OzVMX Forum

Marque Remarks => Yamaha => Topic started by: 777klx on December 04, 2016, 04:56:13 pm

Title: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 777klx on December 04, 2016, 04:56:13 pm
Looking at buying a 465h for Racing evo class. I rode the bike and loved the power and torque and how nice it felt.
What's everyone's experience with them
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Ted on December 04, 2016, 07:39:45 pm
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: YZ250H on December 05, 2016, 09:51:44 am
You can't go wrong  8)
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 05, 2016, 11:10:10 am
ive never ridden one but a mate had one new and he flipped it within 2hrs of buying it.

he said at the time the power was brutal and slightly unpredictable and he also canned the monoshock, causing some headshake and twitch witchy in the bumps.

he probably knew f*kall about bikes then and had just bought the "biggest" yammie dirt bike he could find. (as you do ::))

probably easy to tune the motor to be predictable and im sure the handling would be fine if both ends are sorted out but I just thought I would throw these comments up as he stills shudders when "465" is mentioned and everyone so far says its the bees knees.

personally I don't think you could go wrong....go for it.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: head on December 05, 2016, 02:19:01 pm
Awesome bike. Very under rated.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: craigclayton on December 05, 2016, 05:13:19 pm
A friend of mine in the U.K. has purchased one, needs a bit of work but looking forward to riding it????????
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Ted on December 05, 2016, 07:41:36 pm
777. What you are intending to buy is a 35 year old MX bike that originally came with no warranty and had a shelf life of about 8 months. Total. What you have to be 100% sure of is that the engine cases are in good condition. If the two case halves are rooted, so are you. Everything else is repairable.

Then you need to work out who is riding it. If you are mid pack or less just ride it as it came. It is super reliable and parts are easy to get. Probably the easiest bike to keep running. However if you want to win or put someone on that will win there is quite a lot of things that need addressing.

All of these modifications are completely legal under the current MA Evolution class rules.

Transmission: The standard 5 speed box cannot handle power. The shift forks ( virtually unobtainable ) give out real quick under hard use. Fit a later model 490 4 speed gearset giving you shorter, more stout shift forks. Fits straight in.  The other advantage to a 4 speed is that it drops the rpm's further down on every up change, enabling it to operate in the torque curve.

Engine: Move the HP further up the rev range( make it peaky as f..k) by way of porting cylinder. This will enable way more torque lower down. Fit PFR pipe and muffler. B8ES plug. Nobody can use 50+ HP mid corner. Set the squish in the head.

Clutch: Fit hard anodised billet clutch basket. Standard Yamaha clutch plares

Suspension: Rear, fit 16mm shaft enabling modern piston and valving. Hard anodise inner shock body to eliminate internal wear. Front, fit later model cartridge fork inteernals. Plenty will carry on about Yamahop. Just ask them what it is and how to fix it. They will go real quite then. This is the fix. If you don't dyno test the suspension with somebody who knows what to do you are only guessing.

Steering: Fit later model vertical top  triple clamp to eliminate the swept back bar position.

Frame: Gusset frame and weld full width skid plate under frame rails. Fit oversized ( thicker alloy ) engine plates and oversized high tensile bolts. Fit way oversized head stay bracket. You will not break a head or barrel. You need to take the flex out of the frame.

Intake: Fit Mikuni 38mm flat slide and VForce reed.

Fuel tank: Off a 250H

Seat: Ribbed vinyl

Throttle: Current Domino 2 stroke 1/4 turn as used on new KTM's

Brakes: Machine drums perfectly round and get oversized linings made to match. Learn how to adjust twin leading linkage setup properly. It ain't hard.

None of this stuff is cheap but if you want a bike that will absolutely donkey lick anything in it's class then this is what will need doing to keep it out front

Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 05, 2016, 08:34:12 pm
just get a 430 a/c husky and ride it.. ;D.. they come std with all that stuff ::)
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Husky500evo on December 05, 2016, 11:19:41 pm
If you were going to spend all the time , effort and expense to set up a YZ465H as described in the earlier post , then you would be better off with an '81 Maico 490 to start with . That is why 90% of the bikes on the start line at Farliegh Castle VMXdN twin shock class are Maico 490s . I have owned and raced both YZ465H Yamahas and Maico 490s and think that the only things that are better on the Yamaha are the forks and front brake . The Yamaha is still a good bike though and can be competitive with a good rider on board . I just think that there are better Evo class bikes out there and the Husky CR430 , 500 and fourstroke 510 also come to mind.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Slakewell on December 06, 2016, 07:30:39 am
IMO the best EVO class bike ( apart from the Maico ) is the very underrated KTM 390 
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 06, 2016, 08:23:11 am
that's a good point, husky 390 / kato 390 would be better  midpack bikes, easier nicer "hold it wide open" power delivery.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Ted on December 06, 2016, 10:20:31 am
The initial question was what experience have you had with them, not what you think of other brands
Go down to your local Maico, KTM and Husky shops and try and buy parts for a 81 model. No problem there at Yamaha.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: skypig on December 06, 2016, 10:39:45 am
What you have to be 100% sure of is that the engine cases are in good condition. If the two case halves are rooted, so are you.

Is there a way to do this without engine disassembly? Where do they wear/fail?
I've heard they can crack around the kick starter shaft.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Mick D on December 06, 2016, 11:00:37 am
I looped out a IT6465 in an outback QLD gravel pit, big time. Purchased half hour away in Emerald a few hours earlier ::) ::) ::)
4th hole monos. I was wearing steel cappers, stubby shorts and a king Gee singlet.
Everytime I tumbled/skidded through the gravel, as my head came up,,,,I could see the IT end for ending ??? ::)
Did I mention the gravel?
It nearly ripped the shorts off me,,,
They could have held me by the hair and dunked me up and down in that red shit(mercurochrome)
Owner was overseas. I was mine manager and caravan park manager. So had to hang in there ::) :'(
Super infectious outback water. I had to pour 6 bottles of metho over my wounds during the course of everyday.
for a couple of months,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It was a much better scrub bike than the new DR500 that I had arrived there on. A hoot to ride.

When I returned to Newcastle, I grabbed a near new mint YZ465 for a hundred acre bike on the foot of Stockton sand dunes, loved it.
Seamed like a reliable bike till One day, it fell of the stand, landed on the gear lever. Obviously the dogs weren't lined up, so it bent the shift fork instead,  >:( rooted from falling off the side stand.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Mick D on December 06, 2016, 11:09:44 am
What you have to be 100% sure of is that the engine cases are in good condition. If the two case halves are rooted, so are you.

Is there a way to do this without engine disassembly? Where do they wear/fail?
I've heard they can crack around the kick starter shaft.

Throwing a chain on these throws the transmission way out of sync.
The trouble then is The very vast majority of engine builders don't have a clue on anything much past an exploded view ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Mick D on December 06, 2016, 11:21:03 am
The initial question was what experience have you had with them, not what you think of other brands
Go down to your local Maico, KTM and Husky shops and try and buy parts for a 81 model. No problem there at Yamaha.

What a load of crap Ted. Why do you think magazines have always done "shootouts" and "comparisons", to get their opinion across?
Your talking about a sea of competitors, what else should one be comparing them to? 
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Husky500evo on December 06, 2016, 11:26:20 am
The initial question was what experience have you had with them, not what you think of other brands
Go down to your local Maico, KTM and Husky shops and try and buy parts for a 81 model. No problem there at Yamaha.

Ok . Your initial post was say that they are #1 , which I disagree with . I commented that from my experience with them , the best parts of the YZ465H were the forks and front brake . The standard rear suspension from my memory was substandard compared to other brands , although I am sure that this can be improved with modern technology . Although to me , they feel top heavy to ride because the rear shock is mounted high in the frame.  My later experience with rebuilding a few of them , is that the gear selector fork with the number 2 on it is almost impossible to find . The right hand crankcase is commonly damaged from the bike kicking back when kick starting . Clutch baskets are an issue and billet aftermarket replacements are expensive . I have seen a few cases where the front right side flange on the bottom of the cylinder has broken off , because the headstay has pulled hard on it when the frame has flexed from landing off a big jump ( this may not be as big a problem with a light weight rider on the bike ) . The frame front downtube rusts out where the water gets trapped behind the gusset . The plastic sidepanels are NLA from Yamaha and I couldn't find quality replacement aftermarket ones . I find that parts are much easier to source for Maico , either OEM or aftermarket .
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Mick D on December 06, 2016, 11:39:51 am
The initial question was what experience have you had with them, not what you think of other brands
Go down to your local Maico, KTM and Husky shops and try and buy parts for a 81 model. No problem there at Yamaha.

Ok . Your initial post was say that they are #1 , which I disagree with . I commented that from my experience with them , the best parts of the YZ465H were the forks and front brake . The standard rear suspension from my memory was substandard compared to other brands , although I am sure that this can be improved with modern technology . Although to me , they feel top heavy to ride because the rear shock is mounted high in the frame.  My later experience with rebuilding a few of them , is that the gear selector fork with the number 2 on it is almost impossible to find . The right hand crankcase is commonly damaged from the bike kicking back when kick starting . Clutch baskets are an issue and billet aftermarket replacements are expensive . I have seen a few cases where the front right side flange on the bottom of the cylinder has broken off , because the headstay has pulled hard on it when the frame has flexed from landing off a big jump ( this may not be as big a problem with a light weight rider on the bike ) . The frame front downtube rusts out where the water gets trapped behind the gusset . The plastic sidepanels are NLA from Yamaha and I couldn't find quality replacement aftermarket ones . I find that parts are much easier to source for Maico , either OEM or aftermarket .

I agree with all of that. Slightly top heavy? yes.
I have ridden and owned both extensively.
Uncomparable to a properly serviced and very easy to live with 81 Maico.

Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: KTM47 on December 06, 2016, 12:31:41 pm
IMO the best EVO class bike ( apart from the Maico ) is the very underrated KTM 390

At last someone who knows what they are talking about.  Forget the rest MAICO are the best.

And yes the pogo sticks can be made competitive.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: KTM47 on December 06, 2016, 12:38:20 pm
The initial question was what experience have you had with them, not what you think of other brands
Go down to your local Maico, KTM and Husky shops and try and buy parts for a 81 model. No problem there at Yamaha.

My local Maico shop is at Gympie.  Maico @ Chippy's.  There are more parts available for 81 Maicos than any other Evolution or UK Twin Shock bike.  The facts are both Rick Dougherty (Evolution) and Bill Brown (UK Twin Shock) invented the two different forms of VMX racing for the 81 490 Maicos.  Having said all this finding an 81 490 Maico for sale is difficult, but finding a YZ465 H is easier and cheaper.  The Yamaha is a good bike, just not as good.  We are talking about the bike here not bike and rider combination.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Husky500evo on December 06, 2016, 12:38:47 pm
[imghttp://(http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m605/Husky500evo/image_zpsbhtf79hp.jpeg) (http://s1134.photobucket.com/user/Husky500evo/media/image_zpsbhtf79hp.jpeg.html)][/img]

I had a bit of success racing my YZ465H in '81 and won a few races , but I was only a medium sized fish in a small pond . When I ventured to the big smoke for race meetings , I had a big can of whoop ass opened up on me and a big reality check . But with the benefit of hindsight , I might have been a bit more competitive on a Maico 490 ( or maybe even an RM465 , as that full floater rear suspension was just magical ) . 
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: tony27 on December 06, 2016, 12:45:25 pm
What you have to be 100% sure of is that the engine cases are in good condition. If the two case halves are rooted, so are you.

Is there a way to do this without engine disassembly? Where do they wear/fail?
I've heard they can crack around the kick starter shaft.
Basically look under the carb at the back of the kickstart assembly. Very common for them & 490s which use the same cases to either blow the small bulge out or worse still split the case around the bearing

I'll fess up, Josh had a ride of my 465 at the latest round of the eNZed series & the power has him hooked, horsepower is the most addictive drug known  ;D
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: KTM47 on December 06, 2016, 12:48:04 pm
The initial question was what experience have you had with them, not what you think of other brands
Go down to your local Maico, KTM and Husky shops and try and buy parts for a 81 model. No problem there at Yamaha.

Ok . Your initial post was say that they are #1 , which I disagree with . I commented that from my experience with them , the best parts of the YZ465H were the forks and front brake . The standard rear suspension from my memory was substandard compared to other brands , although I am sure that this can be improved with modern technology . Although to me , they feel top heavy to ride because the rear shock is mounted high in the frame.  My later experience with rebuilding a few of them , is that the gear selector fork with the number 2 on it is almost impossible to find . The right hand crankcase is commonly damaged from the bike kicking back when kick starting . Clutch baskets are an issue and billet aftermarket replacements are expensive . I have seen a few cases where the front right side flange on the bottom of the cylinder has broken off , because the headstay has pulled hard on it when the frame has flexed from landing off a big jump ( this may not be as big a problem with a light weight rider on the bike ) . The frame front downtube rusts out where the water gets trapped behind the gusset . The plastic sidepanels are NLA from Yamaha and I couldn't find quality replacement aftermarket ones . I find that parts are much easier to source for Maico , either OEM or aftermarket .

This forum site needs a LIKE button same as Facebook
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 06, 2016, 12:51:52 pm
"horsepower is the most addictive drug known  ;D" im not so sure....well in 99% I think your right but the first time I rode a 83 cr 500 husky, I swore of big bores for ever. now I have a 400....nice compromise.. but in 85 I rode an it 490l that was well set up and I was hooked...
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: KTM47 on December 06, 2016, 12:59:06 pm
One of the main things that made/make the 490 Maico so good was the power spread.  Dare I say it, they don't have a powerband it is just a broad spread of power.  They are easy to ride, not a beast.

Allegedly the Japanese manufacurers brought 81 490 Maicos and tried to copy the power characteristics.  Kawasaki got close.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Rossvickicampbell on December 06, 2016, 02:51:32 pm
I know it isn't about the 465 - apologies - how did the KTM rate along side the Maico?
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 06, 2016, 03:17:45 pm
not as good in the engine and in steering but the ktm 390 -420 engines had nice easy broad power.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Big Scotty on December 06, 2016, 04:54:36 pm
I think 777klx answered his own question in his first post,rode the bike and loved it,buy it ride it enjoy it,no bike was ever perfect,I always get beaten by better riders,not better bikes????
Cheers scotty
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Mick D on December 06, 2016, 05:34:51 pm
I think 777klx answered his own question in his first post,rode the bike and loved it,buy it ride it enjoy it,no bike was ever perfect,I always get beaten by better riders,not better bikes????
Cheers scotty

True, true. If you loved riding it. Just buy it and ride it :)
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: skypig on December 06, 2016, 05:38:35 pm
I think 777klx answered his own question in his first post,rode the bike and loved it,buy it ride it enjoy it,no bike was ever perfect,I always get beaten by better riders,not better bikes????
Cheers scotty

Big Scotty is smarter than the entire parliament, even when they are all in attendance and awake!
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Slakewell on December 06, 2016, 05:55:29 pm
Back in the day , my riding partner/mate purchased a Willings special.
I believe it was a left over 465 with a 490 top end on it. Thing went like last weeks pay check. Have never seen one since?
The Standard KTM 390 is a bit boring at first for MX being to smooth so it needs a few tricks. I have ridden the KTM and the Maico on the same day and whilst I have soft spot for the kato the Maico was better but not allot in it. I would rate the Kato as a much better bike than the 465's I have ridden.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: skypig on December 06, 2016, 06:23:57 pm
There is a little article in the December issue of ADB on the YZ465. Mainly seems to describe the differences between the G and H models..
They quote RWHP of approximately 42hp, measured back in the day.
This is what is quoted for a standard 250fs these days. Quite amazing.

(Quick rant about proof reading/ignorance: they mention Anthony Gunters Full Floater RM400X of 1981 (maybe he sleeved it down. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about....not as bad as the "floor less" handling of a bike in another magazines test. Are journalists still expected to have attended school at some stage?)
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: KTM47 on December 07, 2016, 03:03:35 pm
Back in the day , my riding partner/mate purchased a Willings special.
I believe it was a left over 465 with a 490 top end on it. Thing went like last weeks pay check. Have never seen one since?
The Standard KTM 390 is a bit boring at first for MX being to smooth so it needs a few tricks. I have ridden the KTM and the Maico on the same day and whilst I have soft spot for the kato the Maico was better but not allot in it. I would rate the Kato as a much better bike than the 465's I have ridden.

At one of the ThunderX rounds at Conondale a few years back, I kept passing a KTM 495 on the sweeping corner then, straight after the finish line jump.  The Maico just put it's power down better. The KTM 495 is apparently a peeking power, something you don't need on a 490/495/500.  Anyway as said previously the Yamaha can be made into a good bike and is more readily available, but the Maico is still the King.

But the reality is as we get older a smoother bike is what really need.  Dare I say it a 4 stroke.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 07, 2016, 03:19:30 pm
yeah, a 72 xl 250 type smooth power, the last modern 4 banger I rode near ripped my arms out anytime I thought "just a tiny bit of power in this greasy as off camber.... shhhhiiiiitttttt!!!! :o" pick it up again
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: skypig on December 07, 2016, 04:17:34 pm
...But the reality is as we get older a smoother bike is what really need.  Dare I say it a 4 stroke.

That's why I ride a 250F in the modern "all powers" Vets class.
Amazing bikes, and I'm not stretching the throttle cable very much at all.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Slakewell on December 07, 2016, 05:57:36 pm
Back in the day , my riding partner/mate purchased a Willings special.
I believe it was a left over 465 with a 490 top end on it. Thing went like last weeks pay check. Have never seen one since?
The Standard KTM 390 is a bit boring at first for MX being to smooth so it needs a few tricks. I have ridden the KTM and the Maico on the same day and whilst I have soft spot for the kato the Maico was better but not allot in it. I would rate the Kato as a much better bike than the 465's I have ridden.

At one of the ThunderX rounds at Conondale a few years back, I kept passing a KTM 495 on the sweeping corner then, straight after the finish line jump.  The Maico just put it's power down better. The KTM 495 is apparently a peeking power, something you don't need on a 490/495/500.  Anyway as said previously the Yamaha can be made into a good bike and is more readily available, but the Maico is still the King.

But the reality is as we get older a smoother bike is what really need.  Dare I say it a 4 stroke.

I raced a KTM 495 at the first ever Aus EVO titles at Broadford with the long uphill start. Even against Ellis and Henshaw I won every holeshot. ( soon to be over taken in the next few corners ). As you know Kev it's how you roll it on. Tis always easier to work you way back in the pack than forwards. Beat me to death by the end of each moto. 
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Mick D on December 07, 2016, 06:44:33 pm
As you know Kev it's how you roll it on. Tis always easier to work you way back in the pack than forwards.

Gold ;D and on that lighter note  ;D time for a trip to the local for dinner,,,giggle all the way ;D
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: rocketfrog on December 08, 2016, 04:05:43 pm
I think the 465's are good for what they are.

Well supported in the aftermarket and still easy to find OEM bits new and used (You will just have to live with the Vacuum formed plastics - and thats that until Concourse gets around to making some awesome repros).

Seat foams/covers and bases, cables and controls, final driveline, filters, fuel tanks, graphics, clutches, electrics, brakes, spokes/rims all available any day though the net or local dealer.

Hop up parts for susp locally available, good interchangeability with YZ and IT models or the era for mechanical parts.

Hold thier value well (not super expensive but you would not have much trouble selling one at respectable market value as they have cult cred - thanks to S. Gall).

I think the best part is that you can still get one at a reasonable price.

Popular at most vintage events for pros and novice alike - what is not to like about these machines?

Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: skypig on December 08, 2016, 04:44:22 pm
Popular at most vintage events for pros and novice alike - what is not to like about these machines?

I assume the troublesome cases are unobtainable.
Wouldn't stop me, just saying.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Slakewell on December 08, 2016, 09:37:15 pm
Interesting topic this one.
Yamaha PR at the early 80's was good and we purchased many because of that. I'm sure if you wish to you can build a world better 465 the basic engine was good and did not need much. I never did much liked the HOP or the top heavy feel. To me the 390/420 KTM are the pick of the EVO bikes. The 495 is just to much and kills the handling and you when you race it. Great bike for scaring your undies brown for a few laps. The Husky 430 is a bike I put in my shed very easily the 500 will beat you to slower lap times. 
Have never ridden a fraken maico but the 81 490 it is still the standard everything else is measured by because it is that good. Fix the brakes and the forks is all you need to pass any 465 on the bumps into corners and the smooth power on the way out will do the rest. One thing about Maico 490 is I never feel I am going fast till I hit the brakes and realise I am going too fast and then get around the corner anyway. Its king and will always be because of that.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: skypig on December 08, 2016, 10:31:49 pm
Stephen Gall and Anthony Gunter didn't need no stinkin Maico!  ;)

While I have zero date they are the benchmark, I don't remember them at all from "back in the day".
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 09, 2016, 08:29:28 am
Stephen Gall and Anthony Gunter didn't need no stinkin Maico!

not with factory backed parts and tuners....how much were their bikes ::) LOTS more than a std maico
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Ted on December 09, 2016, 05:00:34 pm
Mick on the Maygo you forgot to mention the brake backing plates that just disintegrate sending their riders head first down the track. Or how good their ignition systems are. And what about the clutch if you dare use it more than once. Then theres the stock rear shocks that dont work. So basically you have a bike that don't start, don't stop and will throw you over the bars with no notice. I have never seen a Maico 490 win one race of any importance in 10 years. They won nothing when new and are still doing the same thing now
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Mick D on December 09, 2016, 07:04:28 pm
Mick on the Maygo you forgot to mention the brake backing plates that just disintegrate sending their riders head first down the track. Or how good their ignition systems are. And what about the clutch if you dare use it more than once. Then theres the stock rear shocks that dont work. So basically you have a bike that don't start, don't stop and will throw you over the bars with no notice. I have never seen a Maico 490 win one race of any importance in 10 years. They won nothing when new and are still doing the same thing now

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

okOk ok, there's more than one mick here, and I'm one of em. So I'm in ;D ;D ;D

I admire that you have pulled your punches Ted and stated your undying dilution and love for your overvalued steed. Without slander or personal attack ;) ;D ;D
Well done ;D

Ok lets have a debate, but fortunately or unfortunately life is more than Oz VMX and Motorbikes.  ;D
Right now, I need to use the rest of today's daylight and then do some bullshit Kris Kringle thing(ashole is trying to send me broke) One day soon, I will be back with some enlightenment. But for now, adios amigo  :)   
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Mick D on December 10, 2016, 10:30:16 am
oK, a quick couple of minutes,,,,,where to start ::)

I have never seen a Maico 490 win one race of any importance in 10 years.

That cant be right, but are you saying that your million dollar upgraded 465H has? If so, like what?

Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Slakewell on December 10, 2016, 05:19:20 pm
Mick on the Maygo you forgot to mention the brake backing plates that just disintegrate sending their riders head first down the track. Or how good their ignition systems are. And what about the clutch if you dare use it more than once. Then theres the stock rear shocks that dont work. So basically you have a bike that don't start, don't stop and will throw you over the bars with no notice. I have never seen a Maico 490 win one race of any importance in 10 years. They won nothing when new and are still doing the same thing now

Ted you are correct about many of the Maico's short Cummings. Maybe at Classic dirt or similar I could take your 465 for a few laps to turn me? It must be said Ted that most of the mods you insists correctly so that the Maico's needs the 465 needs similar?
On the YZ yes the forks and brakes need little but everything else does.
The Kato needs maybe less than either of these two.
The forks are under sprung and over damped needs springs and valving.
The front brake needs allot of setup or swamped for a Yamaha.
The original Ohlins are fine after a bit of love.
Needs Kawasaki clutch plates and allot of setup for a good feel or after market mechanism.
Yamaha con rod changes the port timing and brings the 390 engine to life and is a easy buy/fit 
More than likely after market ignition.
If you can find one an 81 model 125 tank for extra slim feel.

Never had case or frame problems, gear box normally not no issues. The original Bing works fine if you know how to tune them.   
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: NSR on December 11, 2016, 09:46:23 pm
I'll just leave this here :P.

Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: GMC on December 11, 2016, 10:17:37 pm
I'll just leave this here :P.


Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: geoff on December 11, 2016, 10:23:41 pm

The SWM is a bullet proof machine.. Just wish it was in my shed with the 370 enduro!
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: KTM47 on December 12, 2016, 12:50:47 pm
Mick on the Maygo you forgot to mention the brake backing plates that just disintegrate sending their riders head first down the track. Or how good their ignition systems are. And what about the clutch if you dare use it more than once. Then theres the stock rear shocks that dont work. So basically you have a bike that don't start, don't stop and will throw you over the bars with no notice. I have never seen a Maico 490 win one race of any importance in 10 years. They won nothing when new and are still doing the same thing now

Wow we are talking about a forty year old bike.  How much have you spent on your pogo stick again?

1.  How many forty year old bikes still have the same ignition>
2.  Yes the magnesium front brake backing plate does corrode and disintegrate with time but all magnesium parts do.  That is why the MoMS allows replacement parts that have been improved for safety.  Also the CNC billet backing plates make the brake better.
3.  The clutch.  Right it is a 500 class bike you only need the clutch for taking off and stopping.  The power spread is so good you don't need to slip the clutch like a 125.
4.  Yes Maico haven't won any World Championships and only a few Australian Championships.  Trevor Flood bought a stock Maico 400 in 1976 and won the Australian Championship.  The facts are it is the riders who win not just the bikes.  The Japanese factories bought the best riders.

But really I don't care keep riding inferior bikes I don't mind. Also Ted are you racing at the next Conondale Classic?
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: scottm on December 12, 2016, 09:22:56 pm
                                                    1982.5 Husqvarna Silver Streak
                                        2015 Conondale Classic Twin Shock Challenge

                                           3 x 15 minute motos overall winner..........

                                      What happened to your YZEE Teddy Ten Wrinkles ?
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 17, 2016, 02:21:57 pm
here is a magic 465...its yet to be a reality but the price is sensational. here is someone who up fronts the real cost of restoring bikes...
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: skypig on December 17, 2016, 08:04:44 pm
here is a magic 465...its yet to be a reality but the price is sensational. here is someone who up fronts the real cost of restoring bikes...

Just to help with the translation:
"Immaculately restored" means "looks perfect, from across the room." (Stripped threads everywhere. Air filter made from packing foam. Radiator held roughly in place with one incorrect, of three mounts. Wheels can't be tightened due stripped fork/chain adjusters)

Just my experience.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: YZ250H on December 21, 2016, 09:58:05 am
Frame: Gusset frame and weld full width skid plate under frame rails. Fit oversized ( thicker alloy ) engine plates and oversized high tensile bolts. Fit way oversized head stay bracket. You will not break a head or barrel. You need to take the flex out of the frame.

I thought Gussets were only for Women's underwear Ted  :o :o :o :-*

My old frame is rusted out, so I've got another one on the go.  What material, where and how thick are these gussets ?  How substantial is the bash plate ?  Any other frame mods required before I blast and paint it and start putting it back together ?
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Ted on December 21, 2016, 01:12:28 pm
From memory 10mm alloy plate for head stay, 6mm alloy engine mount plates. Can't remember bolt sizes but if were 8mm they are now 10 and 10 are now 13. Bashplate is approx 3mm steel with holes throughout. Fit foam between plate and motor when riding. Weld 5mm plate vertically above swingarm bolt housing full width and cut out chain run.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: YZ250H on December 21, 2016, 01:45:42 pm
Received and understood thanks.

You're a good egg.  I've always said that about you  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Paulos on December 21, 2016, 05:07:50 pm
From memory 10mm alloy plate for head stay, 6mm alloy engine mount plates. Can't remember bolt sizes but if were 8mm they are now 10 and 10 are now 13. Bashplate is approx 3mm steel with holes throughout. Fit foam between plate and motor when riding. Weld 5mm plate vertically above swingarm bolt housing full width and cut out chain run.

Just make sure that none of these additions foul the gearshift lever, making you think you've only got 1st gear. Just a suggestion.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Ted on December 21, 2016, 05:59:27 pm
Ha. I fixed that one for him years ago. He couldn't possibly make the same mistake again could he? But what would i know. Apparently i just pay someone to do everything
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Paulos on December 21, 2016, 06:56:26 pm
Ha. I fixed that one for him years ago. He couldn't possibly make the same mistake again could he? But what would i know. Apparently i just pay someone to do everything

Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Woody on December 21, 2016, 07:51:13 pm
post up some close up pics of the mods Mr Teddles  :D
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Ted on December 21, 2016, 08:45:50 pm
Woody these mods will do SFA unless the suspension is upgraded substantially. All it will do is further highlight how bad the springy bits are.
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: 777klx on December 24, 2016, 06:29:08 pm
So I went for a 3hr drive today and picked up the bike.very happy and will do a few mods but the bike is in really good condition as it sits.can't wait for the first real ride
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: Ted on December 25, 2016, 07:17:47 am
You won't be disappointed
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: tony27 on December 25, 2016, 08:08:17 am
A big hole in my shed now, not sure what it'll be replaced by but I can finish the season off in Evo open on my CZ if I'm so inclined the way our rules are
Josh was certainly very happy to be able to come get it before I left for work, bit hard for Hayley to wrap that & get it under the tree  ;D
(http://i788.photobucket.com/albums/yy166/tony27_photo/FB_IMG_1482555277869_zpspmjeevpc.jpg) (http://s788.photobucket.com/user/tony27_photo/media/FB_IMG_1482555277869_zpspmjeevpc.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: YZ250H on January 03, 2017, 09:54:17 am
Looks like a ripper.  He'll be very happy with that  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Whats everyones view on the Yz465h
Post by: tony27 on January 03, 2017, 01:51:59 pm
I could never really get comfortable with it, most people reckon I looked faster on my CZ.
Ironically once I was convinced it was time to pass it on & look at racing another class I seemed to pick up speed