OzVMX Forum
Marketplace => eBay Finds => Topic started by: firko on November 23, 2013, 10:36:42 am
A lot of money for what it is and the ad is a bit vague in what you actually get for your $6500. Alberta, Canada isn't the most convenient place to ship from either.
(http://i1112.photobucket.com/albums/k495/firko2/firko2181/HLORIGINALCANADA_zps68fc1586.jpg) (http://s1112.photobucket.com/user/firko2/media/firko2181/HLORIGINALCANADA_zps68fc1586.jpg.html)
(http://i1112.photobucket.com/albums/k495/firko2/firko2182/HLoriginalroller_zps22ddeaf9.jpg) (http://s1112.photobucket.com/user/firko2/media/firko2182/HLoriginalroller_zps22ddeaf9.jpg.html)
Ad # 3226261 November 22, 2013
first time offered. profab HL500 project
original!!! NOT a GMC unit.
$6500.00. or, $5000.00 plus $1500.00 VMX project.
prefer to sell as local as possible. Central Alberta CANADA
Jay Em
Red Deer ALBERTA, CANADA, canada
Registered Since 12/1/2010 | 23 Posts
Always makes me laugh when they push the point that it's an original and not a GMC like that's an advantage ::)
An original what ??? farm bike ;D given the option to buy I would rather have a modern GMC frame that you know has been built recently by a known craftsman and won't be full of rust you can't see :)
it's overpriced IMHO and original is in this case is again IMHO a disadvantage , it's a farm bike not a one off special factory works bike or even a limited production 74 RH or RN Suzuki .
I feel like I'm famous
or is that infamous ;D
I do make a Profab / Hallman air filter basket case...
(http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a393/gmcloa/products/Profab-Hallman--airbox-022_zpsf25f9786.jpg) (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/gmcloa/media/products/Profab-Hallman--airbox-022_zpsf25f9786.jpg.html)
$K bike
As stated geoffs frame probably stronger and no hidden rust
Hey Geoff
Thats an exceptional example of a farm bike you have there
Always makes me laugh when they push the point that it's an original and not a GMC like that's an advantage ::)
An original what ??? farm bike ;D given the option to buy I would rather have a modern GMC frame that you know has been built recently by a known craftsman and won't be full of rust you can't see :)
it's overpriced IMHO and original is in this case is again IMHO a disadvantage , it's a farm bike not a one off special factory works bike or even a limited production 74 RH or RN Suzuki .
We have to remember as with Musclecars and a lot of other collectables there are two different markets (recreational and investment). If you are going to build an original that will not be raced it will be worth more than a replica. As each "investment" bike sells for higher prices it makes Geoff's HL's worth more too.
Even restored I would never race that bike. So much better to have a GMC replica under you when landing from big jumps!
Personally I would take the GMC package over this thing any day or the week.....he's way over priced on it IMHO...and who know what your getting in the end...origin is not always the way to go ...I bought an original running bike late this summer for 4k...in the USA...
I feel like I'm famous
or is that infamous ;D
Neither Geoff.......... "notorious" is a much more accurate description............. :-*
I'm with you Tony, afterall Geoff is pretty close to Ned Kelly country [to our American friends, think of Billy the kid...lol.]
I'll tell you what Geoff makes really well. Expansion chambers for a 1977 RM 125 B. Your exhaust helped Liam to #1 at the Nats. Thanks Geoff
Geoffs going to raise all his prices now with all this good feed back :)
I would too. Having just bought a DG pipe for a 86 IT 200 and having to bend the fu..ing thing into shape to fit,( at my expense ) I am not happy. GMC pipe bolted straight up no problemo
Quality costs Mick, you're in the game. You know that!
Thinking about getting a GMC pipe for my 490 Maico.
Has anyone been using one for that bike ???
Just curious to know what the improvements are ??
You should thank us Qlders for his "B" pipe Ted, we got him to change it..... ;D......but your right, I have 5 of his pipes and have sold many more.
For sale, a genuine original HL GMC 500. $20,000. Interested parties PM me.
For sale, a genuine original HL GMC 500. $20,000. Interested parties PM me.
Not meaning to denigrate my friend GMC in any way but??
Genuine original HL GMC 500 ????
Genuine original HL ?
Genuine GMC HL copy ?
Or Genuine Original Torsten Hallman Racing Bengt Aberg Replica ?
If its the US bike recently for sale I think it is worth it.
GMC #015??
Hey Geoff
Thats an exceptional example of a farm bike you have there
Yeah, it was just some old thing I had laying around the farm.
I'm with you Tony, afterall Geoff is pretty close to Ned Kelly country [to our American friends, think of Billy the kid...lol.]
Bugger, Daveys onto me. Yes I confess, I have been wandering around the local farms at night stealing their ploughs to forge into HL frames
If I recall Geoff strengthens the frames of his replicas as the originals had a bad habit of breaking. That right Geoff? So, if I were to buy an original HL whatever that had been rusting over the years I wouldn't have the guts to ride it, not because of the historical value but because I valuse my skin!
The UK built frames suffered most from the square box oil tank that fractures easily.
The swingarm pivot runs through this box and so the oil tank becomes a stressed member of the frame. I made mine from thicker material and also from 4130, I suspect the originals were just sheet metal as it would have been viewed as only an oil tank.
I haven't heard or seen any of the US built Profab / Hallman frames that have needed repairs in this area.