stick figure there Geoff , perhaps we could gave a sign at that spot next year , maybe Franks Bank , or Husky Hole ??
Absolute classic ;D ;D
We could use this in a club promo to remind all entrants to have ambulance cover...
in case 80-85 Husky runs into them ;D ;D
Great stick figure there Geoff , perhaps we could gave a sign at that spot next year , maybe Franks Bank , or Husky Hole ??
If you hit Franks bank you'll end up in the Husky hole.
'Husky hole' could be a generic term for any deep area you're unable to ride out of ;D
I can't take credit for the artwork though, that's how it arrived.
you can see the slides my knees made as i willey E coyote'd down the bank.... Any thing would be better than the dodgy danger sign that was knee high in the hole....i wasnt robinson crusoe there but others wernt travelling at my pace and managed to get back onto the track. i was reaching for the ripcord pretty much as soon as i realised i was "off course"
it should have a sign next year ...Banko de Franco sounds good...le franc banke..the spot to stop...suddenly...pull ripcord here :o
give me a break, ive had a few beers ;)
The two riders on the left look to be the guys on DT175 and DT250 that I saw getting around together. They looked to be having a blast.
The two riders on the left look to be the guys on DT175 and DT250 that I saw getting around together. They looked to be having a blast.
I took that photo and from memory I think you are correct. My brother David is the other rider.