Author Topic: So long  (Read 9729 times)

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So long
« on: March 09, 2008, 04:27:33 pm »
I have asked administration to delete me out of the system permanantly,i wish those i have made friends with all the best and enjoy this great sport,,,to the others that have been nothing short of insulting and rude you no who you are, should have a good think and a good look at yourselves,i have no desire to have anything to do with you grumpy jealous old pricks anymore,,,,,(jelousy is your worst enemy) get over it you only live once,,i will be present at certain race meets so to the smart ask pricks that like to use big insulting words i will let you know who i am at these events so you can personaly insult me to my face.........


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Re: So long
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2008, 04:54:38 pm »
Sad to see you go Wes , never meet you personally , but perhaps catch up with you at CD 5 . Don't take it to seriously . It probably wasn't meant so harsh .( I personally thought things were getting a bit far, but Graeme set the mark ) There will always be people with bling bikes and people with scrubbers on this  sport , but in the end they are all in it for one thing , and that is to get some enjoyment out of it.
Perhaps do what 414 and Clarence did , have a brake  and come back when you are ready . See you around .Walter

Offline Wombat

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Re: So long
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2008, 08:42:48 pm »
Hey Wes, looking over that last thread I think we can all understand why you're disillusioned and leaving the fold.
But in all honesty, I think some of those comments would not seem so harsh if they were spoken while we stood around a fire with beers.
The $120K thing would've caused a commotion with much banter to-ing and fro-ing across the group.
Many different reactions; but none would've had the impact of the written words in that last thread.

The downside to forums is the complete lack of facial expressions and body language to accompany the comments.
These signs play a huge part in determining 'attitude'.
An example: It's part of our Aussie culture to refer to a good mate as a bastard; but it's all in the way it's said.

As you say, you'll be attending some VMX events.
The sport has a hold on you - and everyone else on this forum.
I reckon Walter's right; have a breather and pls say gidday if we attend the same meet.
"Whadaya mean it's too loud?! It's a f*ckin' race bike!! That pipe makes it go louder - and look faster!!"

Offline jimson

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Re: So long
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2008, 08:54:23 pm »
Well said Walter and Wombat.Wesley the door is open look how many members this site has and how many replied to what you were talking about its a big room and it will never overfill if you know what I mean so don't close the door behind you mate. jimson
Just a balless freak having a go

Offline Snowy 76

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Re: So long
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2008, 08:29:01 am »
Ditto all previous posts.
Couple of CR`s

Offline bingil 6

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Re: So long
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2008, 08:31:05 am »
Shame Wes, but I can understand that you would be upset by some of the insults thrown at you ,I thought this kind of forum was to share ideas ,opinions & thoughts not to insult & ridicule others who share the same intrests, The time if any for insults is when the person dishing them out has the guts to do it in the company of the person they are directed at & as one of the forum members said there are all types who read what is written here so I do believe we should keep that in mind when submitting our posts Cheers Lou .


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Re: So long
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2008, 09:39:02 am »
Sorry Wes,  I just don't get it. You don't have to ask anyone permission to leave the forum (just don't open, read or reply). So why ask? Or more to the point why start a thread saying that you have?

Having a tizzy?, a little girlie moment?, trying to have the last say? Trying to hurt others feeling by laying guilt on them? (Yeah, thats gonna work with a bunch of 50yo blokes  ::))

Storming to the moral highground before riding off in the warm glow of moral indignation?

Now I haven't followed in any detail or with too much concentration any thread with anything I would consider an insult to you or anyone else. Sure, from time to time there's strong personal remarks. But fark, we're rough tough and tumble dirt bikes riders and racers/ex-racers as well as blokes. If thats the worst that has happened to you you've done well. Shite, since I was about 5 an insult got something better back, the finger from me or something more physical. I never sooked about it or let it hurt me. Get over it, don't whinge to the teacher or your class mates.

But I have seen thinly disguised threat from you; publishing another's home address and implying threats. This behaviour is about the lowest of the low on about 10 different levels; from bad judgment to bad etiquette, to the old Maxim 'there are those that do and there are those that talk about it'. So if you have 'crossed swords' with others I wouldn't be surprised.

But if I was you I would be asking 'why' and who is causing the discord.

If you have been mortally aggrieved by the comments about the $120,000 Maico your answer would be one photo. Without even a word from you there would be egg on peoples faces from Perth to Penrith.


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Re: So long
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2008, 09:57:11 am »
I must have missed something as I not seen anything too over the top of late but then I do not read all postings. Shame it comes to this but as usual..three sides to the story, yours, theirs and the the truth that lay somewhere in between ;) it's your individual choice to participate in a public forum and you can expect criticism sooner or later be it warranted or unwarranted. I've had some and it did get me hot under the collar but when I cooled off I realized how silly I was..simply fix..ignore them and don't bite  ;) no need to stigmatize the whole forum in general because of a said few and a few said comments.. 

Offline Graeme M

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Re: So long
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2008, 10:13:20 am »
Some of the posts I edited Doc, some the people concerned later deleted.

Anyway, Wes has left us, he's off to sell his Maico, and we're all still here. And judging by the posts about the Coffs DT, and the photos from Nudgee and Wonthaggi, we're all in for a great 2008. And CD5 just round the corner.

Ahh, it don't get any better, hmm?

So, let's all move on and keep an eye on eBay for the photos of the Maico!


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Re: So long
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2008, 10:15:25 am »
I've been sitting here for an hour trying to decide how to word my reply to Wes's Sayonara post when along comes MX250 with my exact feelings. I'm one of the people who have doubted your sincerity with your new Maico claims Wesley. I'm a cynic by nature and your story of the poor farmer buying the bike for his son who subsequently died has the ring of an urban myth that has been going around for years [/url][/url].

As I said in my post If you can prove your story I'll personally apologise to you both online and privately. If you can't bother to prove the claim, my original comments stand. Nowhere in my posts have I criticized you as a person as I'm certain that you are usually a nice bloke. Most folks involved in this sport of ours are good blokes and no matter how much we disagree with their particular philosophy, in the end we all have the common bond of loving old bikes.

Sure, some of the posts were a little over the top but by "outing" Snowys address you invaded a basic human right, Snowys right to anonymity, and you did it in a totally threatening manner. The threats as to "what you used to do for a job" conjure up something evil that has no place on a vintage motocross forum.

Lastly. If in fact the bike does exist, do you honestly think that you'll find someone crazy enough to throw $120000 at it? Do you think you are doing the sport and society at large a favour like the nong that was selling the two mini bikes for crazy money? Having a big hissy fit because a few people didn't believe you hurt nobody but yourself. Like MX250 wrote, posting one photo would have saved you all of this drama. 

See ya Wes. Leave the key in the letterbox on the way out.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 11:19:05 am by firko »


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Re: So long
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2008, 11:10:56 am »
I do hope this whole saga doesnt lead to the point where people are doubted until photo prove is provided to back their claims. It would indeed be a sad if a member says " Just picked up a YZ250 " no one believes him until pic proof.
Granted a NOS bike is a hugh claim, but lets be honest, it does happen albeit rarely and NOS bikes do exsist.
If I had found that Maico I would plasted pic's all over the thread. Just because Wes didnt does that instantly make him a liar? Wes has offen posted items for sale on forum and if I recall corectly he never posted pic's of the items he was selling.
Worth a thought.  :-\


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Re: So long
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2008, 11:42:00 am »
Even if nothing comes out of all this , It did create a bit of action to see where the goalposts are.
Any way better than talking about Suzuki footpegs for no end. ;)

Offline Bamford#69

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Re: So long
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2008, 01:01:46 pm »
Geez Louise,
To belong to the "Tribe" known as Australasian Vintage Moto Crossers ,you need to have big walnuts, a strong backbone , a large tolerance of bullshit, a high tolerance for pain and criticism,and the ability to back your bullshit with the facts,or at least a damn good story,you don't have to be right ,but you must have the  courage of your  convictions.
remember this , "Its not how many times you get knocked down , its how many times you get back up again"

Offline bingil 6

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Re: So long
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2008, 01:45:31 pm »
So Jikov, now Wes has taken his & ball & gone home it's time to start on me ? well go hard mate my skin is thick enough to handle it & I spose it has to be to mix it with you fellas Cheers

Offline Graeme M

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Re: So long
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2008, 02:29:32 pm »
Guys this is meant to be fun. I didn't expect the crap from the Maico thread to transfer here. Let's drop it and get back to discussing Suzuki footpegs and the virtues of CZs. Otherwise I'll be forced to hunt each one of you down at CD5 and roost all over you with the mighty RM125!