OzVMX Forum

Clubroom => Tech Talk => Topic started by: YZ250H on July 31, 2007, 07:34:56 pm

Title: Lost Information
Post by: YZ250H on July 31, 2007, 07:34:56 pm
Thanks Graeme for humouring me.  I'd have to say as a newbie I got a lot out of the old topic that was Resto Tips and I asked for it to be put up again.  A few old favourites that spring to mind are PJ1/VHT Vs Supercheap paint (can we please please have that debate again :D), Plating, removing rust from parts and my personal favourite (that has saved me hours of tedious sanding) removing old anodising.

So don't be shy everyone.  I remember that Tip #2 was buy yoursefl a plating kit (which I have done) but i can't remember what tip #1 was.
We lost a lot of really good stuff when the turks took over - I'd like to try to get some of it back.


Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: ianscr250 on August 02, 2007, 12:38:44 am
one trick i have learned since the last forum debate on rust paint and bullshit was
a great idea called baking soda blasting
unlike its counterpart sand and bead it is super fine so on spokes frames and the like its great in taking it back to skin without removing the precious metal

 you can from your local auto one buy a low pressure sand blast gun and from most wholsale food suppliers you can buy a 50kg bag of baking soda
To equate it   baking soda blasting on a car takes about 6 50kg bags so on bikes frames wheels an so on it should be great
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: YZ250H on August 02, 2007, 07:28:19 am
Great tip Ian.  I assume you have tried it from your post.  I imagine it would feed through the blaster as long as you kept it nice and dry.  Any idea what a 50kg bag of that stuff would be worth ??

Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: ianscr250 on August 03, 2007, 12:34:17 am
its a great feed on a sand blast gun as its powder fine s it goes through so easy
I'm assuming here but a bag 1 kg is about 2 to 3 bucks at the super market  i have a ticket to buy at the wholesaler called f.a.l here in Perth and i think they do a 25 and 50 kg for around the 45 to 90 buck mark
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: YZ250H on August 06, 2007, 06:22:19 pm
As a general question Ian, what set up do you use for a hopper for the sand/beads/baking soda.  I'm thinking of buying one of the $14 jobs from Supercheap - hoses and tips, but no hopper  ???

I reckon the Baking Soda would be ideal for blasting the YZ heads too - nice and fine.
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: Oldrodder on August 06, 2007, 08:33:44 pm
For all types of Abbrasive Blasting materials go to www.burwell.com.au
Depending on were you live they should have a supplier nearby.
I just bought one of those cabinets and then grabbed some different supplies from this company, the people there are very helpful also.
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: 090 on August 09, 2007, 07:34:11 pm
Save your $14 yz250h or keep your receipt as you will be taking it back. Got one and it dont work
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: oldfart on August 09, 2007, 09:54:18 pm
Built my own cabinet and is big enough to handle most bike parts. the secrete is making enough air to to run the gun constant ie 3 piston 310 LP
She is a gravity fed hopper 40 litre capacity
Next dry sand -garnet -baking powder which needs to be changed regularly as it turns to powder after a while.
Protection ( clear stick ons ) to save the glass.
Some sort of dust extraction as this will assist with seeing when you are blasting.
Also wear a breathing mask as the dust is so fine it's not good for you

Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: YZ250H on August 10, 2007, 08:00:13 am
Sorry to hear that 090.  As they say if it sounds too good to be true it usually is.  So what was wrong with it mate ??  Anything in particular or generally just shite ???

Oldfart - you should go into business making those things  ;D  Did you start with a particular type of gun ?  I'm guessing it wasn't from Supercheap judging by what 090 says.  The old furum is actually starting to come back to me - did you make that out of an old air conditioning duct ?

The biggest problem (as you suggest) is going to be getting a compressor big enough to run the thing constantly.  The parts I want to do are small and the tank on my compressor is big, so I may be able to do what i need to - could be frustrating though.  If it aint a secret what did you make your hopper out of ?

tia  ;)
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: yzhilly on August 10, 2007, 08:36:48 am
Nice work Oldfart can you give us a bit more details on the Glass , Stick ons ?  what do you use .I have had problems with our constantly replacing the glass through wear and tear.
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: oldfart on August 10, 2007, 04:01:13 pm
Made out of a spare piece  of A/c duct left over from site 650x 650 x600 deep to the seam, below the seam is the hopper with an oven grill to stop the bits falling in the material . The glass is safety stuff also from work silicon to top , the stick on is fastened on the inside of course purchased at local news agent ( same stuff your kids put over there school books ) replace when it starts to pit .
The gun is inside the cabinet with a air thingy on the cabinet so the hose can be disconnect if things go wrong
One of those 12 volt ( diecroick??? )  lights work well
Dust extraction is Via the old girls vacuum cleaner ... pre filtered using a piece of foam as the vac hates that fine dust
The air gun was purchase for the grand sum of 24 bucks .... trade tools
Deck tights are used with a piece of 150 pvc and the gloves held on by a clamp
Total cost stuff all and about 8 hours labour  ;D
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: Oldrodder on August 10, 2007, 07:12:30 pm
My cabinet came from a mob on evilbay called Ublastoff the mate and I bought two and we got them for $199 each delivered to the door and they work great.
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: BJJ on August 11, 2007, 03:16:58 pm
there is also a sand blaster machine in the current plant and equipment magazine for sale.  New Gloves!  for what its worth...  email me for details if you don't wanna stretch for the mag.....  [email protected]
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: 090 on August 11, 2007, 08:51:50 pm
The one i bought from super cheap just didn't work.Must have needed alot of air and the compressor i had was small. I bought a cabinet from Glenfords tools, still very chinese but it seems to work o.k .But shit you need a big compressor. I am going to buy a huge mother and run it on 3 phase just to get the job done. The cabinet was about $120-130.
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: oldfart on August 12, 2007, 09:44:26 am
       Use a 2.5mm inlet with a 8mm outlet jet at the gun  :) run the compressor at around 90 psi . Make sure the grit is supper dry as it will block up the inlet hose , much the same will happen if you have insufficient air.
Try this .... build the air up in your tank make sure the inlet hose isn't blocked (suction )fire away until it you think shes not doing its job .... then check the pressure at the tank ( anything below 50-60 psi ) she will clog the hose ....next check the  inlet hose if it is blocked it's an indication of  -Jet size wrong - moist material -or not enough air 
As in previous post I run a 310 LPM compressor 3 piston slow revs ( lasts longer ) which cost about $795 trade tools
At night turn the lights off get a piece of metal using garnet material ....Blast away watching sparks fly everywhere .....most impressive
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: crs-and-rms on August 13, 2007, 09:49:49 am
oven cleaner takes of anodising ,ive used it on two rims
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: oldfart on August 13, 2007, 04:19:21 pm
Another good aluminium cleaner is MISTER MUSCLE    ....works great on carbs
Title: Re: Lost Information
Post by: TonyB on August 14, 2007, 01:14:23 pm
To solve the compressor problem I simple bought a "throw away little direct couple compressor from supercheap and joined it to my twin cylinder comp with piping, and now it lasts much longer before the pressure is too low. It also helps when using air sanders. However the little chinese unit kept tripping on overheat every 5 minutes so i got the old fan  and blasted the motor with the fan and it now runs for a few hours continuosly. I figured that you would only need the huge compressor some of the time and its a bitch to haul around so the add on idea really helps when i need it.