OzVMX Forum

Marque Remarks => Suzuki => Topic started by: Quicksilver on June 07, 2008, 09:54:04 am

Title: Suzuki Swingarm ID.
Post by: Quicksilver on June 07, 2008, 09:54:04 am
I thought these might N or T model RM. Can anyone shed a little light on what they are? One with chain guides attached is wider at rear then the other. Guessing one might ( closest in pic ) maybe 125 the other 250,400 maybe.

Title: Re: Suzuki Swingarm ID.
Post by: TM BILL on June 07, 2008, 10:18:16 am
I think this is what they are but stand to be corrected  ;)
One without chain guide is RM125 N with aftermarket chain tensioner fitted , fairly sure on this one Drew :)
One with chain guide PE 175 T or X

Title: Re: Suzuki Swingarm ID.
Post by: crs-and-rms on June 07, 2008, 12:27:27 pm
the one with the chain guide looks like its from pe 250 80model  or 81    i have mine off at the moment  its 194 mm  wide at pivot point no spacers  and 232 mm inside at axle point   from new only pe models had grease nipples the other one is not rm 125 n or t as i have both of these bikes , i think the pe 175s had the brake pivot through the swing arms but i dont have any info on them
Title: Re: Suzuki Swingarm ID.
Post by: oldfart on June 07, 2008, 01:55:10 pm
Top is definately PE , Botton is RM bastardised ......PE have chain buffers   ( srew hole in top pic behind pivot    ....RM  had roller and as  CRS & rms pointed out NO grease nipple , as  for the bolt thu thee arm FN ( back yard mod )  ::)