OzVMX Forum
Clubroom => Stolen! => Topic started by: VMX247 on February 05, 2010, 05:16:49 pm
Looking around the forums and found these few:
1) Always check if someone is behind when your getting close to home and if your suss, pull over or go around the block.
2) Never display your trailer or gear outside your house, it's like a bill board for thieves.
Too many stickers can also be an attraction on your transport vehicle.
3) Never use your address to join any club, entry form, survey or license, or at a bike shop. These records are either kept on a computer or the hard copies are filed and when any of these are lost or stolen, its like a smorgasbord for criminals. They have everything they want to clean you out. Use a PO Box address or a relative or friends address that doesn't have bikes.
4) Do not use Facebook, Twitter or any website to talk about when your going on holiday or what you have and when your going out to see the local DJ etc. It just lets assholes know how much time they have when your not home. If you advertise where you are, a smart criminal will know what to say if they get questioned to cover their ass.
5) Alarm your garage, use every lock available and insure your bike. Don't leave your unlocked trailer with bikes prepacked in your garage or yard for an easy take.
6) Just because you deal with a reputable company for parts or repairs etc, don't for a minute believe that all employees are model citizens, there are turds amongst us.
7) if you know a scumbag that is involved in this, have some balls, tell the police and lets stop these bacteria from ruining others lives..
anymore too add ?
As well as locking bikes to the floor (which is a must), you can use disc locks which have (very loud) audible alarms and if placed on the rear sprocket (key way facing in) are nearly impossible to belt off. I have them on all my bikes when they're in the shed and you can put them on at meetings or in your trailer. If you even tap the bike it'll go off and if you have a few of them in the one place they all go off creating quite a racket! :D. I've had to modify some to fit but I've managed to get them on all of them.
Also if you have an alarm system it's worth bugger all if it's not monitored. Bit like a mine field. You have to keep an eye on it! People never go to investigete an alarm going off but if it's monitored, the company can either ring you or have a car despatched to check it out. If it's a reputable company (put their big stickers on all your windows), most theives will move onto a softer target.
If you think it all costs too much, then have a couple of bikes knocked off. That'll change your thinking. :-[
It's good peace of mind...... :)
Take the front wheel off and store it separately ;) 8).
security cameras i have 4 around my house.
Use a Honda bike cover it will stop your Harley getting stolen.
Now thats sensible legislation from the UK regarding the use of man traps.....except in houses between sunset and sunrise as a defence against burglars.[1] [/i] [/i] ;D
Historically man-traps were mechanical devices for catching poachers and trespassers. The devices have taken many forms, the most usual being like a large foothold trap, the steel springs being armed with teeth which met in the victim's leg. Since 1827, they have been illegal in England, except in houses between sunset and sunrise as a defence against burglars.[1]
Now thats sensible legislation from the UK regarding the use of man traps.....except in houses between sunset and sunrise as a defence against burglars.[1] [/i] [/i] ;D
Historically man-traps were mechanical devices for catching poachers and trespassers. The devices have taken many forms, the most usual being like a large foothold trap, the steel springs being armed with teeth which met in the victim's leg. Since 1827, they have been illegal in England, except in houses between sunset and sunrise as a defence against burglars.[1]
I would double check that. I would be most surprised if it was true. I can think of about a dozen issues with the implications. What if you got the wrong person - say someone from the family - a son coming home late, unannounced and dunk(ish)? Whats 'reasonable force', what warnings etc.
Australian law closely follows UK law and I'm 99.9% sure all mantraps are illegal. Even smoke bombs on entry to stop them from finding 'the stuff', if they caused any probs, real or 'arguable', they would make you liable.
Even smoke bombs on entry to stop them from finding 'the stuff', if they caused any probs, real or 'arguable', they would make you liable.
Bloody nanny state, I think shotgun taped to a chair with string to the door handle should be just fine on your own property.
8 ) Live somewhere that doesn't suck.
9) Good neighbours are worth their weight in gold. Our neighbours on both sides have questioned friends who have been here when we haven't - they keep an eye on our shit, we are more than happy to return the favour (this obviously relates back to #8 also).
While I take the security of my bikes fairly seriously (including following most of the tips Alison listed), I'm yet to even have an attempted bugulary *touches wood*.
And while there's a few notable exceptons, I still firmly believe that the theft of VMX bikes is more opportunistic than anything - if you were a dirty stinkin' thief, and for equal effort you could have either a late model MXer or an old bike, you'd go for the newer bike everytime - newer bikes are a lot easier to lose in the crowd, if nothing else.
Even smoke bombs on entry to stop them from finding 'the stuff', if they caused any probs, real or 'arguable', they would make you liable.
Bloody nanny state, I think shotgun taped to a chair with string to the door handle should be just fine on your own property.
Yeah, well there goes the easy solution maybe will have just think of something that will do the job and has no possibility for mistakes - to the bad boys or friend and family.
i also have 5 hand raised birds 3 sun conure 1 cockatiel 1 indian ringneck we got broken into about 1 year ago,the dumbass theif was already in the garage were the bikes are but decided to come into the kitchen were the birds are in their cage at night.the birds get used to your habits and when someone walked into the kitchen at 1 in the morning with a torch it not only woke us up but the neighbours on either side :o.in the end all he escaped with was about 10 smokes and a brown streak in his pants ;D,hope the lolife bastard chocked on the smokes and died.cheers gary
Dog,s are great,i have a german shorthaired pointer which is the friendliest mutt out but if any strangers come to the door she has the most beautiful bark.
I live in a supposedly high risk suburb and have had the pleasure of being broken into twice in 20 years. Luckily I haven't lost any bikes or cars but on both occasions I lost a number of tools. Luckily insurance replaced them. Since the last time I've installed CCTV surveilance (it's as cheap as shit these days), motion detectors and try to remember to remove the front wheels off the bikes and store them in another location. Most importantly, I remember to lock all three garage doors any time I'm not in there. I also share a high security storage lockup with a couple of mates where we keep some bikes and parts.
While I haven't lost any bikes, just before Christmas some low scuzzball stole the personalised number plates from my Jeep while it was parked in the driveway. The RTA has informed me that they can't reissue the plates to me as they're on the police radar as stolen and it's doubtful the originals will ever be found. They were used on a VT Commodore to steal a tank of gas from the local 7-11 a week after being stolen and haven't been seen since. The plates were a 21st birthday present (39 years ago!) and were a sentimental link to my late Dad so it really upset me to lose them, probably for good. I've now fitted those one way style bolts to the plates on both cars but it's a bit late with the Jeep.
any disc locks in particular you find good for teh dirt bikes 414?
Bastards!!!! Woke up about 2am with very vivid images of coming home and finding the front door open with the locks busted off :o :-\ ::).
my mums in the same area as you firko been done twice,i was asleep on the lounge one night at her place and woke up to someone running across the loungeroom jumpt up and chased him he ran all the way back to his own house dickhead only lived 3 houses up the road needless to say he was a sore boy for a week or so.my house at colyton got broken into stole my tools from the garage stepped over $1000 worth of compressor spray guns and airbrush equipment to steel half a box of washing powderdumb c@$t,sold my toolbox to a hock shop about 5 mins from were he stole it from i found it there the next day,police were happy with what i identified in the tool box he was charged with it went to court i got paid for loss of wages for the day at court and also got paid for the day off by my boss.stupid dumbass lolife scumbag thief copped $1000 fine 12 month good behaviour bond never got my tools back from the coppers 2 years of phone calls.helped chase a thief who robbed a bottle shop at colyton shops,jumped in his car wiyh 4 of his mates tried to run a couple of us down,next morning on my way to work seen the thief in his car it was his own car doing a u turn in colyton pub so i blocked the road with my car (datsun sunny)he realised who i was and took off up the foot path so i gave chase up the highway(high speed chase ;D)onto bennett road and then back down carpenter street he tried to take the corner to fast and went through a fence and give up and waited for the police to arrive.when the police searched his car they found a loaded pistol under his seat :o must of been the high speed sunny that scared him ;D luckily he didnt use it.ah the joys of living in western sydney.cheers gary
Bastards!!!! Woke up about 2am with very vivid images of coming home and finding the front door open with the locks busted off :o :-\ ::).
:D Oh well at least you didn't do this to your self in ya dreams Graeme.. ;D
10) Another deterrent for would be thieves images/adverts of passed shed transgressors.
he ran all the way back to his own house dickhead only lived 3 houses up the road
Yeah mate was growing a little personnel consumption and the thieves left a trail of leaves two doors up and straight down the hall. ;D
Nothing gets your attention more than a couple of Coffin Cheaters popping by your bedroom at midnight for a talk. They told the guy they didn't want to beat him up but it was a question of principle ;D ;D
any disc locks in particular you find good for teh dirt bikes 414?
These are what I use on mine. Made by Xena. As I say, you may have to carve some off the edge to get then to fit on a sprocket. Even if I've got the bikes sitting out in the yard or at a race meeting, I pop them on. ;)
I haven't got much of real value in there, but I take a few simple precautions, which I hope are enough to deter the little bastards.
1. A simply piece of RHS through the 2 sliding garage doors with a combination lock on it.
2. Even if they get the door open, I wish them luck getting any bikes past this lot. :D
My garage is an extension of the carport which is an extension of the house, so that helps too.
I see your into Audis Tony.....
nice pic of someone's foot vmx247,FORK that must of hurt,was that the result of kick starting the 1st ever rt1mxer that broke cases/shafts idler gears ??? ;D my neibour done the farm had his new dt230 pinched minus the back wheel which was in getting a puntcher repair,because he let yam bike shop know of this when the thiefs went in to buy the parts to replace the missing wheel they got sprung.they knew it was there because we are half a kay off of highway #1 and it's easy to see from the road whilst traveling past that's why i run old shitter's that dont look flash when i go and do my daily flock around my long/dirt track when im down there and leave the good bikes outa sight and chained up.another way to keep your hardly used bike is take the motor out and store it somewhere else after all rollers arent worth much compered to the complete bike and more twoies arnt held in with too many bolts ;D ;D
I like raspberrys. :)
Got a bag of them rite here.
Locked em up 8)
Living in Alice Springs the locals would walk around with hacksaws to cut chains an locks, no store would ever sell them boltcutters.. :)
I had a shed full of bikes an quads and always removed the rear wheel with the axle bolt stashed away, if they can carry a bike away good luck.
Now i live on the sunny coast in an area full of old victorian retirees,,hahaha, so now i just have a padlock in the rear sprocket and a good lock on the garage door.
RIGHT!THATS IT! VMX, you're the lucky one I'm gonna ask....I see 'bump' used regularly and I admit that I can't work out what it means. ??? The shame,oh the shame.....
Bumping a thread back up to the top of the list. Basically bringing it back to people's attention.
Landscaping around the house can also help the thieves out. Tall bushes and shrubs are great for your privacy but also great for the would bes to hide behind while they sneak around your front yard. There are plenty of prickle type plants that can be placed about which give you the privacy and make it extra special for a would be sneaking about in your garden. Although not recomended by me a native plant the Gympi Gympi (Nettles on roids) would also be fun to have, not so good for your kids and pets though.
Very nasty work and much deserving for motorcycle thieves.
There has been a spate(love that media headline only word) of dirt bike and bike thefts here in Newcastle. In one instance the dog was baited :'( Most of the bikes were in secure locations with alarms, chains, lights camera's you name it. Out of all of the thefts ONLY 2 bikes were insured hence the engine and frame numbers recorded. So 10) Record frame and engine numbers 11) if your selling a bike insure it even if it is a cover note.
Although not recomended by me a native plant the Gympi Gympi (Nettles on roids) would also be fun to have, not so good for your kids and pets though.
Ah Gympi Gympi .
Have some not so fond memories of that special tree. :)
Having your VIN number engine# frame#with your insurance company or stashed away in your jet tin 8)
I dont believe dirt bikes are up there with the Porsche etc :-\
Not sure how successful or utilized this is in OZ http://www.datadotdna.com/au/protect_property.php
quote below from Stankflapper VIN postings --
This site has loads of info..though it seems on other sites, that we have diffirent laws for bikes than any other country.ie Lazy laws.
Always handy for your insurance company to have that VIN #
Can REVS do a check on a motorbike?
Yes, a REVS check can be done on a motorbike by providing the VIN/chassis number, engine number and registration number (if registered).
I also keep photos of rego, vin and engine numbers on mobile phone, camera and computer.
Years ago, when the world was a little different, each time i would move into a new house i would sit on the front step on saturday morn and clean my guns. . . thought it might "send a message" . . . . dont know if it work but i never had a robbery until i stopped doing it. . . . . . .
I have insured the contents of my house with R.A.C.V insurance but have found that my unregistered bikes are not covered.Can anybody tell me an insurance company that will insure them.p
Have you tried Shannons?
No I haven't tried shannons but I will.Thanks for the tip.p
most companies will only insure your dirt bikes if they are chained to a concrete floor in your garage.sometimes its cheaper to buy another bike rather than pay the high excess on insurance.cheers.
Give Shannon's a call. I have got everything motorised with them now and they are unbeatable for me. Laid-up cover is what you want. It's full comprehensive insurance except for when you are riding.
A good one ffrom Dawn B down in Victoria.
1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots.
2. Place them on your front verandah, along with a copy of 'Guns & Ammo' Magazine.
3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.
4. Leave a note on your door that reads: Hey Blue, We've gone for more ammo and beer. Be back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls; they attacked the postman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part, but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked two of 'em in the house and two in the shed. Better wait outside. Be right back. Cheers Red
i have a mean german shepherd great with the family but bugger if i would wanna break in ,black face ,when we lived in town we use to leave the roller door up enough for him to get his head under ,many people crossed over the other side of the road in a hurry,now where out town you can,t get near the place without the dog telling you about it,living in far north queensland it,s the best defence ,a friend of mine had his r1 yamaha stolen,thief handed over his license for id grabbed his helmet and rode off ,the license belonged to the thief ,bike has not been seen since and the address on the license was false
Beware on social media, sellers can disappear into thin air ~ fast
3 cameras and works from an app off your phone $30-00 a month .... cheap
We have just installed a new Uniden 4 camera remote system. Has it's own monitor that saves to a SD card, same as a digital camera. It also has an app for your android phone. $480 but well worth it I reckon.
good pointers here from Troy via facebook after a positive return via Bayswater Police WA.
Here are some points to consider.
1. Who actually knows where your bike is kept and how its protected?
2. How many points of entry is between your letter box and your pride and joy?
3. How is your bike actually secured? Is it locked to an anchor in the ground? Is it chained and is the chain good quality?
4. Does it have an alarm, whether stand alone or hard wired? Is the battery charged enough for said alarm to work?
5. Is your pride and joy insured. If so, what does the insurance policy ACTUALLY cover.? Read the fine print.
Heres some tips for keeping your pride and joy in your possession.
1. Consider the time of day you move your bike to the track\trail.
2. Consider where you wash\service your bike.
3. Consider who is following you back to where you live or store your bike.
4. Consider installig a tracking device, so incase of theft you can take matters into your own hands.
5. Consider whether or not to post that picture of your bike on social media.
6. Consider recording all details of your bike. Including photos, vin numbers, the way you secure it and how you transport it. Call your insurer and let them know of the details as well as keeping the details with your insurance policy in a safe place.
Whether you are a weekend warrior or a hard core racer, a freestyle freak or doing it for your kids this is our passion. This is our life. To think that someone can take it away from us with no consideration to its actual value to the enthusiast is unfathomable.
Identify theft
unknown facebook friends
Revealing bike owners and there identity.
I fitted a car alarm to my new enclosed trailer.
It sends me a text message if it's triggered. (The alarm wasn't very expensive, and an Aldi SIM is $10)
The trailer would look fantastic with some "Skypig Racing" stickers, but "Sewerage testing services" would be smarter. :)
Another thing worth considering in the correct circumstance is a baby monitor if your garage is remote for eg. ("Sounds like my bike is coughing, and using a hack saw. I better take this bat/12g out and see if I can help!")
Technology like Cameras with remote connections, and GPS trackers have become extraordanarily inexpensive.
Isn't it great the lengths and efforts we have to go to because scum can't go and get a friggin job and keep their filthy hands off other people's property
Isn't it great the lengths and efforts we have to go to because scum can't go and get a friggin job and keep their filthy hands off other people's property
It's depressing.
Cutting the hands off thieves is the only Islamic belief that hold any appeal to me.
carlton and united vetoed that one as their sales would plummet if said thieves cant hold a can....
I fitted a car alarm to my new enclosed trailer.
It sends me a text message if it's triggered. (The alarm wasn't very expensive, and an Aldi SIM is $10)
The trailer would look fantastic with some "Skypig Racing" stickers, but "Sewerage testing services" would be smarter. :)
Another thing worth considering in the correct circumstance is a baby monitor if your garage is remote for eg. ("Sounds like my bike is coughing, and using a hack saw. I better take this bat/12g out and see if I can help!")
Technology like Cameras with remote connections, and GPS trackers have become extraordanarily inexpensive.
Do you have to pay per month for the sim?
Smoke cannon. Theifs cant see and neighbours call fire brigade=5 burley men with axes in 5 mins, not like waiting couple of hours for the police.
I fitted a car alarm to my new enclosed trailer.
It sends me a text message if it's triggered. (The alarm wasn't very expensive, and an Aldi SIM is $10)
The trailer would look fantastic with some "Skypig Racing" stickers, but "Sewerage testing services" would be smarter. :)
Another thing worth considering in the correct circumstance is a baby monitor if your garage is remote for eg. ("Sounds like my bike is coughing, and using a hack saw. I better take this bat/12g out and see if I can help!")
Technology like Cameras with remote connections, and GPS trackers have become extraordanarily inexpensive.
Do you have to pay per month for the sim?
Aldi have a good deal for these circumstances. I think the credit lasts for up to a year. (If you don't trigger/play with your alarm too much, and burn through it with text costs.)
smoke cannon? great idea or a self opening box of 1 inch ants above the door...
I like the one about the bloke who see thieves in the shed and rings police only to be told...."we are currently busy attending a domestic and will be 35 minutes"... bloke hangs up, waits 30 secs rings back, "don't hurry, ive shot them all"..cops show up in 3 minutes and arrest the thieves.
" I Thought you said you shot them?" the copper says... bloke replies " I thought you were busy..."
That is gold, Husky.
That is some lateral thinking right there! Good stuff
(http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u261/PHOTOMIKE666/security.jpg) (http://s170.photobucket.com/user/PHOTOMIKE666/media/security.jpg.html)
Job Done
lick you to death...a good blue healer is the go, wags tail and smiles as you come in...as you turn to leave its between you and the gate and you aint goin anywhere till the boss shows up....
lick you to death...a good blue healer is the go, wags tail and smiles as you come in...as you turn to leave its between you and the gate and you aint goin anywhere till the boss shows up....
Very true about the Aussie blue healer went to a house to do a quote knocked on the door .
The dog came flying around from the back yard , no one was home it didn't want me to leave I had to make a run and dive for the front fence ;D
Scared the shit out of me .
Maybe what I need the blue healer tied to my ute , I had $1800 worth of makita tools taken from my ute tool box last week , pricks
I've got a Labrador in my shed - so insurance is the only thing I can rely on.
lick you to death...a good blue healer is the go, wags tail and smiles as you come in...as you turn to leave its between you and the gate and you aint goin anywhere till the boss shows up....
My Bluey used to get his pat first then bite ya. ;)
Noted lately loaded trailers/utes backed in against walls/skipbins/powerpoles/cactus and permanent structures of anykind.
Good thinking. 8)
make it hard and they will go somewhere else...the new thief is opportunist and lazy...typical of this click and go generation.
I built a hidden room in my shed with a hidden door a few mths back room size two meters x two metres it even fooled my wife she came in the shed and said where's your bikes at I said in the shed she couldn't find them ;D
It's a bit like the safe behind the wall art work .
a mate had one of those years ago...unfortunately the "power bill" was way over and above a normal household and the secret room got shut down by the local cops...
a mate had one of those years ago...unfortunately the "power bill" was way over and above a normal household and the secret room got shut down by the local cops...
Yep heard of those green rooms ::)
Mine is to stop the local scum bags getting the bikes crimes gone up in my town since the jail has been up graded and larger than ever the Crims familys are moving to town to be closer to there partners inside , so our crime rate here is the highest in the hunter valley , I think it's time to move on .
Until we can use thieves as fertilizer, we just have to make it as hard as we can for the scum.
I have an alarm in my trailer that texts me if someone "trys" the door lock. (Unfortunately this feature is about to expire as the alarm is 2G based, and this network is being switched off. Aldi SIM)
I feel this feature is worth pursuing and will be trying to find a replacement.
I try and lock the trailer on the vehicle as best I can as well.
If I was to put any stickers on the trailer they would be "Efluent testing services - we shit you not" (not "Skypig racing - valuable bikes within")
Or maybe a Smith & Wesson sticker above the advertising for Crav Magra training.....
Until we can use thieves as fertilizer, we just have to make it as hard as we can for the scum.
I have an alarm in my trailer that texts me if someone "trys" the door lock. (Unfortunately this feature is about to expire as the alarm is 2G based, and this network is being switched off. Aldi SIM)
I feel this feature is worth pursuing and will be trying to find a replacement.
I try and lock the trailer on the vehicle as best I can as well.
If I was to put any stickers on the trailer they would be "Efluent testing services - we shit you not" (not "Skypig racing - valuable bikes within")
Or maybe a Smith & Wesson sticker above the advertising for Crav Magra training.....
Yes the stickers can be a give away , a mate told me a while back he doesn't put stickers on his ute because that says this guy must like bikes and has one or two in his shed .
My new ute I got had a big bright orange Ktm sticker on the back window that was the first thing I removed .
Hang a few 15 foot python skins from the rafters. keeps most rats away.
Say no to stickers advertising your passion for bikes...save them for your toolbox and boring shed spaces.
Avoid washing your bike(s) where anyone can see your pride and joy.
It might seem a bit paranoid but make sure you don't have any followers on your way home. Easy to see if you do an extra lap around the block.
If you have a bike trailer, try to keep it out of view from the street.
Lock everything. Everytime!
In the news today Police Commissioner retires, he mentions the big rise in cyberspace crime.
Take "caution" in writing, posting,sharing, buying and selling of our treasures.????
Amaze me that mates tag each other on social media,about an event and the mate posts up "NOT HOME" ::)
Like cool, i know where you live and you have bikes for the taking.
::) :(
This is all good and well but I'd add get a grasp of the criminal civil laws in your state too...you catch a guy in your shed or yard and give him a touch up and then proceed to move him or her from your premises youll leave your self open for litigation...even worse if the cops show up and you scream self defence...bad move...calling self defence means your admitting to a crime and just opened up a whole new can of worms which after criminal courts is finished with you the bad guys family can and will drag your ass through civil courts for damages...I've seen it happen and the cause is always lack of knowledge and emotions.. nothing=nothing...If you do happen to get physical and just by chance ol mate falls over* and gets hurt...do not I repeat do not move them in any way...call ooo asap because that's a paper trail.
in NSW you are allowed to remove unwelcome guests from your property. Force can be used proportionate to the percieved threat. If they have a weapon, you may use a weapon. Not many cops will take their side if they are on your property.
Justifiable force under duress is a learned skill & perishable..The best bet is to think like a judge not a cop..If you end up in a criminal incident with a burglar after your pride and joy, the emotions will be high..The police prosecutor in nsw was Walter ball,, still could be, he eats lawyers for breakfast so you'll need a barista to prove you exhausted all options and the prove the threat had intent means & opportunity..tuff road to go down,,even tougher if your saying self defence....The 3 fights we call it "legal-physical-moral..
Worth adding a point about calling cops asap...The paper trail of your call will go for or against pretty fast..If the time it took to call is 30 min past the incident then it give the prosecutor room, if the trail shows you called within forst 2 min this going a long way to proving inten-means & opportunity...The thing is a baraster (spelling) is 10k per day a lawyer around 3k...The stats for a sefl defence can drag out for a couple of years in criminal courts and we haven't even gotten to civil side of things yet...The moral part of the 3 fights comes in here because you've probably lost your house ,cars , bikes etc..
Here's a damn good link to Marc macyoung's page from us...his one of if not the best in the business when it comes to understanding your threshold.
It's a very comprehensive page but I'm sure I've linked the one on topic here.
I reckon everyone has good points here but at the end of the day the buck stops with & not what ifs..in reality there 4 parts to a criminal incident...The pre fight (we call it) the in fight, the aftermath & preclusion. Basically what a judge will throw at you... relying on a cop that is human is nieve, considering the big picture of course. Preventive measures is the best bet as previously posted....The fact is its easy to say you'll do this or that...That's a load crap..!