OzVMX Forum
Clubroom => General Discussion => Topic started by: Graeme M on August 07, 2011, 09:22:20 pm
Hi everyone. You may recall that in the past I've relied on donations to help cover costs running OzVMX. Unfortunately recently I had a protracted dispute with Paypal over the use of Paypal to receive donations. They were pretty useless, and the end result is that I can no longer do that. I don't think that's right, because I see plenty of other websites doing it, but what can you do? So, without the Donate button, income has disappeared. I've never made a profit from that, but most years I've broken even or if not haven't missed by much.
Anyway, renewal time is here for the Ning part of OzVMX. I know many of you don't use that site so you won't be much interested, but for those that do get some value from it, any help you can offer would be much appreciated. I'm not looking for big dollars, anything you can offer is welcome. And of course, don't feel that you *have* to contribute. OzVMX has always been free with donations welcome but not mandatory, and that is still the same.
If you'd like to contribute, I can only offer the options of sending a cheque my way, or direct deposit to my bank account.
Cheques can be made out and sent to:
Graeme McElligott
PO Box 1622
Tuggeranong ACT 2901
Direct deposit payments can be made to
Title: Graeme McElligott
BSB: 732-636
AC No: 555769
I won't be able to personally thank donaters, but believe me your contributions will be highly valued and appreciated.
Graeme M
Given that I know the costs etc , I put in $20.00 ,
I will ask why you don't add some links and add space ? If you need HTML help to make that happen I will do for free.
Well you know, that's an interesting thing. I have Google adlinks on the Ning site and that generates on average maybe 50c to $1 a day, whixh of course is better than nothing but hardly impressive.
When I started OzVMX, it was intended to make money. I put a lot of effort into tailoring an advertising package at what I thought were reasonable rates. I explained the benefits of advertising with a site that had by far the broadest reach of any 'vintage' site in Australia, and sat back and waited for the dollars to roll in.
I soon learned two things - you have to do that stuff as a serious fulltime thing as potential advertisers need to be wooed and convinced and led by the hand, and small businesses are very careful with their money.
I also tried charging for for sale ads, and found that people don't like to pay for ads unless they have a very good chance of getting a sale.
So, I decided that unless I found a lot more time and opportunity, OzVMX would be free and dep[end only on donations or my own pocket.
It's worked OK so far, especially as I have received some great support from various individuals and businesses. So I am certainly not complaining. But I was pretty peed off by Paypal...
Pay Pal is owned by the church these days and they have some odd ideas. Correct me if I'm wrong but the hosting for this site could be no more than $200 per year?
If it's not I can get one that will be.
Pay Pal is owned by the church these days and they have some odd ideas. Correct me if I'm wrong but the hosting for this site could be no more than $200 per year?
If it's not I can get one that will be.
I thought that PAYPAL is a sub of Ebay ,was bought out by Ebay years ago .
Well explained Graeme and we all owe you a great personal debt.
Having somewhere to talk old bikes, free of persecution and retribution. :P has become a relief valve.
If you can help out, please do.
There are many cheap hosting packages these days. However my host for the forum charges $275 for the package I have, plus the Ning site costs $600. The Retrodirtbikes site is another $60 or so. So it totals out at around the $950 PA. I also do the VCM and BMCC sites, and while the clubs pay for the hosting I don't charge for my time.
I get around $2-300 PA from the Google Adwords, and usually around $5-800 PA from donations. So most years nowadays I come out even or slightly ahead, although in the early days, especially before Adwords, it used to cost me about $400 or so a year.
I could probably save money by getting rid of the Ning site, and/or transferring the forum to a cheaper package, but on the whole I am happy with how it all hangs together as it is.
I used to work closely with the owners of this hosting company If you find a deal here your happy with I will try and get you a better one with them if you wish?
Thanks for the offer. The Ning site has to remain with Ning as they supply the whole thing - server space and site framework. It's a good system, tho a little expensive.
I wouldn't mind migrating the forum, but I am currently paid up to 2012 so will probably stay with the current mob for now. The main benefit would be more space. The retrodirtbike site is with Lunarpages that give you pretty much unlimited space, whereas the OzVMX package is 1 Gb only, which is why I don't allow image uploads.
Might give it some thought next year...
Good on you, Graeme. Apart from all the six-gun toting drama experts on here, there are many interested and potential vmx racers who slip through the site for a look every couple of days or so, to learn or to look. I don't think many longer-term participants would begrudge kicking in a few bucks to help you keep interested in continuing to give us all access to one of the most informative and wide-range forums on the net, and in vmx land one of the most useful. Although not a major contributor, I have had many happy hours trawling the site and have had plenty of useful info gleaned and shared.
Thanks again for your continuing efforts, mate, well done.
Regards GD ;)
Graeme, You do a great job mate, this forum gives me much pleasure, It saves time, money and educates a lot of people including myself.
Its only a small token, I will make a donation of $38.00 by transfer tonight.
Guys and girls dig deep, A mate of mine has been going to church a bit lately for his sons holy communion. (whatever that means) He tells me that they pass the can around twice per mass, there a four people in his family each putting a dollar or two each pass, this is about $12 per mass... For some people like me this is church, so i hope the $38.00 buys me a spot in VMX heaven one day- in a very long time!!!
Thanks Graeme. Hope our contributions help keep this important community of interest going :) :)
Graeme got the pay in details but what brand of bank is it
the reason i ask is it cost me a charge to go from my bank
to another bank. so if i can pay strait into your bank good
I send money through Pay-Pal to people as a gift that way
there is no charge , have they changed it...
The Stig..
Thanks to all those who have donated. I appreciate the help.
Now, the bank account is with Westpac. As far as Paypal goes, I don't know. They won't allow me to use the Donate button, but perhaps there is no problem with people simply sending money to my Paypal account? Feel free to give it a go. You can reach me there at gmc99 at bigpond.com.
And remember, it is just up to you if you donate. I appreciate the help from those who can spare a little to help out, but I in no way expect it of anyone and the site will continue all the same regardless. I also don't aim to actually make a profit. I just need to cover costs. Right now, I have to come up with $600 by 19 August. So far, donations have raised about $400, so it's looking good! Thanks.
money can be sent via PAYPAL to anyone with an account if the sender has the payee's email address that is used for the PAYPAL account. No Problem.
Well, it's that time of year when my server fees become due. I have discontinued the Google advertising on the Ning site, so there's no income from there anymore. So... if anyone can spare a few bucks, please send them along to me via Paypal - [email protected] - or via direct deposit to
Westpac Tuggeranong ACT
BSB: 732-636
A/C No: 555769
Title: Graeme McElligott
Remember, this is not expected of anyone and the site will continue all the same. But if you can help out, it really is very much appreciated.
Graeme M
A huge thank you to those who have helped me out with this, it really is very much appreciated. The Ning site in particular might be gonna cost me more in future given the rate people are posting up photos and videos! It seems to have passed some sort of 'threshold' recently and the traffic there is really taking off. Can only be a good thing huh?
GRAEME,Just sent through my ''membership fees'' hopefully a lot of the other blokes will cough up a bit of coin. I look at it this way it's just like buying the paper every day and this site is a lot more interseting and has a knowledge base that is immeasurable. Cheers. MW.
Thanks MW, it does all help believe me. And even though I get to thinking I'd rather be shot of it sometimes, I am pretty tickled that it's survived and prospered all these years. I think I started it in 2004, so in just two more years it'll be a 'Decade of OzVMX'. I'll have to commission Honest Muzz for that one huh?
a $100 note is in your moneybox
Hey Grahame .. I run a hosting space on the side and previously had a server set up my-self. You are paying for familiarity with "Ning"..
My server package for around 12 sites per year with a local Aust company is $800.. As others have said if you want to swap anything out to reduce the costs we are here to help.
Here's an idea...every one donate their Race number!!!! (changing mine to a lower number next year) Hahaha... ;)
Thanks Graeme M for another fantastic year around the tracks 8)
Thanks to everyone for the support through the year, especially if I haven't already thanked you personally. Every donation does help, believe me. I now have three websites that I look after and each costs both money and time, so the help I get is always welcomed. Thanks again to all who donated a little or a lot throughout the year.
Graeme M
Graeme, thanks for hosting the best, most rounded old dirt bike forum on the 'net. I've trolled around as many dirt bike forums as I can find and am a member of (only) two others and none come within a cooee of hosting the amount of traffic and the variety that this forum does. There's hardly a facet of the vintage dirt bike culture that isn't covered somewhere on here, Hill climbs and dirt drags are the only two that I can think of that don't get a regular go...........Let's hope for bigger and better (if that's possible)in 2013
Graeme, thanks for hosting the best, most rounded old dirt bike forum on the 'net. I've trolled around as many dirt bike forums as I can find and am a member of (only) two others and none come within a cooee of hosting the amount of traffic and the variety that this forum does. There's hardly a facet of the vintage dirt bike culture that isn't covered somewhere on here, Hill climbs and dirt drags are the only two that I can think of that don't get a regular go...........Let's hope for bigger and better (if that's possible)in 2013
Ditto. Graeme
Thanks and have a Merry Christmas.
Best forum going and the information is unbelievable,I'd be lost if I didn't have OZ VMX to read every day,Merry Xmas Graeme and thanks for all your efforts.
Well, it's that time of year when my server fees become due. I have discontinued the Google advertising on the Ning site, so there's no income from there anymore. So... if anyone can spare a few bucks, please send them along to me via Paypal - [email protected] - or via direct deposit to
Westpac Tuggeranong ACT
BSB: 732-636
A/C No: 555769
Title: Graeme McElligott
Remember, this is not expected of anyone and the site will continue all the same. But if you can help out, it really is very much appreciated.
Graeme M
Well, now that the great forum migration has been carried out successfully, a big thank you to all those who donated to the cause. I really do appreciate the help. And on that note, a special thank you to Nigel who went above and beyond and sent $100 which I found in my post box today. That was particularly fortunate as there were a few glitches in the migration process that meant I was billed an extra $100 which I paid just yesterday. How coincidental is that?
On the whole, with the donations received, I have covered pretty much all my costs for this year with only a minimum from my own pocket. So thanks to everyone who donated, and of course thanks to everyone who is part of making this forum the success that it is.
bout time i sent a donation [feeling guilty as love it on here talking 'bull' haha], will try the paypal way & hope it works to the email you gave up there somewhere.
Yes you have done us all a great service Graeme.
Works fantastic now, smooth, quick and seamless.
I wish I could manipulate women this easily.
(http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv132/mc125mick/2012-07-13215921_zps515ff29d.jpg~original) (http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/5/3970/3970473_sprite198.swf)
woohoo that worked [once i talked wifey into putting in the paypal password haha, stops me getting outa control buying on Ebay]. Only $20 but interesting looking at the transaction, made it $20AU which goes $25.25NZ then show that again then $20.98AU in the third row. Me no understandy but doesn't matter. Maybe Paypal take .98c to do the transaction. Thank for running the site. A great place to explore new ideas & reminisce over old ones that exploded etc. [gotta few of them hanging on the wall from bucket racing days] Cheers.
woohoo Me no understandy but doesn't matter. Cheers.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
This certainly is a great forum Graeme :) we all get to advertise our events, and have our say on here, sorry for the delay in donating :-[
Keep Smiling :)
Jackie Mac
Gee, another year has flown by. I think too it might be the 10 year anniversary of this forum this year? I have a vague recollection I started it in 2004.
Anyways, it's that time of year when my server fees become due. So... if anyone can spare a few bucks, please send them along to me via Paypal - gmc99 at bigpond.com - or via direct deposit to
Westpac Tuggeranong ACT
BSB: 732-636
A/C No: 555769
Title: Graeme McElligott
Remember, this is not expected of anyone and the site will continue all the same. But if you can help out, it really is very much appreciated.
Graeme M
Thanks to those who have sent a few bucks along to help out. I don't like to bother people with this stuff, but the server hosting etc does cost me and every little bit helps to meet those costs. So as always, I am most appreciative of anyone who donates.
And if you feel the urge, there's still a hefty bill awaiting me.
Seems keeping the show on the road is becoming a bit of a struggle :-\
Depends on what you mean Rookie. Moderating the forum is definitely tricky and my approach is to do what I think is a fair thing. I think I get it reasonably right, and where I don't - well that's how it goes. As far as costs, I run this forum and the main ning based site plus the Aussie Dirt Track site. It doesn't cost an arm and a leg but by the same token it's not cheap, so any donations help. If I am lucky enough to get more in than it costs me, and believe me that's a rare year indeed, I figure it's only reasonable given the amount of time, effort and frustration I have put in for around the past decade. Not to mention the occasional threat of legal action :o
Dead right, son. I'm in again. C'mon lads.
Thanks to those who have offered some help over the past several days. it will all be going to a worthy cause in a couple of weeks - the extension of my hosting arrangements! Your help is very very much appreciated.
Braaaaaaap support the sport 8)
I dont say much on here but as I started racing back in the mid seventies I like to see what others my age are up to, so I just tipped some in the coffers. Thanks Graeme!
Besides, because we are all like minded this is the place to go if you need to put out a call for help . . maybe never . . maybe soon . . . ::)
Well, it's that time of year again. My fees are $55 domain renewal, $290 annual hosting fee, and $500 for the ozvmx.ning website. Any assistance to reduce my costs on this would be much appreciated. I am not asking for big donations, just a few bucks if you can spare it. No pressure, I'll carry as much as I need to but any help is as always very welcome. So if you can sling $10-$20 my way, it'd be a great help.
Paypal to gmc99 at bigpond.com.
Cheques can be made out and sent to:
Graeme McElligott
PO Box 1622
Tuggeranong ACT 2901
Direct deposit payments can be made to
Title: Graeme McElligott
BSB: 732-636
AC No: 555769
I won't be able to personally thank those who do donate, but believe me your contributions will be highly valued and appreciated.
Graeme M
Thanks for the donations everyone, as I said I can't thank each one of you personally but your help will make it easier to pay the bills and keep the show on the road! :D
Thanks for the continual upkeep and keeping the show on the road Graeme. :-* :)
Alot of knowledge and friendships are is in this Pandora's box 8)
im about due to put some in so which bank are you with Graeme so i can make a dirrect deposit with them?
I don't get on here as much as I used to, but thanks for keeping it going, if it wasn't there one day when I popped in, as I do I would be very dissapointed.
Cheers Pancho!
TT5 Matt.....
Gee, another year has flown by. I think too it might be the 10 year anniversary of this forum this year? I have a vague recollection I started it in 2004.
Anyways, it's that time of year when my server fees become due. So... if anyone can spare a few bucks, please send them along to me via Paypal - gmc99 at bigpond.com - or via direct deposit to
Westpac Tuggeranong ACT
BSB: 732-636
A/C No: 555769
Title: Graeme McElligott
Remember, this is not expected of anyone and the site will continue all the same. But if you can help out, it really is very much appreciated.
Graeme M
Here we are, the middle of 2016 already. And 12 years since I started OzVMX, Who'd have thunk?
Anyways, my various hosting fees are now due, so I am reaching out for financial support. If you enjoy the forum and the web page and you can spare a few bucks to keep the show on the road then I'd really appreciate your help.
Please send any donations, no matter how small, to me via Paypal - gmc99 at bigpond.com
or via direct deposit to
Westpac Tuggeranong ACT
BSB: 732-636
A/C No: 555769
Title: Graeme McElligott
And of course, if you don't like this new-fangled electronic stuff, a cheque to Graeme McElligott at
PO Box 1622
Tuggeranong ACT 2901
will work too....
Remember, this is not expected of anyone and the site will continue all the same. But if you can help out, it really is very much appreciated.
Graeme M
Thank you to those who have sent me donations.
It all helps - my hosting/support costs comes to around $1000 annually so it isn't small change. Most years I get enough in donations to cover much of that but I usually have to dip into my own pocket at some stage. I must admit that Facebook seems a better option to me - easier to manage and no costs at all. But the forum format works better.
Remember, any donation is very welcome!
An update on donations. I don't want to come across too heavy here, but while I am willing to dip into my own pocket a little to keep this forum up and running, that only goes so far. As I said above, in the past when I put out the call for donations I get enough to almost cover my costs (about $1000 a year). Mostly that's in the form of $10 and $20 donations, though a few larger ones sometimes come through. So really I am not asking for a lot from people and I certainly don't expect every member to donate, especially in this day and age. But... so far this year, I've managed to encourage just $150 from over 1000 members.
I spend a couple of hours most nights keeping the forum sorted, the webpage going, and trying to keep up with the crap on the Facebook page. I don't like doing it THAT much.
Please, if you can spare $10, do send it along using the details above. Thanks so much to those of you who have donated so far.
Thanks again to those who have donated so far. Today I paid for my server hosting account for another year - $305 of which $290 was provided via donations. Thank you all so much.
Please if you can spare a few dollars to help keep OzVMX up and running, I still need to raise $600 for support and platform fees.
Just made small donate Graeme. Thanks for keeping the forum up and running
Thanks for that, always appreciated!
Just chucked in $50 Graeme. Thank you very much for your efforts. Im pretty sure I wouldn't even be involved in the VMX scene without the forum. Thanks mate Jerry
Tipped in my piece thanks Graeme
My budget is in tears, but I garantee I will contribute next week.
Thanks Graeme.
Here we are, the middle of 2016 already. And 12 years since I started OzVMX, Who'd have thunk?
Weren't you also involved in the Petshop VMX site prior to Ozvmx all those years ago?
Thanks everyone, with your help I've raised the necessary to cover the bills for another year. Fantastic, that's been a great outcome. As I say so often, I really do appreciate it!!
As for the Petshop, yes that was one of mine...