OzVMX Forum

Clubroom => Vinduro => Topic started by: GMC on April 30, 2017, 09:54:56 pm

Title: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on April 30, 2017, 09:54:56 pm
VERi vinduro - June 4th

Bonnie Doon area.

More details to come after Beaufort vinduro
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 01, 2017, 07:48:52 am
nice country up there!
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: dont on May 01, 2017, 11:28:29 am
Ah, the tranquility  ;D
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: mick25 on May 01, 2017, 11:39:50 am
The smell of two stroke  ;D
Don't forget the aerogard  :P
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Mick D on May 01, 2017, 11:56:18 am
Nothin' like the sound of a 2 stroke on full throttle ;D

Pic is link CLICK
(http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv132/mc125mick/2017-05-01_zpsl23knzlt.png~original) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmlMv5givwQ)

Arh the serenity ;D
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Mick D on May 01, 2017, 11:58:47 am
Serenity ;D ;D

Click pic for link
(http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv132/mc125mick/2017-05-01%201_zpstkxz4sld.png~original) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8WLuQOLq5Q)
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 01, 2017, 01:37:30 pm
Ok Ok ill say it..."Tell him he is Dreamin".... 50 two strokes isn't serenity in anyone's book ;D ;Ds
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: johnmcc on May 01, 2017, 06:46:25 pm
50 screaming 2 strokes , not a problem ......50 half cut broken down old fart riders in the pub on Saturday night ....... different story !!!
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 01, 2017, 06:47:37 pm
that's where dreams will be born John... ;D ;D that dry creek / golden mountain is a great area, wonder if its up there?
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on May 03, 2017, 11:06:26 pm
"He just loved Bonnie Doon. And he reckoned the faster you went the more you saw of it."

50 screaming 2 strokes , not a problem ......50 half cut broken down old fart riders in the pub on Saturday night ....... different story !!!

Scary thing is we may all be staying in a licensed venue :o
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Mick D on May 04, 2017, 12:15:21 am
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 04, 2017, 06:27:08 pm
I spent some time there back in the early 90's testing dry and Tallangalook ck for alluvial gold. was a great job! there are wombats in the holes in the creek banks I found out. the ants are jumping jacks and bite like all hell, we rescued a pelican wrapped in fishing line and spent plenty of time in the pub
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Short Stuff on May 04, 2017, 07:10:21 pm
50 screaming 2 strokes , not a problem ......50 half cut broken down old fart riders in the pub on Saturday night ....... different story !!!

I (we) resemble that comment!
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: fred99999au on May 04, 2017, 08:43:52 pm
Which bit? The half cut, the broken down, the old fart, or all three?
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 04, 2017, 09:07:50 pm
all three im feeling today...especially the past 50 bit :-[
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on May 08, 2017, 11:01:03 pm
Tell him he's dreaming...

(http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a393/gmcloa/Harrow%202010/Harrow-2010-049B.jpg) (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/gmcloa/media/Harrow%202010/Harrow-2010-049B.jpg.html)
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Trokel510 on May 14, 2017, 07:36:30 pm
Any more word on this?  :)
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 14, 2017, 07:48:07 pm
somemoredetailsontehVERIwebsite...got to fix that @#$#@! space bar
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on May 14, 2017, 10:24:50 pm
We're still planning the finer details, more info out soon;

Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 15, 2017, 08:00:59 am
that's to roll start the BMW... ::)
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Curtis on May 16, 2017, 09:05:14 am
Bring on the hills!!!....I got a new little secret weapon  8)
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 16, 2017, 11:19:43 am
a helicopter??? ???
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on May 16, 2017, 09:53:56 pm
Some info now on our website.
Just checking over the entry form now and that should be up tomorrow (wed)

Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Trokel510 on May 17, 2017, 11:47:06 am
Sounds Great. Count me in.
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 2 shocks on May 17, 2017, 04:47:44 pm
We are pretty keen as well, but, can we bring our caravan and the dog and move in on the Thursday maybe, so we can make a long weekend of it ??


Mr & Mrs Maico #54
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on May 17, 2017, 10:55:21 pm
Entry forms now available on the VERi webpage

Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on May 17, 2017, 11:00:44 pm
We are pretty keen as well, but, can we bring our caravan and the dog and move in on the Thursday maybe, so we can make a long weekend of it ??


Mr & Mrs Maico #54

Not sure Ken, I wouldn't recommend a large caravan as it would be difficult to park it but other wise they will be cool with it I think.
Entry fee will cover you for Sat night and VERi is scheduling the rooms as we have booked it for the weekend so you would have to ring them direct for the earlier nights
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: dont on May 18, 2017, 08:31:31 am
My god this is  veri upmarket. I hope to  e there with my little mate mr shultz.
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on May 21, 2017, 07:47:02 pm
My god this is  veri upmarket. I hope to  e there with my little mate mr shultz.

Look forward to seeing you there, and may the Shultz be with you :o

Just got back from a day at Starglen planning the course, found some awesome trails, lots of good single track. We have put together (in my opinion) a really great loop which should be around 50 minutes around for the faster riders.
Should be a really great event.
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on May 30, 2017, 09:19:01 pm
All looking good for the weekend, we have quite a few entered and staying Sat night, I'm predicting a few hangovers on Sunday morning.
Most of the rooms are now taken but we still have beds in the Dorm if you still want to come up Sat arvo

The girls will be doing sign on on Sat arvo, probably later in the arvo in the hours before dinner.
And of course there will be sign on during Sunday morning.

Be there or be square
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: fred99999au on May 30, 2017, 09:33:01 pm
When is the scrutimineering etc? I think a few mates were planning on coming up sat arvo, post bike prep after all the bike shops shut for last minute emergency parts.

We were planning on a couple of gazebos and swags or tents.
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Trokel510 on June 01, 2017, 05:17:59 pm
My 2 bikes are prepped and ready to go. Really looking forward to it and the weather forecast looks great but glad not to be tenting it for a change as it's going to get frosty.  :)
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on June 02, 2017, 10:56:04 pm
Last minute advice for latecomers coming to Bonnie Doon;
Bring your wallet

Everything else we can work around

Still have bunk beds in the dorm available for those fearing the great outdoors

and we are still accepting entries on Sat or Sunday

See you there

PS scrutineering will be done Sunday morning so you can be prepping your bike by torchlight Sat night if needed
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on June 04, 2017, 07:30:46 pm
90 entrants took on the Bonnie Doon course today
The course turned out to be 9 Km long and the fast guys did it in around 30 minutes

Didn't get a chance to take many photos, too busy talking.

A frosty Sunday morning

(http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a393/gmcloa/Misc%202/Grasstrack_zps9fnqyaeq.jpg) (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/gmcloa/media/Misc%202/Grasstrack_zps9fnqyaeq.jpg.html)

All you can eat breakfast at the lodge was lucky to survive Sunday morning

(http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a393/gmcloa/Misc%202/Breakfast_zpsy1gcwycx.jpg) (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/gmcloa/media/Misc%202/Breakfast_zpsy1gcwycx.jpg.html)
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: GMC on June 04, 2017, 07:32:39 pm
The epicenter of Saturday nights activities

(http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a393/gmcloa/Misc%202/Sat%20night%20epicentre_zpsfivtcjhw.jpg) (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/gmcloa/media/Misc%202/Sat%20night%20epicentre_zpsfivtcjhw.jpg.html)

El Presidente

(http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a393/gmcloa/Misc%202/Elpresidente_zpsszhciy2e.jpg) (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/gmcloa/media/Misc%202/Elpresidente_zpsszhciy2e.jpg.html)
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Tony H on June 04, 2017, 07:50:57 pm
Tail end at the start line-

Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Trokel510 on June 05, 2017, 06:38:46 pm
Had a great time. Was good to catch up with some familiar faces over a beer around the fire and meet a bunch of new ones as well. Found the loop to be a good test of both me and the bike and am really happy with how the old IT performed. Wish I could say the same for myself as I am feeling it today. :)
Here are some of my pics. Hope to get some video footage up soon also.








Thanks to all the VERI crew for their hard work setting up the event and Thankyou also to Starglen Lodge for their hospitality. The food was great and I was very happy to have a nice room for the night rather than a frosty tent.
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Jules on June 05, 2017, 10:03:29 pm
Thanks again VERi for organising a new event that was exceptional value considering accommodation was thrown in. (Ear plugs next year if I'm in the dorm!)

Great single track riding with good hills and those slippery roots caught me out a few times. Frosty morning turned into great weather and by the looks on everyone' s faces the track was enjoyed by all.

I didn't realise that Tex had rolled his ute helping recover a bike at Blackwood so there were some stickers available thanks to Serge (I think?) to help fund the repairs.

(http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj168/trixy8fifty/Vinduro/Overturned.jpg) (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/trixy8fifty/media/Vinduro/Overturned.jpg.html)

If you see these at Harrow please grab one for your toolbox as without the dedication from the VERi guys we wouldn't be able to enjoy these events!

Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on June 06, 2017, 06:53:47 am
I love it!...just as good as "horns bust..watch for finger!"  my fav sticker
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Canam370 on June 06, 2017, 06:34:10 pm
Thanks again VERi for organising a new event that was exceptional value considering accommodation was thrown in. (Ear plugs next year if I'm in the dorm!)

Great single track riding with good hills and those slippery roots caught me out a few times. Frosty morning turned into great weather and by the looks on everyone' s faces the track was enjoyed by all.

I didn't realise that Tex had rolled his ute helping recover a bike at Blackwood so there were some stickers available thanks to Serge (I think?) to help fund the repairs.

(http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj168/trixy8fifty/Vinduro/Overturned.jpg) (http://s272.photobucket.com/user/trixy8fifty/media/Vinduro/Overturned.jpg.html)

If you see these at Harrow please grab one for your toolbox as without the dedication from the VERi guys we wouldn't be able to enjoy these events!

These will definitely become future collectables and will only get more expensive to purchase as the quantity available diminishes! They'll be available at Harrow and we might even whack them up for sale through the VERi website before then. Think of the misery Tex will suffer seeing these reminders stuck all over the place - that's worth any asking price!!
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Tex on June 06, 2017, 10:28:04 pm
Think of the misery Tex will suffer seeing these reminders stuck all over the place

And to think I'd almost recovered from the psychological trauma, my psychiatrist thanks you in advance!  :o

Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Tony H on June 07, 2017, 07:27:35 pm










cheers Tony
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: 80-85 husky on June 07, 2017, 08:09:10 pm
great pics guys :D
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: dont on June 08, 2017, 01:09:44 pm
a few pic's around the track

cheers Tony
Either you like my dkw or you were stalking us ????
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Tony H on June 08, 2017, 05:35:42 pm
Just love the DKW Don. Not a common mount and great to see it used at these events.
I pulled up and spoke to you when the DKW was bogging. It obviously cleared and continued on its merry way.

cheers Tony
Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: mboddy on June 11, 2017, 11:50:08 am
Great event. Thanks VERi. More pics and an event report at http://www.facebook.com/vinduropenriteteam/ (http://www.facebook.com/vinduropenriteteam/)   

Title: Re: "We're going to Bonnie Doon, we're going to Bonnie Doon"
Post by: Canam370 on June 11, 2017, 10:39:04 pm
Pinched from the VERi Vinduro facebook page.

Well, what a top event Bonnie Doon turned out to be! The committee was a little unsure how the venue would be received but judging by the amount of positive feedback it appears that just the right degree of technicality was provided by the course to keep everyone's attention clearly focused on riding  ;D Over 90 riders, including a fair few new faces and some not seen for awhile, braved the literally freezing temperatures. There were very few bikes suffering mechanical woes - except notably Team Penrites Mark Boddy with a wayward kickstarter making life awkward on the little IT125. Typically the boys soldiered on and were all smiles at the end of the day. Sticky throttles and wobbly wheels were thankfully nearly absent, so well done people.

The entry fee for the vinduro had to be the best value ever! Entry, beds, heating, dining, licensed bar, hot showers, running water, great riding - no hassles! The success of the event was in no small means provided by the owners and staff of Starglen Lodge who could not do enough to make everyone feel at home and they were always available to supply a drink or a feed. They were even happy enough with the behaviour of you old reprobates to invite us back for next year!
A lot of effort was contributed by club members (special mentions are Steve and Rodney Woodford, Phil Hearse, the Tolmie boys, Geoff Morris, Steve Davis running rampant with a chainsaw and others who will probably be annoyed about not getting a mention!) in getting the event set up in the weeks prior to the ride.

The most notable feeling I took from the weekend was the social aspect. The majority of attendees were taking advantage of the accommodation deal as well as the dining, bar and, into the wee hours, the bonfire. This venue certainly raised the bar for glamour vinduro! There was plenty of interacting between members Saturday evening and judging by the drawn faces on a few of the riders at the parc ferme Sunday morning maybe a little too much antifreeze had been consumed!

A BIG thanks to those who stayed back a little while at the end of the day and helped clear the course. Thank you, we all got away at a reasonable time.

The next event is the BIG ONE. HARROW. 29/30 July. As Jack Little said...."Be therrrrrrrre"