OzVMX Forum
Marque Remarks => Yamaha => Topic started by: Wendell Clark on January 06, 2012, 07:17:20 am
Hi there,
Firko asked for an image of my DT1 rat and here it is. Goes better than it looks.
I know I'll get ragged for the pipe but it works the best!(http://www.allen224.com/dt1)
nice pre~75 thing :)
whats the kickstarter off?
and does it clear the case all the way through its stroke?
Cool DT1 Wendell...the pipe's a tad reminiscent of the Harry Taylor pipe on Siege's 'Diamond Lil' but isn't that different to what I ran on my DT1 in its final bit of development. What's it originally intended for? As politically incorrect as it was, my Pete Reynolds fatty pipe worked a treat and we're actually hoping to use the dimensions to make the downpipe for my new DT1 flat tracker...but I digress however ;D.
Vandy the kicker looks to be a DT2MX item, the same as what I use. You can still buy them NOS on eBay for not a lot of money and they clear everything. What's the engine specs Wendell? I can see a GYT head but can't quite see if it's got a reed cylinder or not. Except for the pipe and front wheel it's a pretty good period bike. Preston Petty's, Hi-Point tank make a great period statement. Assuming it's a piston Port barrel you'd only have to fit an earlier front wheel and the bike'd fit right into our pre '70 class.
The pipe is off of a 05 YZ250, it greatly improved the midrange. I originally ran the stock GYT cheese grater pipe.
The switch to the modern pipe shaved off a lot of weight cheaply. Head and cylinder are stock DT1mx stuff. The frame
has been lowered 1 1/2 inches. The swing arm is off of a 75 mx250. When you remove all of the triangular shock mount bracing from this you end up with an oval tube YZ type swingarm with no shock mounts.(http://www.allen224.com/dt4) Yep that's a 75mx arm. I rode a stock 71 RT1mx in our pre 72 class for a couple seasons, also have a 74 a model and a 75 b model 250, I would rather ride my modded DT1 over any of my other motorcycles.
I would never have thought of cutting a yz or mx mono swing arm up , there you go spent weeks trying to get a 74 mx 250 swingarm and had 3 yzc 400 ones sitting under the work bench . nice bike wendell , like Firko and Vandy Im a DT/RT tragic as well
Thats clever engineering.....pity they aren't chrome moly.....heavy bloody arms....the bonus is you can buy an All Balls swingarm kit for the mono swingarm that gives you the spacers, shims, thrust washers etc.
Thats clever engineering.....pity they aren't chrome moly.....heavy bloody arms....the bonus is you can buy an All Balls swingarm kit for the mono swingarm that gives you the spacers, shims, thrust washers etc
I agree...That swingarm is a stroke of genius in that it looks factory enough to pass muster at scrutineering.
At one stage I had an alloy OSSA Phantom swingarm on my DT1, it bolted straight in and was as light as a feather but the trade offs were that it was as weak as piss, full of stress cracks and most of all, ilegal for pre '70.
pity they aren't chrome moly.....heavy bloody arms..
Yeah they might be heavy but have you felt the weight of a 'square' section '68 DT1 swingarm John? They're humungous.
I'm inspired by the number of DT1/RT1 true believers that are coming out of hiding after years of hearing how bad the bikes were from folks who'd never ever knocked the top off one. The more I work on the engines the more I realise how solid a design they are. For a first up effort from a country not noted for their dirt bike expertise, the DT1 engine proved to be a gem even back in '68. From the humble DT1 grew the legendary YZ250A engine and ditto the RT1-YZ360A lineage. And parts are still as cheap as chips...I just bought a NOS single ring RT1MX (GYT) piston and ring for $20+$17 shipping http://www.ebay.com/itm/320818847480?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_500wt_949 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/320818847480?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_500wt_949)
and a 1mm over DT1 MX single ring full kit for $28..http://www.ebay.com/itm/120805099531?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_507wt_698 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/120805099531?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_507wt_698)
Try and buy CZ, Maico or Husky pistons (or just rings) for those prices.
Firko there has been a few of us over the years , Nifty #173 is another that comes to mind as a dt/rt tragic . Ive got Fatboy down here in Tas on a DT1 so the more the merrier . still got 4 to build 2x250 2x360 there are heaps of them out there just got to find them all . Iain (http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m612/Iain_Cameron/DSC_0030.jpg) this is the one sold to Fatboy its now a 250 (http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m612/Iain_Cameron/DSC_0001-Copy.jpg)
but this old girl is my fav the one that started it all for me
Cool Bikes iainyz. Like Firko said, parts availability make for cheap and easy experimentation. So many have been raced and modded over the years, there is a lot of good info on them. I see in your sig that you have a DT2mx. Is it a future
resto or will it be a racer? They are a great bike that I believe is very competitive in pre 75 once the frame mods are done.
The one that I had was fast,it would suprise some who would ride it expecting a slow old motorcycle.
Hi there,
Firko asked for an image of my DT1 rat and here it is. Goes better than it looks.
I know I'll get ragged for the pipe but it works the best!(http://www.allen224.com/dt1)
That bike looks great, the tank absolutely makes it!
mmmm....if Firko stops buying all these DT1 things, there might be one left somewhere for me?
Seeing everybody's showing off their old Yamaha's I thought I'd repeat my old RT1 which will soon be ready again after an engine hop up and ignition upgrade.
Or the future project DT2MX I found in California for $200. Now I've had a chance to check it out it turned out to be a great buy. If you look past the shitty tank and seat it's a clean, low mileage bike.
I was Googling away this arvo and found this nicely prepped DT1 on the AMS site. I've picked up a couple of ideas----I like his treatment on the sprocket cover/actuator and the aluminium sprayed Bassani but the tank's too plain...it needs the pinstripe or an alloy tank like Wendells, even the smaller AT1 tank would look more at home against the lumpier YZ seat. What's that rear sprocket off? I like the square holes, something a tad different.
The same bloke also owns this nice YZ250A. I like the 'worksy' graphics and his eye for detail.
Firko did you place photos?cant see them
Yep....there's six photos....three DT1 and three YZ250. I can see 'em, have they gone missing for anyone else?
no there all there , so its a dt/rt photo fest (http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m612/Iain_Cameron/DSC_0092-2.jpg)(http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m612/Iain_Cameron/DSC_0091-2.jpg)(http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m612/Iain_Cameron/DSC_00112.jpg)(http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m612/Iain_Cameron/DSC_0090-2.jpg)don't you just love the old girls
how strange Firko photos there now
I started racing proper on an identical RT1MX to the one below, a genuine yellow stripe 70 model. The red stripers came out in '71. They might not have been the greatest bike on the track but shit they looked nice.
Agreed :o
Here's the holy grail for DT1 junkies....some of the six titanium frames built by Don Jones in 1971.
Below is the trick DT1 Don Jones and Barry Watkins built for Cycle Guide magazine in 1971/2. This bike was the trickest bike on the planet in 1971, came in at around 190lb in weight. This is essentially what I'm aiming for with my Hindall RT2MX project, but with a different colour scheme. The Watkins bike has a Champion frame, mine has an even lighter Hindall, otherwise both bikes are uncannily similar. I'm enjoying a renewed burst of enthusiasm on the project after three false starts and now the plan is to have it at the Nats with Tony Clarke on board her for pre 75/500(and the Cheney in pre '70.)
I feel the urge to build one of these
yes its a dt250 under all the fairing
Mark , they would be the grail , Titanium awesome find can't imagine the $$$$ now days .
Iain....you've probably noticed elsewhere on the forum that I've solved my seat problem. I had to buy a whole bike to get it but at least I've got one now ;D.
It's amazing what you collect when you really get involved in something. Since I've started this DT1 fesish I've accumulated quite a bit of period go fast equipment for the Yammy. Below is my little rogues gallery of aftermarket heads. I've also got a Kennedy industries head and a couple of GYT items.
l-r...Webco, Jones, ACK.
how nice is this! looks fast sitting still. Could you make something similar without an aftermarket frame?
Firko, I have one of those heads on the right in your 2nd picture, any idea of what brand it is?
Pictured below is the DT1 that inspired my bikes, unfortunately no photos of any of mine at the moment as they are in many bits undergoing re-builds, P.S. any progress on lowering kits?
Firko, Don't answer that 1st question, I re-read your post. Here's the other side of the DT1.
P.S. any progress on lowering kits?
Sadly no Nev, I had all good intentions but health woes and being sidetracked on other projects got me distracted. I'll be on crutches for the next three months so the kits won't be coming in the forseeable future.
how nice is this! looks fast sitting still. Could you make something similar without an aftermarket frame
I suppose you could Paul but you'd be battling to get it in at 190lb like this baby. The lightest and best components of the day were used by Don Jones and Barry Watkins t construct it. I believe it's now owned by Bob Neilson's widow Linda who used to occasionally race it in AHRMA events. My Hindall and Cheney projects were both inspired by this bike. I've wanted to build it since 1972!
This is one of nifty's gems
No rush Firko, rest up!
Not a DT1 but my old GYT kitted CT1, 1st shot was just after I rescued it from a duck pen!
Ian, just not used to seeing the number 54!
Nor me I had to run #154 at the Nats , felt wrong not having the 54 .
Here's the bike that eventually led to the DT1...THE 1957 Yamaha YA1-Red Dragonfly 125.
Here's the bike that eventually led to the DT1...THE 1957 Yamaha YA1-Red Dragonfly 125.
Hi Mark,
that's a great looking little Yamaha, I haven't seen one before.
It reminds me of when Phil Irving came to a Ballarat Rovers sportmans type night along with a couple of other high profile motorcycle celebrities.
Phil talked about his whole life involved in engine design and motorcycles. Part of the talk was about the early days of the Japanese two strokes. He said the Japenese had been great at copying (and improving in some cases) British and European two strokes but couldn't get their port timing right, producing very peaky unreliable hard to start engines.
He said he was asked by the Japanese to go and help redesign what they had built. He did this in I think he said the late 50's and early 60's with Yamaha If I remember correctly. He also had a long relationship with them in later years using their facilities with many projects he was working on including the Yella Terra head
and the Falcon cross flow head.
He also said tongue in cheek that he was disappointed that WW2 finished when it did because he was working for the British armed forces and his last project was an engine in a boat that could be dropped from a plane, submerged anyway up and still start reliably by paratroops. He said they had perfected it but never got to use them.
The only question I got to ask him was: do you think the two stroke is finished in motorcycling given all the new emission laws particularly in th USA and with the first multi cylinder 4 strokes winning that year at Daytona. His reply was there was still so much untapped development left in the two stroke it will never be finished but maybe put into moth balls for a while till someone gets on top of their emmission output.
He was probably the most interesting speaker that I have ever listened to.
(sorry for the thread hijack)
Regards Stan.
this thing is just beautifull 8)
count me in for being a tradgic!
i never even knew what an RT1 was when i first saw one but something just clicked inside of me and then ebay delivered this little baby,
the motor ran but very rough,
so with the help of some seat straps from the salvation army i took it for it's first ride dressed like this ;D
and then with a little more shed time it morphed into this,
so after riding the bucking bronco :D and notching up my first ever in the whole of my life race win{Hoony saw it!}, i read a bit about the almighty frame lowering mod, yes Firko, you can take credit for that ;)
so the motor was dropped 2" and an origional tank placed proudly upon it to look something like this,
i was very tempted to replicate the Capalaba Gararge paint shceme as i reckon it looks cool and may even go that way next time round, we'll see.
so then around that time a "Flat Biscuit" pipe was rolled up from an old 44 gallon drum ;D
and now it looks like this
Yo Vandy, I had a good look at your RT1 at either CD7 or the Conondale Nats (they sort of blend together in my head) and was pretty impressed by how well thought out it is. The only thing I'd change is the tank, I'd replicate those cool Capalaba Garage graphics. I wonder what the story is behind that? ;D
The only thing I'd change is the tank, I'd replicate those cool Capalaba Garage graphics. I wonder what the story is behind that? ;D
yeah, it really was a tough decision Firko as that Dark Blue with Yellow sign writing really looked the goods.
if another tank lands in my lap down the track i'd like to do it just like that.
the tank was given to me in a parts~trade deal with another well known RT1 nut here in Brisbane and he did tell a bit about it at the time but i really would need to check back with him as to the real story.
very cool.
what a great thread :)
I have a bit of an idea that this bloke might just happen to be one of us ;D. That's a nice little collection but why no white tanker?
One of the things I'm enjoying with my excursion into the depths of DT1 building is to locate as many original GYT or DT1MX parts as I can. Anyone who's ever tried to find an original GYT high mount front mudguard and the intricate mounting hardware will surely agree that this stuff is fast achieving holy grail status. I was recently lucky to locate the below bracket(s) for $50+$20 shipping off Marks Swapmeet. I've been looking for the little underneath bracket for years to match up with the other parts of the bracket I already had so to be able to get the whole enchilada for 50 bucks made me a pretty happy camper. All I need is another GYT front mudguard and I'll be able to convert my resto DT1 into a DT1MX.
When I started hacking up my DT1 I sold all those parts,f fender mount,fragile! front fender, airbox and so on to a restorer.
He liked them so much he bought my RT1 also.(http://www.allen224.com/71rt1mx) All those heads are cool and are great period pieces. Have any of you had a gyt dt1 head sent off to be squish and shape corrected? I am interested in hearing how well it worked, I still want to run on pump gas though.
That old little 125 is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time!
Sick puppies. ;D.....you boys need to get a women or 5. :D
Here's the holy grail for DT1 junkies....some of the six titanium frames built by Don Jones in 1971.
Or the sand cast magnesium clutch cover?
Sick puppies. ;D.....you boys need to get a women or 5. :D
always a work in progress Davey :D
always :D
given you're into the trick Yammie's Davey,
i thought you'd be in for something like that highly modified Cycle Torque bike.
go on mate,
you know you want to...
Thats just it Mic, you blokes are pushing the buttons.....and I need another project on the go like one armed paper hanger!!! ::)
On Tuesday nights at the Whalan community centre you can get help Firko = DT1aholics anomymous
Repeat after me "My name is Mark and i am a DT1aholic"
On Tuesday nights at the Whalan community centre you can get help Firko = DT1aholics anomymous
Repeat after me "My name is Mark and i am a DT1aholic"
I tried to get the local hall but the local Samoan Seventh Day Adventists had a block booking on it. ::)
It400c the sand cast cover Ive got , 2x GYT heads , 1 GYT dt1mx pipe . but I would Kill for one of those frames .
No problem old mate ,have organised the Whalan samoan Rugby team changing sheds for you.
I'm surprised Mainline hasnt been bought into the fold....I see him lurking .....come on Paul....we could build one each. ::)
The holy grail GYT kit. I've got all of the engine components now, a couple of pipes and a couple heads and cylinders.
Thanks to IT400C
Anyone wanting a Hindall DT1 just like mine would be silly not to look further into this barn find for sale by AMS in Arizona. There's no price listed but I've emailed him to find out. No...I don't want it so feel free to go for it.http://amsracing.com/product/973 (http://amsracing.com/product/973)
1968 Hindall Yamaha DT-1 250cc - Super Rare
NOS GYT Kit Pipe
Dual Plug Ignition
Machined Cerani Forks
Hollow Axles and Swing Arm Bolt
Early DT-1 Motor
Special Hindall Rear Hub and Brake
Hindall Seat/Tank Combo
VIN# HH061072
I'd love to own that genuine Hindall billet back hub for my bike though ;D
I'm surprised Mainline hasnt been bought into the fold....I see him lurking .....come on Paul....we could build one each. ::)
Maybe after the BSA? Certainly got me thinking anyway.
Mainline you know its ok to be different , DT/RT's will grow on you .lol
I've had a chat with Dave Boydstun from AMS Racing in Arizona about the Hindall DT1 in my earlier post and he informed me that he's just picked up another Hindall DT1 which if our information is correct, between he and I we've got half of Harry Hindall's full production run of DT1 frames. The new bike has a 1972 build date, as does his other so my 1970 model seems to be pretty early. My flat tracker Hindall , which started life as a Kawasaki 350 Bighorn version also has a 1972 build date. The late Bob Neilson was a bit of an expert in Hindalls and he reckoned that my bike was #1 DT1 frame but with Harry dead it's hard to authenticate that. Harry's numbering system is pretty interesting. Being a one man operation, Harry only made one frame per day so rather than number them in unison he stamped them with the date they were made. My bikes number reads
HH 101870 which translates as October 18 1970 while Dave's bike reads HH 061072= June 10 1972 and my RT1 flat track Hindall is HH 072572 which would have it made on July 25 1972. The system's as unique as Harry was himself.
Here's the newest of Dave Boydstun's Hindall duo.http://amsracing.com/product/1040 (http://amsracing.com/product/1040) This one has all of the great period DT1 holy grail bits such as the unobtainable Jones clutch cover and seems to have been built using much of the stuff used in the Cycle Guide Larry Watkins Champion framed bike. The Don Jones touch is everywhere if you check the parts list (Maico rear wheel for instance).
How rare is this little gem? ;)
Where the heck did Dave find that?
firko 10.18.70 try 18th oct 1970 .
According to Dave, he got it from St Louis, Mo. Jay. You'd be a perfect Hindall owner....Go on, you know you want it! ::)
firko 10.18.70 try 18th oct 1970
Doh, another Homer moment! :-\....Arithmetic was never my strong point.
I'll see Dave on 030412 (that's March 4th), but I don't think I'm getting a big enough tax return to cover the Hindall. ;D
I'll see Dave on 030412 (that's March 4th)
Very quick Jay ;D, you've worked out Harry's secret code! Dave told me that he's going to restore both Hindalls and put them in the Las Vegas auction in December. They'll go for serious money I'd presume, especially the white one.
Now that I've got most of the GYT bibs and bobs I'm considering converting my cover girl DT1 enduro resto over to DT1MX spec. My idea is to have it so I can easily swap between street and race trim (not that it'd ever see a race track). The DT1 has sat doing nothing in my garage since it was last used at CD6. What do you reckon kids?
The original trick DT1.....The Torsten Hallman factory racer, based on a DT1 and the predecessor to the YZ 250A
THat is a serious peace of gear , how I would love it in my shed .
I was fiddling with the camera in the shed and took some comparo shots of the stock DT1, GYT and my Warren Willing barrel. Here's the transfer ports..............
Stock piston port
GYT piston port
Willing ported piston port
Are the cobwebs a core part of Warrens go fast philosophy? ;)
Loving this wander through DT1 land... could be addictive.
Me too.
Beats reading about the nudity debacle and other non MX related crap.
I'm quite tempted by an early Yamaha now.
Me too.
Beats reading about the nudity debacle and other non MX related crap.
I'm quite tempted by an early Yamaha now.
I agree Cranky, but I also reckon it could be part of "a cunning plan" by Firko and his crew to drive up the prices of these utilitarian workhorses... ;)
Yeah, I'm glad the nudity debate has been shuffled off to Buffalo and we can get back to old bikes, it looks as if Walt's flushed it down the toilet anyway.
I was intending to post some other shots of DT1 inlet, exhaust and boost port comparisons but figured the interest-bandwidth use ratio was a tad out of whack. Even though I'd know what's what up on the screen, to most it looks like a binch of holes no different to each other, in the end more than a bit boring for even the most anal of porting junkies. Instead, here's a shot of the freshly rebuilt RT1 engine destined to be refitted to the Cheney any day now. Frank Stanborough has balanced the crank/rod/piston, the twin ring original piston's been replaced by a single ring RT1MX item, Lozza's done some porting, there's a new 36mm Mikuni replacing the old flange mount 34 and the DT400 CDI has been replaced by one of Lozza's custom programmable ignitions. When combined with the modefied Pro-form YZ360A pipe we're expecting some serious performance from this puppy. With a bit of luck and some of the usual good riding by my 'sponsored' rider Clarkey, the old Cheney might just be competitive in pre 70 at the Queensland Nats later this year.
btw, the scratched up outer cases are off at the powder coaters right now
btw, the scratched up outer cases are off at the powder coaters right now
I was hoping.
Firko, is that one of them fancy oil coolers i can see poking out of the side case, do they work?
Firko does lozza sell his ignitions? Is he a member of ozvmx ?
Firko does lozza sell his ignitions? Is he a member of ozvmx ?
Yes and Yes. ;)
Needs 3 bolts in the stator to backing plate though firko. Looking forward to tuning the nuts of off it.
Firko, is that one of them fancy oil coolers i can see poking out of the side case, do they work
Yeah it is Nifty....somehow I doubt it'd make much difference but it's one of those period gizmo's I find hard to resist. :)
Needs 3 bolts in the stator to backing plate though firko
Yeah I know that Lozza....I need another wiring diagram too. I can't find mine. I'm going at it slowly, I may get it running with my PVL and then move over to the Lozza setup. I've got other stuff on my mind before I have to bother with that.
It was a proud day at Casa del Firko when the my DT1 made the cover of OBA last year ;D
Now that I've got a spare engine I'm reassembling my darling old DT1 from Hell for CD9. I was chatting with a good 'ol boy chum this morning and we've decided to have a DT1/RT1 theme for the Kevlar Kompound at CD9.
Nathans trusty old racer will possibly be revamped into a period style desert bike and used as this years Kevlar Kourtesy Bike before embarking on a new career as an RT1.
Like the others I'm enjoying this thread and looking at old Yammies in a different light. :D
Firko . Im going to try to get to CD9 , would you have room for a couple more dt/rt s at your stand .
Firko . Im going to try to get to CD9 , would you have room for a couple more dt/rt s at your stand
Nothing's been set in stone yet Iain but of course you can park the bikes with ours.
Talk of Dt1 is not complete unless you have a bit of mashburn in there.....
This rarity is for sale on AMS Racing http://amsracing.com/vegas_show_bikes (http://amsracing.com/vegas_show_bikes) It's a sweet bike, expensive for sure but these things are as rare as they come. It's a genuine factory release, not a Micro Zundapp based special.
VIN# 0004 - 1 out of 22 Frame Kits, and #4 of 11 Complete Bikes Ever Built!
Very Rare Rickmann Magnesium Hubs, Front and Rear
New Fiberglass Body Work (Green & Complete) w/Seat (Black)
Re-Nickel Plated Frame, Swing Arm, Pegs, and Brake Pedal
Re-Plated All Original Hardware
Re-Painted Hubs and Backing Plates (Hammer Tone Silver)
Stainless Steel Spokes
Re-Built DT-1 Motor w/New Piston, Rod, Bearings, Gaskets and Seals
Re-Chromed Original Dunlop Rims
Original Dunlop 19" and 21" Knobby Tires
OEM Correct Bars Levers and Throttle
Girlings Shocks w/Chrome Top Covers
Ceriani 35mm MX Front Forks
Bike was built as a right side shifter! Not left as Yamaha's were sold in the USA.
This bike is correct as sold new.
Reserve price at auction is $8500.00
Yes please I know a good home for it
Found a twin leading front wheel at a swop meet down here in Tas , The same wheel as in the photo of the road racer that I posted on Jan 9th (swopped 30 classic racer mags for it) so now its time to build a DT1 road racer .
Back on page 4 I showed the two basket case Hindall DT1's picked up by Dave Boydstun at AMS in Arizona.
He's got right into it....Here's the progress photos of the red one.
(http://width=800 height=600]http://i333.photobucket.com/albums/m392/cherie_jones/1HindallDesertspecialalmostfinished005.jpg)
Sure is.
What air cleaner is that on the Hindall?
What air cleaner is that on the Hindall?
It's hard to say from that angle but it looks like a Webco item.
early round style K& N filter pod has ali end on it ( seen in pic) rest is paper mesh cassette like current ones. got one here identical ( pod that is) :D
What air cleaner is that on the Hindall?
direct from the owner...''the desert bike has the stock inner fender from a DT2mx with a Uni filter inside mounted with adell clamps to the frame... ''
Here's a neat NOS pipe on Marks Swapmeet this morning...it looks to be similar to a Torque Industries item. I love the Pabst Blue Ribbon can holding it up. I didn't think it was made any more ;D.
Ad # 3195724 June 1, 2012
NOS Yamaha DT1MX/RT1MX/DT2/RT2 1969-1973 Aftermarket Pipe: New In The Bag. $130.00 FREE SHIPPING!
David Keith
Kennesaw, GA
Phone: 678-360-8359 | Email
Registered Since 10/5/2004 | 1551 Posts
will a DT1 250 engine slot into a rt1 frame are they the same frame.
will a DT1 250 engine slot into a rt1 frame are they the same frame.
thanks vandy cheers, give me something to think about