OzVMX Forum

Clubroom => General Discussion => Topic started by: Simon1506 on July 09, 2014, 09:45:09 am

Title: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Simon1506 on July 09, 2014, 09:45:09 am
Hey people, trying to finish a restore on y 1974 CR125. i have most of the major stuff but need lots of little things like, wheel axles carb boots, air box, and all sorts of fiddley stuff. I think the best way is to buy a parts bike. I have seen a few MT125's around and they are resonably well priced. are most of the interchangeable like a yamaha DT/MX? Any help would be hreat as i dont want the restor of a little 125 to cost $6K
Cheers Simon NZ
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Bamford#69 on July 09, 2014, 10:34:03 am
Hi ,
Get yourself an MT and a CR parts books , you will be surprised how little will interchange,
Dead MT's are cheap and easy to buy , Dead CR125's are not, for a  very good reason,
I've had my CR for nearly 20 years, fantastic little bike.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: JohnnyO on July 09, 2014, 10:46:12 am
Very little is the same.. foot pegs, levers, front guard, front hub, maybe front forks and not much else.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: 80-85 husky on July 09, 2014, 02:07:22 pm
the MT's were the "greatest looking disappointment" of their time and not much was actually interchangeable and subsequently neither was the performance ;)
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: JohnnyO on July 09, 2014, 02:15:31 pm
the MT's were the "greatest looking disappointment" of their time and not much was actually interchangeable and subsequently neither was the performance ;)
Too true.. The XL's were better bikes
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Simo63 on July 09, 2014, 03:28:24 pm
What about the MT250's?  Were they better or any closer to their CR Cousins than the 125's?
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: cyclegod on July 09, 2014, 04:07:00 pm
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Davey Crocket on July 09, 2014, 05:03:28 pm
Simon, GMC in Victoria does an alloy airbox for them that takes a YZ85 air filter, works better than the std one, look him up....Geoff Morris Concepts.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: JohnnyO on July 09, 2014, 06:34:44 pm
What about the MT250's?  Were they better or any closer to their CR Cousins than the 125's?
No they were lemons also..
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Tim754 on July 09, 2014, 06:44:57 pm
Simon think about how long the MT125 and MT250 production run lasted compared to the CR ranges ;) or if Honda kept making the mega-power, sublime handling,visually stunning XL250 range and not the MT's, they were   ................ fill in your favourite expletive/s.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Lozza on July 09, 2014, 11:44:13 pm
Leaves more cylinders for me to use today. Cases are almost identical except for the oil pump housing and the brown paint on the MT. Gearboxes,cranks and clutches interchange, Noel did up an MT ages ago and it still gets around alright on standard points ignition even.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: euro bikes on July 10, 2014, 06:18:05 am
I put a MT head and barrel on my daughters CR 125 which made it a lot easer for her to ride.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Bamford#69 on July 10, 2014, 11:27:48 am
remember an MT 5 speed box wider road  ratios, CR speed really close, 6 speed
the more you make the MT into a CR the more bits you need that are from a CR ,
Barrel Head Carb Pipe Ignition Gearbox for starters
A wise man once told me " if you want a fast Race bike start with a fast  Race bike "
cheers and good luck
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Simo63 on July 10, 2014, 11:35:00 am
What about the MT250's?  Were they better or any closer to their CR Cousins than the 125's?
No they were lemons also..

Missed this response .... thanks for telling it how it is John :) :)
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Rookie#1 on July 11, 2014, 07:13:34 pm
One has bottom end power and one doesn't!!! And a few other things  ;D
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Natroy on July 31, 2014, 10:02:08 pm
Until the MT 125/250, Honda only made four stroke trail bikes. Then again I can't remember a decent Honda two stroke (except for the cr's). The CR and MT are light year's apart.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: jerry on July 31, 2014, 10:29:19 pm
If you want one of the little buggers sing out. I know a bloke who has one. J
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: FourstrokeForever on August 01, 2014, 10:58:18 am
The MT250 can be made into a fast bike with the help of CR barrel, head and carby. Mine goes just as good as a CR and I think the gear ratios are better spaced. I also put on the CR ignition (removes a lot of flywheel weight) and a NOS DG pipe. I also think there is less flex in the MT frame compared to the CR.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: OverTheHill on August 01, 2014, 11:38:31 am
i see some MT250 talk there--i have a CR250 points ignition system [minus coil/condenser under the tank]. Had an MT250 a couple of years ago, you'd laugh if you saw it when i found it lying out behind a disused dairy factory corroded to bits so of course the old 'you'll never get that going' said by someone, got me started. Ran perfect too without any cost & bolted it into an old yamy R5 frame as a test bed. went to a guy for a 'grass kart' in the end. We sold them new where i worked back then but get more exited about them now than then--sad that!!. Cheers.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Simo63 on August 01, 2014, 03:02:08 pm
Until the MT 125/250, Honda only made four stroke trail bikes. Then again I can't remember a decent Honda two stroke (except for the cr's). The CR and MT are light year's apart.

Whilst Honda specialised in 4 bangers, they made some decent 2 strokes such as the H100 and the MT250.  The only problem with the MT250 is that people unfairly compare it to the CR.  Of course it's not going to stack up against a CR but neither did the venerable XL250 Motorsport either  ::)  An unrealistic comparison in my mind and one you could repeat with just about any Japanese brand of bike back in the day ... the DT's vs the YZ's etc :)
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: 80-85 husky on August 01, 2014, 07:56:31 pm
"Of course it's not going to stack up against a CR " unfortunately Honda suggested it would... :D
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: pokey on August 01, 2014, 09:17:32 pm
Best LOOKING bike in the day,
 Compared with its trail bike peers and No that doesnt include MX bikes as it was never designed to be on a MX track ever. the MTs performed quite ok even if they  broke cases if you looked sideways at them and had points.

A CR also makes a pretty crappy trials bike so camparing them  someone will always be a loser.

 In 77 I had a TS250. mate had a Matador  and another a MT250 and another a motorsport.
 Straight drag open ground the MT had the goods off the start then I could run him down with with the TS, Bully was a few lengths back then the heavy motosport.
 In the forest where it was also designed to go it wasnt that good compared with The bully that had the torque and the TS that was just a good for the time trail bike . the MT rider didnt sweat as much as the guy doing weightlifting  exercises with the bucket of lead motorsport though.

It just wasnt the best and that didnt translate into sales  so honda went with its heritage and what was working at the sales office.. the Cr and the XL and if it was my back pocket i would  aswell.

 FWIW. its an okay bike just not the best and a bit fragile. Damn good looking though but not for everyone.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: Natroy on August 02, 2014, 06:30:36 pm
I had an MT 250 and of course you can't compare it to a CR. It couldn't even keep up with a RT or DT. I know, I tried several times.
They were the cheapest 250 in their day, $755.00 on the road from Motocross in Penrith.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: 80-85 husky on August 02, 2014, 06:37:17 pm
in the words of someone famous (not sure who..??) " they are the best looking disappointment of a motorcycle known to man"
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: chippy on August 02, 2014, 09:49:13 pm
This is my little MT125. A great looking bike, starts first or second kick every time.
Easy to ride but very heavy. A good one to have in the shed.
                                                                                  Cheers Chippy.
Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: FourstrokeForever on August 03, 2014, 08:29:56 am
Here's my MT/CR250.....just how Honda should of / could of built the MT



Title: Re: What s the differences between MT and Cr125
Post by: 80-85 husky on August 03, 2014, 08:42:45 am
now youre talkin ;D