OzVMX Forum

Clubroom => Vinduro => Topic started by: VTR Vinduro on February 03, 2016, 07:54:22 pm

Title: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on February 03, 2016, 07:54:22 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/The%20Final%20Final%20Nimmiatbel%20Flyer.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/The%20Final%20Final%20Nimmiatbel%20Flyer.jpg.html)

Our fist Vinduro of 2016  if Full steam a Head  ..
Last year Nimmitabel was Unreal all who made it to Nimmitabel Had a Ball ..
Check out sume of the Action from last Year on the Link below .

click on Link  http://forum.ozvmx.com/index.php?topic=37806.0

Some New Sponsors This year to Help us in 2016..Engineered Environments , Can Fab and VMX Magazine on board to Help.

Big Thank you to the Businesses that Helps Us out last year ..Your Support was truly Appreciated by the Members  .. 

The PlastaMaster Quick shade Tent will Be Still keeping us Out of the Weather too in 2016 ..

News Letter  will be going out to Members on the weekend watch out for that ....

Please Note that the Nimmitabel Vinduro will Have a Canteen Cooking B&E sandwich and sausage Sandwich For Lunch

Tea and Coffee More info as it Come to Hand ..

So Now you Know so Start getting Ready    5 weeks to Go ....
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on February 03, 2016, 08:31:01 pm
On the week end a team of Hard working VTR Members made the Drive to Nimmitabel for a working Bee ..
The Track Marster for this event is Eka ..
Eka done a Grate job last year so the Bar is set High for this year ..

Saturday Morning Meeting .. Eka setting the tasks for the Day A few Blokes Scratching the head ....
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Eka%20Meeting.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Eka%20Meeting.jpg.html)

Eka Off to Clear some trails ...Had to Cut a way through a Big Falling Tree ....this part of the Loop is going to be Sensational ...

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Eka%20Chainsaw%20Man.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Eka%20Chainsaw%20Man.jpg.html)

Big Thank You to   

             Eka S , Bill C , Bill V, Paul K , Alan R , Snowy and Dennis M

 all the work was to New Virgin Bush  to make apart of the New loop .... 

Dont for get to check out Last Year Vinduro   Click on Link  http://forum.ozvmx.com/index.php?topic=37806.0

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: dont on February 03, 2016, 08:52:00 pm
As a "virgin track" last year it was a sensation, and I really appreciated the GOOD coffee too.
Unless I can clone myself I'll be missing this, annual rally for my historic bike club :(
but I'll be thinking of you :)
Just behave yourselves, or they might sent Eka after you :O
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 03, 2016, 09:07:19 pm

No No No Don you can t miss this ...

send the Clone Don to the rally and You come along  to the Vinduro

You Know you are going to Have Shit loads of Fun ... at Nimmitabel Mate ..(I mean Old Mate )  :D
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on February 03, 2016, 09:27:19 pm
Ill be there doing shyt loads of fun, cant wait.

Ecka looks like the punisher.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on February 03, 2016, 09:34:36 pm

So Now you Know so Start getting Ready    5 weeks to Go ....

  Best I get a move on then    ???


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on February 03, 2016, 09:39:36 pm
Hay B490 I can see the hold Up.....

Its the parts that came in the Box under the Husky  is whats  Slowing you Down....

You got 5 Weeks to Get Ready .....
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 03, 2016, 10:03:08 pm

So Now you Know so Start getting Ready    5 weeks to Go ....

  Best I get a move on then    ???


WOW steve you came a Long way from a Gumtree fine


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Ekka on February 04, 2016, 01:14:51 pm
Shit I look bloody fat in that photo  :o I need the season to start now so can trim down a bit  ??? . I think the bar has rised a notch at this stage 3 new section   ;D
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on February 04, 2016, 01:30:33 pm
You look like a poster boy for an OHS safety campaign...
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Trokel510 on February 04, 2016, 07:55:35 pm
Excellent, I am hanging out for this one.
My plan is to give the Husky and DT a rest for a while and make this an all Honda affair. :D  This will be the first proper outing for the 81'XL500S that I have been working on for a while with that awesome 23" front wheel as well as the recently acquired XR600R and will also have the CR250R which I still need to get sorted out so it is ready for Broadford 2 weeks later.
Bring it on ;D
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 05, 2016, 06:55:40 pm
Shit I look bloody fat in that photo  :o I need the season to start now so can trim down a bit  ??? . I think the bar has rised a notch at this stage 3 new section   ;D

Don't worry Ekka its only fallin chest Muscle ..  ;D  ;D  ;D

I have the same problem  too so I am a Bit bump up for a Ride too its been too long in the shed
looking and Fixing and the Odd Beer or 3

And Nimmitabel is going to be  Sensational ride .

Now in March a month earlier than last year it was in April... weather will be Even Nicer ..
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: curly001 on February 06, 2016, 05:32:25 pm
I guess I better come to this one Dennis as you were so kind to use a photo of the Mighty TT Tractor with the bald old fat bloke riding on the poster.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 07, 2016, 07:05:07 pm
I guess I better come to this one Dennis as you were so kind to use a photo of the Mighty TT Tractor with the bald old fat bloke riding on the poster.

We had two choices  Your Lovely TT 500 and  :o Elle Macpherson in a Yellow Very Tiny Bikini  ...

Both are Lovely  !

Both are easy on the eyes if you Know what I mean ..

But Curly  ... Your TT won    ... It was Tough  Choice ..   ;D ;D ;D

And Elle was Not going to Come to Nimmitabel in that Bikini and we knew  that you would bring the TT ...

 So See ya at Nimmitabel Mate  .. and Make sure you are wearing the Bikini that we are sending you ...


(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Capture24_zpsggnsgnjg.png) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Capture24_zpsggnsgnjg.png.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: curly001 on February 07, 2016, 10:03:29 pm
I'll be waiting by the mailbox !
But with the current state of affairs at Oz Post I doubt it will make it on time
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on February 12, 2016, 06:40:20 pm

  4 Weeks to Go   

                                                                                    Have You Got it on the Calendar

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/calander%202.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/calander%202.jpg.html)

The First Ride of the Year you better Mark it Down 

                                                                          12th &13th of March 2016
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 13, 2016, 10:13:40 pm
Out and about

Meet up with two Blokes who are Ready  and are hanging out for a Ride ...

and out in there VTR shirts ...

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/vtr%20shirts1.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/vtr%20shirts1.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/vtr%20shirts.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/vtr%20shirts.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on February 14, 2016, 10:03:55 pm
 Ok Vinduro Riders out there Its Time to Remind You all.

As We get closer to the week before the Vinduro we will  be placing the Order in to Motorcycling N.S.W for Event Licences..

  So Dont Forget ...

 If you are 95% sure that you are come to this Vinduro ..Then
 Please E-Mail us at [email protected]    and let us know ..

and More so if you need a  Day / Event Licence as will order what Licences we need  the week befor ..

It will NOT COST you anything to just  Book a Event Licence but if you DON'T we just mite NOT have one for you .

And you could turn up and  will not have a Event License for you .

So Please make is a easier for us to run  By just letting us know.

# 1  Your Member Ship Number and  Full Name  Eg ( Malcolm Smith   Member  200  )

# 2  yes I am 95% sure I cam Make it ..

# 3  yes I don't have a M.A Licence and  I will Need a Event Licence ..

#4   Can you please Send me the INFO for the Vinduro ..

Thanks For your Help and see ya a the Vinduro  .

A Canteen will Be at Vinduro for B&E Sandwich . and Lunch ..Tea /Coffee

If You are Not a Member and Would Like to come along to this Nimmitabel Vinduro .
Then E-Mail You Name  Your Town or Suburb and a Contact  Phone Number to [email protected]
and Ask for the Information to be sent to your E-mail 


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 17, 2016, 09:23:03 pm

 Heading Up to Nimmitabel on the week end for a working Bee ..

 Will have so Photo of the new Loop ...and the Grass Track/ special Test area ....

 The A.C.T  Blokes are doing all the work at Nimmitabel ...

 the Sydney Boy will do the Putty and Bulladela ..

  Orange/Parks /Canowindra boys will Do Canowindra and Gooloogong ..

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Ekka on February 21, 2016, 08:28:59 pm
Track is 99% done thanks to Al , the two Bill's and Den helping me Al was cracking into it all weekend  ;D the course this year has been tweeted a little so hope to see you all come and enjoy the picturesque country for a ride cheers Ek
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on February 21, 2016, 09:45:26 pm
Yes a Big weekend for the Canberra Boys .

Ekka , Alan R , Bill C , Bill V and Dennis M
On a two Day working Bee and I think  they Got it all Done ..

The Grass track  part of the Loop by its Self is a bit under 1.5 Kms in length and that is only one of 3 ..
but the main one being the longest of the 3 ..
2 Grass track section are accessible on the Blue Loop and all 3 are on the Full Red loop ..

The Loop is some of last years and a Lot of New Virgin Bush .
2 Bridges have been added on some of the Small streams that run into the Creek ..

So A Big thank You the the Canberra Boys that has been 2X  two Weekends they have put in to get it ready for You ..

Now are YOU Ready .......19 Days to Go ...

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 21, 2016, 10:21:19 pm
Its been a Big week end all right ..

I did take a few Photo of the Grass track bit 

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/1%20Nimm%20Grass%20track.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/1%20Nimm%20Grass%20track.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/6%20Nimm%20Grasstrack%201.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/6%20Nimm%20Grasstrack%201.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/2%20Nimm%20Grass%20track.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/2%20Nimm%20Grass%20track.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 21, 2016, 10:24:10 pm
We then went and Mowed the Grass in the Grass track about 2 meters wide and Under 1.5km long

Just to Make it more Fun ....

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/3%20Nibb%20Grass%20track.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/3%20Nibb%20Grass%20track.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/4%20Nimm%20Grass%20track.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/4%20Nimm%20Grass%20track.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/7%20Nimm%20Grass%20track%206.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/7%20Nimm%20Grass%20track%206.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 21, 2016, 10:26:20 pm
In Marking out the Grass track part of the Loop . We tried to use the lay of the Land ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/5%20Nimm%20Grass%20track.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/5%20Nimm%20Grass%20track.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/11%20Nimm%20Fun%201.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/11%20Nimm%20Fun%201.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/8%20Nimm%20Grass%20track%204.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/8%20Nimm%20Grass%20track%204.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 21, 2016, 10:28:39 pm
Some of the Bush Bits of the Loop ..you can also go back and look at last years Vinduro and Have a look
at the Bush Photo as well .

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/9%20NIbb%20landscape.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/9%20NIbb%20landscape.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/13%20Nimm%20Bush%202.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/13%20Nimm%20Bush%202.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/10%20Nimm%20Bush%201.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/10%20Nimm%20Bush%201.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/13%20Nimm%20Bush.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/13%20Nimm%20Bush.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 21, 2016, 10:31:03 pm
 Then when to working Bee was Officially Ended .. time to Test the loop. and a bit of Fun ....

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/12%20Nimm%20Grass%20track%205.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/12%20Nimm%20Grass%20track%205.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/15%20Nimm%20Fun.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/15%20Nimm%20Fun.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on February 21, 2016, 11:54:24 pm

We cant wait to see this feller do his chainsaw juggling whilst riding the CT across the high wire act.

Nimitabell looks the goods, if its even half as good as last year then its going to be another Vinduro to remember.

Thanks for the teaser Dennis, cant wait to get out there.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Mick D on February 21, 2016, 11:58:55 pm
That's a classic

Don't fark with Ekka :D
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on February 22, 2016, 09:47:53 am
Ignore the chainsaws - what worries me is the style he's got on the bike!
Has he been to riding school or something? Where are his usual flapping limbs and tank slippers?!

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 22, 2016, 05:43:47 pm

 And I Better put up some other Photo of last year just to Harden you up a bit ..

This is on the Hard Loop ...

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Capture18_zpsy8yknjn3.png) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Capture18_zpsy8yknjn3.png.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Capture25_zpspvfqpeoe.png) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Capture25_zpspvfqpeoe.png.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 22, 2016, 05:49:18 pm
The Creek is on the Hard Loop too

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Capture9_zpsnj41siho.png) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Capture9_zpsnj41siho.png.html)

This Bog is out


This Wet Patch  is in and on the Hard Loop .


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Snowy 76 on February 22, 2016, 09:51:41 pm
If I have a Bog at Home , Can I come and Just Drink Beer ???
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 22, 2016, 10:16:11 pm

Snowy     VTR Supplies Toilets and a HOT Shower at all VTR Vinduro ..
so you can do it at a Vinduro and have some Fun at tne same Time ... ;D ;D ;D ;D

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Toilets%20and%20Shower.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Toilets%20and%20Shower.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Ekka on February 22, 2016, 10:26:16 pm
Warning to all pickle riders ;D I have a tin of bright pink paint to paint your pickles for  safety reasons , there's so much green terrain down there  :o ; and no riding school Nat
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on February 23, 2016, 04:44:41 pm
Warning to all pickle riders ;D I have a tin of bright pink paint to paint your pickles for  safety reasons , there's so much green terrain down there  :o ; and no riding school Nat

I want to say something about our stealthy attributes but its just a Jedi thing.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 23, 2016, 05:28:31 pm
17 More sleeps to Go

and I am Ready !! Bikes are Clean and Ready ..

I am Making this Vinduro a 4 Banger Vinduro so I will have the Trusty GS350 and the XC 504 to play..

I had a Ride on the Loop on the XC 504 and it was a Lot of Fun for a Fast Bike that it is ....

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/my%20ktms_1.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/my%20ktms_1.jpg.html)
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/KTM%201982%20XC504%20amp%20350GS.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/KTM%201982%20XC504%20amp%20350GS.jpg.html)

So Who else is Ready I ask !!!!
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 23, 2016, 06:19:40 pm
I wonder if the  Pickle Team have any Bikes Ready Yet ...

Can they get 1 out of the 9 ready ....I wounder .... ;D ;D ;D

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z.jpg.html)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on February 23, 2016, 08:20:14 pm
Anna & I will bring at least one Pickle, probably two. Maybe even three if the Lemon's new rod kit doesn't get installed in time.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on February 24, 2016, 10:33:20 am
I wonder if the  Pickle Team have any Bikes Ready Yet ...

Can they get 1 out of the 9 ready ....I wounder .... ;D ;D ;D

Dont you worry about the Green Team, the Minions have been busy.

Anna & I will bring at least one Pickle, probably two. Maybe even three if the Lemon's new rod kit doesn't get installed in time.

Maybe you could make lemonade Nathan.

Or better still mix in a can of blue with the yellow and you get green.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on February 24, 2016, 09:56:37 pm
17 More sleeps to Go

and I am Ready !! Bikes are Clean and Ready ..

I am Making this Vinduro a 4 Banger Vinduro so I will have the Trusty GS350 and the XC 504 to play..

I had a Ride on the Loop on the XC 504 and it was a Lot of Fun for a Fast Bike that it is ....

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/my%20ktms_1.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/my%20ktms_1.jpg.html)

So Who else is Ready I ask !!!!

 Hey Dennis
  Make sure you don't get those porkers stuck in the mud  ;D.
 I'll be bringing  the   (much lighter / more agile  pair)   '83 XC500 & '88 WR250  8)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Ekka on February 25, 2016, 06:46:03 pm
Quote from: Ekka link=topic=39783.msg382903#msg382903 date=145614037

I want to say something about our stealthy attributes but its just a Jedi thing.
Got more than Jedi tricks  ::)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on February 27, 2016, 09:28:43 pm
Lookout excuse makers!

The green team are coming and wont be taking any prisoners

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 28, 2016, 06:58:39 pm
 I Think the Mad Team is out on the Louse .....

                                                                                      Look Out Team Green     is OUt .

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Mad%20Mad%20%20Team%20Kawisaki.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Mad%20Mad%20%20Team%20Kawisaki.jpg.html). 

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Trokel510 on February 28, 2016, 08:14:57 pm
Great work Guys the track is looking awesome. ;)

Its hard to believe that it is now less than 2 weeks away. I have been so busy at work that it has crept up on me really fast so I will have to dedicate some time next weekend to getting the bikes ready. Planning on an all red assault on Nimmitabel this year with the 85' CR250R which many of you will have seen before and 2 other bikes that I have not yet taken to a Vinduro, the 81' Xl500s with its monster 23" front wheel and the 620 kitted 89' XR600R that hauls ass. :)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on February 28, 2016, 08:26:49 pm
Lookout excuse makers!

The green team are coming and wont be taking any prisoners


 This photo Looks familiar  ;)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on February 28, 2016, 08:39:56 pm
This photo Looks familiar  ;)

Whos photobucket do you think i called it down from silly billy  :D :D :D

I Think the Mad Team is out on the Louse .....

                                                                                      Look Out Team Green     is OUt .

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Mad%20Mad%20%20Team%20Kawisaki.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Mad%20Mad%20%20Team%20Kawisaki.jpg.html).

You guys are going to be shyting yourselves when you see Team Green coming at yas all out of control on our new team ride. And look how buff we are in our new uniforms, we look like a pro race team. So get running for the hills.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 28, 2016, 08:48:09 pm
 You sure you Blokes are going to get that around the Loop ....

 Team Green may Get Stuck .....in the Trees ....

 But Hay You Monkeys wont Mind .. You all will be having FUN >>>>
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 28, 2016, 08:55:54 pm
Hay What Do you all Think this was a 250 Buck Gumtree Bike and Now look at it go ..

You don't need a 1 Million dollar bike to have some Vinduro Fun on ..

Just need to Have a  GO Go Go

Took the bike for a bit of a ride / shakedown at my good mate Harry "Highpants' " property today .
 Suspension a bit too soft , a few other minor adjustments to make , but overall, the   bike goes well .

 A  few  little tweaks to this one  , then service the big XC500  , ready for  Nimmitabel   :)

 Regards ,

 (  Harry  trying out the little 250)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on February 28, 2016, 09:21:49 pm
Thanks to all that have let VTR Know ..

E -Mails with Direction / Map and anythink else that you may need to Know .

It will Be sent to the E-Mail that you sent you intentions on .. so Keep you eyes Out ..

Numbers are Very Good and we are getting  invaded  from  the south  the Victorian Enduro Riders I .

Are making a Big Presents  ....


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on February 28, 2016, 10:15:06 pm
Vinduro cheapies out there


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Trokel510 on February 29, 2016, 05:44:13 pm
Vinduro cheapies out there


This one sold yesterday to a local bloke I know. I have done some trail riding with him and talked about the Vinduro's that I do and he seems keen to get involved so who knows you may see it in the near future at one of the events.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on February 29, 2016, 07:35:42 pm
Vinduro cheapies out there


This one sold yesterday to a local bloke I know. I have done some trail riding with him and talked about the Vinduro's that I do and he seems keen to get involved so who knows you may see it in the near future at one of the events.

Well Done to Steve ( b490) and Troy  (Trokel510)  Get ya Mate to come along He Love it ..

I hear a Lot of Blokes say that Vintage / old Bike Cost tooo Much .. and I would like very much to get into the sport .
This may be true for you are looking at a 1981 Maico 490..
and we do get Very Nice Macio coming to a Vinduro and having a Ride

But at Vinduro  you can ride your Maico 490 or a Honaka

Steve is proving them Wrong with the $250 Husky yes he did put another $1000.00 bucks into so A $1250.00 Bike .
But you can have that Maico you alway wanted to ride in the 6 day Enduro in 1982
or you can ride the bike that you really owned in 1982    a PE 175 or a XL 250 or  TT  or  It ..
it dose not really matter just get out and have a Ride ...

We are running out of time that we are on top of the Dirt we love so much to ride on ....

You will be a Long time under it ..!!  One Day ....
So start Living the Dream and get a bike and get out on it ....and

Have some  FUN ...
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on February 29, 2016, 07:46:50 pm

We are running out of time that we are on top of the Dirt we love so much to ride on ....

You will be a Long time under it one Day so start Living the Dream and But a bike and get out and

Have so FUN ...

Thats all too true there Dennis.

The Green Team Monkeys wont be missing out on the time we have.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on February 29, 2016, 09:36:47 pm

Steve is proving them Wrong with the $250 Husky yes he did put another $1000.00 bucks into so A $1250.00 Bike .

  About 2 K in this  bike all up now   , however , still  a  relatively good  value spend  for this type of machine.  :)

  Regards ,
                 Steve .

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Trokel510 on February 29, 2016, 09:51:11 pm
Vinduro cheapies out there


This one sold yesterday to a local bloke I know. I have done some trail riding with him and talked about the Vinduro's that I do and he seems keen to get involved so who knows you may see it in the near future at one of the events.

I hear a Lot of Blokes say that Vintage / old Bike Cost tooo Much .. and I would like very much to get into the sport .
This may be true for you are looking at a 1981 Maico 490..
and we do get Very Nice Macio coming to a Vinduro and having a Ride

But at Vinduro  you can ride your Maico 490 or a Honaka

Have some  FUN ...

I have been seeing quite a few good value eligible bikes pop up around here lately such as an 85' DT200 which is the first of what was the new generation of liquid cooled DT's but still with a drum brake rear end as well as a TS250 of a similar vintage both of which are under a grand and would make a nice addition to my fleet if only I had more room and both would make for great fun at a Vinduro event.  ;)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 01, 2016, 05:18:26 pm
Wow Less that 10 Days  Now  before we get to Ride ...

Friday this week will be your last Chance to let us know

if you need a Day/event licence as   we will  be placing the Order in to Motorcycling N.S.W for Event Licences..

So We Need to know if you are coming to this Vinduro and if you

Want to Ride at this Vinduro YOU NEED TO E-MAIL  VTR 

So  If you are 95% sure that you are come to this Vinduro ..

Then Please E-Mail us at [email protected]    and let us know ..

You Must  so if you need a  Day / Event Licence as will order what Licences we need a week befor ..

It will NOT COST you anything to Let VTR know that you are coming 

or to Book a Event Licence but if you DON'T we will NOT have one for you .

And you could turn up and  will not have a Event License for you .

So Please make is a easier for us to run  By just letting us know.

So E-Mail us and let us know ......

# 1  Your Member Ship Number and  Full Name  Eg ( Malcolm Smith   Member  200  )

# 2  yes I am 95% sure I cam Make it ..

# 3  yes I don't have a M.A Licence and  I will Need a Event Licence  Or No I got a Current  MA N.S.W Licence ..

#4   Can you please Send me the INFO for the Vinduro ..

If You are Not a Member and Would Like to come along to this or any  Vinduro .

Then E-Mail You Name  Your Town or Suburb and a Contact  Phone Number to

[email protected] and Ask for the Information to be sent to your E-mail


You will be able to Buy Breakfast and Lunch both day at Vinduro ....

And  Have You Let VTR know that you are Coming Yet !!!!!


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 02, 2016, 11:47:01 pm
  Attention all Members and Riders  Who Contacted  VTR and who are Coming to this Vinduro ..

  Vinduro Info has been sent out to you ...

  If you have Not received it Please Let Us  know ..

  By E-Mailing [email protected]  again with your Name /member Number

   if you was not a member then your Name / town,suburb / phone number ..

   and we will try again ..

  VTR team .....
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on March 03, 2016, 12:35:30 pm
I have not received any event info.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: cr750 on March 03, 2016, 06:21:54 pm

I have been seeing quite a few good value eligible bikes pop up around here lately such as an 85' DT200 which is the first of what was the new generation of liquid cooled DT's but still with a drum brake rear end as well as a TS250 of a similar vintage both of which are under a grand and would make a nice addition to my fleet if only I had more room and both would make for great fun at a Vinduro event.  ;)

If you intend hitting any of the VERi (Victorian) events, only the '84 TS is eligible. '85 onward have a power valve, full twin cradle frame, and 3 less horsepower. I <3 my '84 TS, even though it looks like I treat it badly.

See you at Nimmitabel!
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Ekka on March 04, 2016, 11:17:56 am
The weather is looking good for riding next weekend remember last year the ones who didn't come and missed out  so I'm saying come regardless ,you will have a fat time  ;)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on March 04, 2016, 12:15:19 pm
I thought the VERi crew had officially allowed the 85+ TS250?
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 04, 2016, 06:44:30 pm
I thought the VERi crew had officially allowed the 85+ TS250?

Hay Guys Please don't Confuse thing ...

 VTR   .Will welcome  Vintage Dirt  Bikes   WITH OUT  Upside Down Front Forks or Rear Disc Brakes ..

Your Bike Must have a Head Light (Old style dose not need to work ) Well Muffled and Meet M.N.S.W   GCRs

That's  VTR Rules ... KISS
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: cr750 on March 04, 2016, 06:45:54 pm
I thought the VERi crew had officially allowed the 85+ TS250?

The pre-85 rule still applies, as far as I know. The last AGM at Harrow had a long discussion about eligibility and I believe the members voted to retain the rule.
There are some follow-on models, but the follow-on must not have any engineering changes to the '84.
http://www.verivinduro.com.au/32/Veri-Motorcycle-Eligibility/ (http://www.verivinduro.com.au/32/Veri-Motorcycle-Eligibility/)

I'm really looking forward to Nimmitabel! See you there!
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 04, 2016, 07:04:20 pm

Now with only 7 More sleeps to go

Thing are looking Fantastic some rain last night would have freshen up the place ..

For a Top weekend ..

The Canberra Boys have put in a Lot of Work to make it FUN and to Test you a Bit too..

the Course is Marked in Red Arrow and the odd Blue to give you a easier Run if you want a Rest ..

Last year the only place in N.S.W where it was not Raining was Nimmitabel .

and a Lot of you Blokes stay Home and missed out on something Special..

and by the Numbers  Coming this year I can see you not going to miss out twice ...

Less than  15 or so before we MAX out   ..

Maps and INFO have been sent out and if you did not get lets us know ..

VTR Team

AND Dont Forget that last Years E-Mail for VTR is Now Dead ..

You Must use the NEW E=MAIL   [email protected]   
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 04, 2016, 09:08:03 pm
7 More Sleeps  !!!         F#@k  that too many ...

 I am busting NOW for this ...I will be there Friday and Help out at the working BEE ...
See you all there   ... a week end and 4 days at work   It going to be Tough .............. I think I can Do It ....
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on March 04, 2016, 09:43:55 pm
Sweating bits turning up on time...
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on March 04, 2016, 09:46:22 pm
I thought the VERi crew had officially allowed the 85+ TS250?

The pre-85 rule still applies, as far as I know. The last AGM at Harrow had a long discussion about eligibility and I believe the members voted to retain the rule.
There are some follow-on models, but the follow-on must not have any engineering changes to the '84.
http://www.verivinduro.com.au/32/Veri-Motorcycle-Eligibility/ (http://www.verivinduro.com.au/32/Veri-Motorcycle-Eligibility/)

I'm really looking forward to Nimmitabel! See you there!

This needs to be in a seperate thread, but my understanding is that the VICTORIAN VERi club was Pre-85 with fairly generous carry-over provisions.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on March 04, 2016, 10:01:54 pm
Planning to be there around midday(ish)  Friday , so happy to help out if needed  .
 Regards ,
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Canam370 on March 04, 2016, 10:02:45 pm
Yes, VERi is generous with flow-ons. :D  Only the non-powervalve TS models are eligible. If its marked an '85 and does not have the later style cylinder and frame its in.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on March 04, 2016, 10:27:30 pm
Sweating bits turning up on time...

I could have picked you up a tin of blue to mix with the yellow from Bunnings today if I knew you were still waiting for it Nathan.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on March 04, 2016, 11:24:41 pm
Sweating bits turning up on time...

I could have picked you up a tin of blue to mix with the yellow from Bunnings today if I knew you were still waiting for it Nathan.

You can polish a turd, or you can paint a Suzuki yellow... but it will still be a turd.

Hoping the crank returns from Qld early next week and some silly mug (who looks a lot like me) can slave his guts out getting it back together.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 06, 2016, 05:30:49 pm

The 4 Amigo  are push in it to get ready with only  5 More Sleeps /Days to Go

So  there is a Big Last Minute rush  To get a bike ready .....

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/bone%20yard.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/bone%20yard.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: cr750 on March 06, 2016, 06:52:14 pm
C'mon FA135R disk pads! I need 'em before the weekend!
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Trokel510 on March 06, 2016, 07:27:59 pm
I have been busy today getting the bikes and my old Patrol ready for next weekend and the bikes are looking good.


The old Patrol however still needs a bit of work but should be right to go by Friday.  :) See ya all there  ;)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 07, 2016, 08:25:55 pm
 All is On track for a Top weekend ..

The weather is hard to tell at this stage . With  Nimmitabel being High in the Mountains 1100 meter above sea
the weather can be very different to what you may be getting  one thing that I can say it will not Snow ...

 I will report on that later .. Keep going on the Bike Prep work ..

DONT FORGET you will be able to Buy Breakfast and Lunch Both Day ..

  VTR Team


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Ekka on March 07, 2016, 09:27:56 pm
It's Nimmitabel the weather could anything and just imagine if it did snow we will end up with a snotty nose to match the handful of snotty green bike snotting around  :o
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 07, 2016, 10:16:11 pm
Come on Ekka that not Nice  ;D    You are on the Rice Burner Team too .. :'(.

Team Green are  multiplying like rabbats .. 9 Green Bikes last Year this year 12+

Common Euro 

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%20can%20team%20g%204.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%20can%20team%20g%204.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on March 07, 2016, 10:26:25 pm
  Never mind  that common  stuff  ::)  ;)

 How many Husky's  ?

 All set  with the "new" w/cooler  &   I've  dusted off  & serviced  the 500  to bring along as well. :)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 07, 2016, 10:42:36 pm
     1988  HUSKY AUTO 

Hay Steve hear is a Cheppey on Gumtree $2300 or Offer ..Look out Shoey will be on to it like a flash ..

Good  VTR Vinduro Bike fits the rules ...

Can You get this one going for Nimmitabel  This would make a grate  Vinduro Bike

Auto would be like Cheating.would  it  ,,


(http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb452/bayselec/_20.jpg) (http://s1206.photobucket.com/user/bayselec/media/_20.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on March 07, 2016, 10:54:08 pm
  Mate has one  ,he rarely rides .
 Used  once  since I rebuilt auto for him  (with help from Shoey &  Husky Pete  :) )    about 2yrs ago. 
 I would like to  buy his bike ........ I'll keep on  trying to wear him down.
 How many Husky's entered for Nimmitabel ?

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 08, 2016, 06:12:11 pm



at the Vinduro  you will Need to bring all of your food for the week end ..

 VTR is Very sorry for this Last minute  change But it was out of our Hands ..

  VTR Team

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 08, 2016, 09:27:00 pm
 That a SH*t    No Bacon and egg sandwich

 Looks Like I going to have to call into the Bakery and grab a couple of Pies be for I head out to the Vinduro .. ...

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Nimmiatbel%20Pie%20shop.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Nimmiatbel%20Pie%20shop.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: dont on March 09, 2016, 09:18:25 pm
I prefer the cafe across the road :)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 09, 2016, 09:27:18 pm
I prefer the cafe across the road :)

Well I did not take a Photo of the Cafe across the road Don..

so we going to see you at Nimmitabel Don
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 09, 2016, 09:51:08 pm

    Down to 2 Sleeps Vinduro People

   All is set and ready to Go ..the weather is Cooling down to 28 and 14 over Night ..

   Don't Forget you 1100 meters above sea . on to of the Brown Mountain..

   So Fill up the Fuel Tins and get Ready ....
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 10, 2016, 09:00:57 pm
 Off to the Working Bee tomorrow just to finish a few things

 Set up Hot Shower need to get 12000 litres of water

Setup Toilets  mark out the last of the loop check the loop and then its all done ..

 So this is the last time on the forum and inter net so 10.00 pm is the last time you can e-mail VTr tonight ..

 if Not all the Riders that e-mailde VTR was sent Maps and Vinduro Info ..

Don't Forget NO CANTEEN

VTR Team ...
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Trokel510 on March 10, 2016, 09:43:57 pm
I am running a bit behind due to work but hope to get there by mid afternoon.  ;D
Am soooooo looking forward to it, See ya there  ;)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Ekka on March 10, 2016, 09:53:20 pm
Heading down in the morning to couple of final touches to the bikes before I go   :P
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 10, 2016, 10:12:34 pm

 Packed ready to go in the morning too
  All I need to do is get some sleep Its alway Hard to go to sleep when all I can do is Think about the weekend

 all the Riding and  Fun

  I will be making this Vinduro a 4 stroke weekend

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/bikes%2010-3-16.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/bikes%2010-3-16.jpg.html)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on March 10, 2016, 10:50:17 pm
Are you going to be bringing this one Dennis?

Is that muffler the Tinmans Hat from the Wizard of OZ?

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/my%20ktms_1.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/my%20ktms_1.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Ekka on March 13, 2016, 08:51:09 pm
Another enjoyable weekend of vinduro ,I hope you all had fun who had turned up
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Trokel510 on March 13, 2016, 09:29:48 pm
I had a great time and once again THANKS HEAPS to all those involved in making it happen.
As far as my bikes are concerned both the XL500 and XR600 performed brilliantly but it appears I have a bit more work to do on the CR to have it ready for Broadford in 2 weeks time.

Now for the pics.
After a few downpours of rain on Friday night the weather on Saturday was superb and so was the loop.
Friday afternoon sun shower

It doesn't get much better than this - the view from my tent on Saturday morning






Then after the days riding was done we were treated to some more rain followed by a rather heavy mist.


Then once again this morning we were greeted with a beautiful sunny day and many went out to enjoy the new challenges the loop had to offer as a result of the damper conditions.





Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on March 13, 2016, 09:40:20 pm
Another enjoyable weekend of vinduro ,I hope you all had fun who had turned up

Certainly did Ekka. That was another excellent weekend, Nimmitabel really is a premier area for Vinduro and Mel and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Well deserving thanks to all of you VTR members for all the hard work setting out another brilliant and clever track with something for everyone.

While the rest of the state was sweltering the Nimmitabell weather was brilliant for riding through the day and nice and cool to get a good nights refreshing ale in with the VTR gang and a recovering sleep.

Cant wait to see some action shots.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 13, 2016, 10:38:47 pm
We the First Vinduro at Nimmitabel  I think was Very Good indeed..
I think all Riders Had a Good Time and enjoyed the loop .

I would like to hear what you all think ..

The weather was a mix bag from Good to light rain and a wet Fog/Mist  over night ..
but we alway woke to a Beautiful day

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%204.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%204.jpg.html)

But Some still slept in  .

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%205.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%205.jpg.html)

other waited for sign in and used the time to catch up on the Good Oil in there favorite magazine.

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%207.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%207.jpg.html)

and some did it better than Other ..Chair wise ...

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%208.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%208.jpg.html)

Sign on ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%2014.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%2014.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/Sign%20on.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/Sign%20on.jpg.html)


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 13, 2016, 10:43:49 pm
Yes the Victorian came up and Had a ride as we Welcomed sum of the VERI members .

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%209.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%209.jpg.html)

and Yes the VERI Victorians well  they to were catching up on all the News in VMX Magazine  too .

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%206.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%206.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 13, 2016, 10:48:46 pm
 A few of the Winners on Saturday Night ....

As the Light Rain came down the  Plasta Masta    VTR Quick Shade  keep us Dry .
Big thank you to Prime 8 for some very nice Prizes ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%202.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%202.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 13, 2016, 10:54:26 pm
 VTR would all so like to thank John Cook Our First aid Man ..

 John did not get to use his experience but it is alway nice to know his is there .

 If you need a Good Fist Aid service Call John he is servicing Lower N.S.W and Upper Victoria ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%203.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%203.jpg.html)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 13, 2016, 11:24:32 pm

Yes I had a Fantastic time I think the Loop was a Good   mix of every think  in 1 Loop ....

I got to take a few Photos hear is a few..

I hope this dose not take off ..  Mile and his   MAN Bra to stop sore Nippels ?????

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%2015.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%2015.jpg.html)

Around the Paddock  and I  came across some Home Brews .. Bikes I mean ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%20mark%201_1.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%20mark%201_1.jpg.html)

Yes thats a Honda Motor 200 cc in a RM rolling Frame .

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%20mark%202.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%20mark%202.jpg.html)

and Yes another One ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%20greg%201.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%20greg%201.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 13, 2016, 11:33:44 pm
Troys Hondas ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%2012.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%2012.jpg.html)

Some Nice Huskies

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%2011.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%2011.jpg.html)

you will alls find some IT s

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%2010.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%2010.jpg.html)

  This Yamaha Feels the Cold  ;D ;D

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/p%2013.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/p%2013.jpg.html)

and a Peton ...

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/penton%20nimmitabel_1.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/penton%20nimmitabel_1.jpg.html)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on March 13, 2016, 11:54:32 pm
 Fantastic weekend  ;D

 Will post up some video  from around the loop later .

               Steve ,

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 12:02:27 am

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2045.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2045.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 09:16:54 am
A Kawasaki  with a clutch repair  the things a Man dose to Keep a Bike going around ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2055.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2055.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2054.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2054.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 09:18:37 am

I loved it a Lot of KTM bike was at the Vinduro and some Good Shirts too. I Liked this one ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2073.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2073.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2072.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2072.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 09:20:09 am

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/036.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/036.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2056.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2056.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/IMG_0456.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/IMG_0456.jpg.html)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: HVA61 on March 14, 2016, 03:50:31 pm
Thanks for a fantastic ride guys. Idyllic location at approx. 1100m elevation, Great turn out of riders and bikes.

The guys set us a good course that cut in really well , held together really well and allowed for good consistent laps. The weather was absolutely perfect for riding.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on March 14, 2016, 04:10:26 pm
   Great ride   ;D
 Bit of vid  from Saturday.........  for now.    ( Have more to sort through)

 Regards ,


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Graeme M on March 14, 2016, 04:49:20 pm
Thanks to Dennis and the rest of the VTR guys for a great little course. I had a ball and finally fixed my engine gremlins on the IT175 with it running perfectly the whole day. Some nice tight single trail up through the rocks and ferns, a little open bush riding and some fun grasstrack, a nice combo overall. Plenty of lovely vintage enduro bikes to check out, perfect weather and a great atmosphere, what more could you ask for?
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 14, 2016, 06:03:14 pm
       Hear is a Small Video from the VTR you-tube Channel


  Watch in HD ..   and if you like it than Click on the Like Button ..  and we Up load More for you Then .   Thank You ;) ;)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 14, 2016, 08:03:01 pm
 Ok hear is Poor Mark  On a Kawasaki Bit stucked in the Mud ..


  Watch in HD ..   and if you like it than Click on the Like Button ..  and we Up load More for you Then .

   Please Share it .  Thank You ;) ;)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 14, 2016, 08:04:42 pm
   A Longer Video of about 5 Bikes in the same Mud Hole ..


     Watch in HD ..   and if you like it than Click on the Like Button ..  and we Up load More for you Then .   Thank You ;) ;)

     Check out VTR Channel   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnVDqgzmOY14h0pD1cY-dtQ

    Please Share all of the Videos ..

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 09:50:55 pm
 A Few More Photos

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%205.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%205.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2010.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2010.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 09:51:46 pm

This is one way to Keep the Front wheel Clean ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%204.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%204.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 09:52:18 pm

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%209.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%209.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%208.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%208.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 09:53:07 pm

 (http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%203.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%203.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%207.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%207.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 10:01:50 pm

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2011.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2011.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2014.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2014.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 10:02:32 pm

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2012.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2012.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2013.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2013.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 14, 2016, 10:03:17 pm

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2016.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2016.jpg.html)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 15, 2016, 06:27:43 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2018.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2018.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2019.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2019.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 15, 2016, 06:28:20 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2021.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2021.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2022.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2022.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 15, 2016, 06:30:32 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2023.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2023.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2020.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2020.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: B+M on March 15, 2016, 06:48:15 pm
What an awesome start to VTR 2016. With a loop set up by Ekka, the 2 Canberra Bills, Allan & Denise which catered for all levels of experience, technical ability & fitness broken up into 2 parts that you could choose from there were big grins on all faces as they went past to get there tickets marked.  Saturday night despite the night drizzle everyone anxiously waited to see if they had won a prize as the raffle was drawn.  Following the raffle we were entertained by a huge amount a footage of the days riding taken by Denise on his new beaut camera.  Sunday morning for those that were still keen the loop was open again although a little more slippy & muddy due to the overnight drizzle.

Anyone thinking of getting involved, come & have a go, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner!


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 15, 2016, 07:57:46 pm
What an awesome start to VTR 2016. With a loop set up by Ekka, the 2 Canberra Bills, Allan & Denise which catered for all levels of experience, technical ability & fitness broken up into 2 parts that you could choose from there were big grins on all faces as they went past to get there tickets marked.  Saturday night despite the night drizzle everyone anxiously waited to see if they had won a prize as the raffle was drawn.  Following the raffle we were entertained by a huge amount a footage of the days riding taken by Denise on his new beaut camera.  Sunday morning for those that were still keen the loop was open again although a little more slippy & muddy due to the overnight drizzle.

Anyone thinking of getting involved, come & have a go, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner!



Thanks for that it is Nice to get feed back and thank you for your Nice Comments ..
I should Cut and past the half a dozen that we got to the  VTR E-mail all the same comments ...

But VTR is a Club . and we alway will need Club members to Chip in and help..
and just like last year we had very good Businesses  that stood behind us and encouraged us ..
Businesses  like  PlastaMasta  and other small Businesses ..

2016 See some more Like VMX Magazine  , Engineered Environments , CanFab  and Prim 8  Racing .

But its members like the Canberra Boys who put in the Hard yards to get Nimmitabel and Yass up and Running .
and as we move on to Bingara The Boys form around that part of N.S.W have all ready got the loop sorted and that Vinduro is also looking like a Top Ride on all Virgin Ground ..
the Sydney Boys will be working on Putty Road and Bulahdelah ..

So as you you enjoy the Photo and Video that Riders have put up on the Ozvmx forum ..

Start thinking about
Bingara Vinduro on the 23rd , 24th  and 25th of April 2016


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on March 15, 2016, 08:03:23 pm

A few more on You-Tube for you



  Watch in HD ..   and if you like it than Click on the Like Button ..  and we Up load More for you Then .   Thank You ;) ;)

     Check out VTR Channel   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnVDqgzmOY14h0pD1cY-dtQ

    Please Share all of the Videos ..
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: reg on March 15, 2016, 09:05:15 pm
what can i say, another great weekend, thanks to the volunteers that made it possible  8)
Thanks Denise for the great footage and pics, hope everyone enjoyed themselves and had a safe trip home 
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 15, 2016, 09:09:47 pm
In the pack up on Sunday we found a Black Jacket with a Camera in it ..

Well it Belongs to a Well know Bloke yes a Husky rider . Well in a phone call to say we got your Jacket again that right
this is the 2nd time he has left his jacket behind ..He was very happy that we found it and he camera ..and asked
if I could put the Photo up on Hear ...well Mate you got over 1000 photo mate but only 7 are from Nimmitabel ..
the rest I cant Put on Hear Mate  ;D ;D ;D

so hear they are

looks Like Mikes New Bed set up
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/nim%207.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/nim%207.jpg.html)

Looks Like Mike in it
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/nim%208.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/nim%208.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/nim%205.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/nim%205.jpg.html)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 15, 2016, 09:10:11 pm
Diner Service Saturday Night
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/nim%206.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/nim%206.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/nim%202.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/nim%202.jpg.html)

And this is the Bloke that left his Jacket Behine dose any one know him  ;D ;D ;D ;D
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/nim%20%200.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/nim%20%200.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: mboddy on March 15, 2016, 10:40:50 pm
OZVMX at the Nimmitabel Vinduro:


Some more pics by Paul Johnston and a ride report on Vinduro Penrite Team Facebook page:

https://www.facebook.com/vinduropenriteteam/ (https://www.facebook.com/vinduropenriteteam/)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 12:40:19 am
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z21.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z21.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2074.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2074.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 12:40:52 am
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%20nim%202.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%20nim%202.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%20nip%201.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%20nip%201.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 12:41:28 am
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2071.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2071.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2066.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2066.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 12:42:00 am
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2070.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2070.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2069.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2069.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 12:43:02 am
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2068.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2068.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2067.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2067.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Graeme M on March 16, 2016, 09:10:54 am
OZVMX at the Nimmitabel Vinduro:


Geez... I don't even remember a photographer standing that close to me!!!
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Tex on March 16, 2016, 09:52:07 am
Love the photos and videos, looks like it was a great event.

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 07:51:04 pm
A Few More Photos  so many to go through

That a Nice Looking Bike that KTM  8)
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2064.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2064.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2065.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2065.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 07:51:43 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2062.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2062.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2063.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2063.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 07:52:28 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2061.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2061.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2048.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2048.jpg.html)

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 07:53:35 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2052.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2052.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2053.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2053.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 07:55:21 pm
This IT need a rest ...Well that what Dion said ... ;D ;D

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2050.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2050.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2051.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2051.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 07:56:47 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2060.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2060.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2046.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2046.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:04:19 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2036.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2036.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2037.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2037.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:05:00 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2038.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2038.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2039.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2039.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:05:35 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2040.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2040.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2041.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2041.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:06:13 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2042.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2042.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2043.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2043.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:07:41 pm
Looks  like a mob of Rough Blokes  to Me .... ;D ;D ;D

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2044.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2044.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:13:41 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z91.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z91.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2092.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2092.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:21:15 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2090.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2090.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:29:18 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2024.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2024.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2026.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2026.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:30:01 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2027.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2027.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2028.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2028.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:30:42 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2029.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2029.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2032.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2032.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:31:27 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2031.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2031.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2025.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2025.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 16, 2016, 08:32:04 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2033.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2033.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2035.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2035.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: the stig on March 16, 2016, 08:47:15 pm

   Thanks  Ozz it looks like it was a good day with a good loop t go with it..

   The Stig
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Rossvickicampbell on March 16, 2016, 09:13:40 pm
luv it - looks great
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Trokel510 on March 17, 2016, 08:42:11 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%20nip%201.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%20nip%201.jpg.html)

Like this one  ;D

Looks like you've got the hang of that new camera Dennis. They are much better looking than the old camera.
So Great Work and thanks for taking the time and effort to capture them.
Obviously the one above was on the CR and I spotted one of me on the XR600 now I am just waiting to see one of the old XL in action  ;)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 17, 2016, 08:53:14 pm
Thanks still leaning ...keep hitting the wrong setting ..that why some better than others

If any one wants to Pinch borrow or steal any Photo from my bucket ..Just Do It  ..

the only thing I will ask it you say it was from a VTR Vinduro ...


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on March 19, 2016, 10:29:56 pm
 Video of  the loop coming up soon.

Regards ,
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 19, 2016, 10:31:48 pm

 That Good Steve I would like to look at a Lap ..

I tried ind to up load some more photo but not working
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 19, 2016, 10:39:41 pm

  And start thinking about Bingara N.S.W 23rd to 25th April 2016

  all you sydney and Newcastle  Vinduro Riders ..and I spoze the Queenslander could make this one two ..

  as the Victorian made Nimmitabel ...
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: NSR on March 19, 2016, 11:44:38 pm
There maybe a few Qlds making the trip.  I'm out because there's a Vinduro at Murphy's Ck the Wend before and Conondale Vinduro Sprint the weekend after.     
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 21, 2016, 05:43:05 pm
We would like to see you too ...

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/zz%201.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/zz%201.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on March 21, 2016, 06:50:42 pm
Thanks still leaning ...keep hitting the wrong setting ..that why some better than others

If any one wants to Pinch borrow or steal any Photo from my bucket ..Just Do It  ..

the only thing I will ask it you say it was from a VTR Vinduro ...


Looks like you got the settings right with this one Dennis.

Ive been pinching it to show to everyone I know, its fast becoming one of my favourites.

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on March 21, 2016, 07:35:33 pm
And who can deny the outstanding quality of this photo.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on March 21, 2016, 08:33:58 pm
every Lap well I think every lap  a Kawasaki rider got stuck in the Mud ...
I don't if it was the same bloke or another Green rider ...
is this the same rider all you Green Riders look the Same
it a bit like the IT blokes 4 of then all dressed the same ..

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/z%2011.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/z%2011.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Nathan S on March 21, 2016, 09:18:09 pm

I don't if it was the same bloke or another Green rider ...
is this the same rider all you Green Riders look the Same

Handsome and fast is handsome and fast, despite our differences.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: tymes on March 21, 2016, 09:59:48 pm
I don't if it was the same bloke or another Green rider ...
is this the same rider all you Green Riders look the Same
it a bit like the IT blokes 4 of then all dressed the same ..

Sounds like my new guernsey is taking kilos off me  ::)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: B+M on April 03, 2016, 05:54:59 pm
Is there any more photos out there of this event?
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: reg on April 03, 2016, 06:55:20 pm
i know Dennis took shit loads Brett, get onto him
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on April 03, 2016, 07:55:53 pm
There was another chap with a fancy camera  out around the course .
 Dennis might  know who ?
 Be good to see more pics .



Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on April 04, 2016, 11:12:46 am
Yes there was 2 other Blokes taking Photos..
One was a Mate of the Penrite team..
He had a BIG Rig and should have taken some Good Photo.

I hope he will share his Photos .

and Tony B  did take a few with Me on sunday ...

I do have a few more on the Cutting Room Floor of Gum trees and sky ...
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: cr750 on April 04, 2016, 09:01:30 pm
One was a Mate of the Penrite team..
I hope he will share his Photos .

It takes us a long time to go through all the shots. We try to provide the best shots of the team to our sponsor. After we've written up an event and provided photos for Penrite, then we can get to "the rest". It's a big job, and we like to do the best we can!

There have been quite a number of events in recent weeks (Kings & Queens, Broadford, and Nimmitabel) and with Beaufort coming up soon we're pretty flat out.

Please bear with us...
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: mboddy on April 04, 2016, 10:45:09 pm
Yes. A lot to go through. And I took over 2,000 pics at the Barry Sheene!

I will put some more Nimmitabel pics up soon including a couple of B + M.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: mboddy on April 05, 2016, 08:28:03 am
Here are a couple of pics of M + G by Paul Johnston.


Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on April 05, 2016, 08:03:25 pm
       I been going through and found this bit of footage and whacked it up on you tube ..

      Its on the Grass track Bit with a Lot of Bikes .

                   Mr Ozvmx is in it and Steve B490 and all the Boys ..

                  https://youtu.be/wry6TN8Vcdw     watch it HD   or 720 p   

                 and it fit in with Steve's Video   
                  This Link is Steve's B490 Video



Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on April 05, 2016, 08:38:50 pm
A Few more photos

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/x%201.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/x%201.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/x%202.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/x%202.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on April 05, 2016, 08:40:54 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/x%204.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/x%204.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/x%205.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/x%205.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/x%206.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/x%206.jpg.html)

What a Wheelie the Old Honda and the riders doing just for FUN ....
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on April 05, 2016, 08:41:52 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/x%208.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/x%208.jpg.html)

(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/x%209.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/x%209.jpg.html)
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on April 05, 2016, 08:45:03 pm
(http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t512/oz555ktm/x%2011.jpg) (http://s1063.photobucket.com/user/oz555ktm/media/x%2011.jpg.html)

Now Don't for get if you are looking at all the Photo and are thinking that !!!!

Hay I have Not seen a Photo of me and my Trusty Ride ?????

Then you better get your self and a Mate to Bingara Vinduro on the Anzac Day weekend ..

Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: b490 on April 05, 2016, 09:54:32 pm
       I been going through and found this bit of footage and whacked it up on you tube ..

      Its on the Grass track Bit with a Lot of Bikes .

                   Mr Ozvmx is in it and Steve B490 and all the Boys ..

                  https://youtu.be/wry6TN8Vcdw     watch it HD   or 720 p   

                 and it fit in with Steve's Video   at 18 minutes 30 seconds   this is when my Videos  fit in
                 Withs Steve Video

                     This Link is Steve's B490 Video


  The view from my  bike to match Dennis video of grass track section .


 Dennis Video   

Then my view from  my ' 88  Husky 
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: oz555ktm on April 05, 2016, 09:59:10 pm
       I been going through and found this bit of footage and whacked it up on you tube ..

      Its on the Grass track Bit with a Lot of Bikes .

                   Mr Ozvmx is in it and Steve B490 and all the Boys ..

                  https://youtu.be/wry6TN8Vcdw     watch it HD   or 720 p   

                 and it fit in with Steve's Video   
                  This Link is Steve's B490 Video




  I have Up dated it.

  How good are you at editing I send you the raw copy and you can blend it .....

Now Don't for get if you are looking at all the Photo and are thinking that !!!!

Hay I have Not seen a Photo of me and my Trusty Ride ?????

Then you better get your self and a Mate to Bingara Vinduro on the Anzac Day weekend ..

You better Enter Now.......its getting  close to 2 weeks  way Now ......
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: Tony.Brown on April 05, 2016, 10:07:32 pm
Yes there was 2 other Blokes taking Photos..
One was a Mate of the Penrite team..
He had a BIG Rig and should have taken some Good Photo.

I hope he will share his Photos .

and Tony B  did take a few with Me on sunday ...

I do have a few more on the Cutting Room Floor of Gum trees and sky ...

Hahaha I've got a few like that too Dennis! I'll go through more of mine and post some here, I just picked the ones I thought people would like to see.
Title: Re: VTR Vinduro 2 Day at Nimmitabel N.S.W 12th &13th of March 2016
Post by: VTR Vinduro on June 10, 2016, 08:46:45 pm
  VTR have just uploaded a Video on Nimmitabel on our Youtube Channel

                                         VTR Vinduro Water & Mud Nimmitabel

           Check out other Vinduro at VTR Vinduro  on Youtube      Don't forget  Click on  Like