Author Topic: SYKO COPPERS  (Read 7150 times)

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Offline Mike52

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« on: October 12, 2010, 08:17:58 pm »
Anyone watch the story just on the news about the MACKAY copper bashing the tourists ? One who was released without charge .
My question is.
How come HE is the only one going to jail ?
There were at least 4 coppers standing by doing nothing and one helping. [ in the film shown ]
In my book they are just as guilty and should be keeping him company.
The report says that 6 coppers  quit from that police station before they were charged.
Helping in a crime is still an offence even if you have quit.
The inquiry has been going 3 years it is reported.
3 years ? You have gotta be joking.
I have never trusted coppers, looks like I had a reason.
Friend  struggling up a hill on a old bike at MTMee .


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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 08:33:26 pm »
Did you also manage to see the  average amount paid in silent money  $55,00-00    As ACA stated- had it not been caught on camera it would of been swept under the carpet.   

Offline Tex

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« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 09:40:23 pm »
Not all rogue cops get away with it:

This one has received 9 months for his actions. I can imagine that jail will be an uncomfortable place for a former cop!

(BTW I don't have anything against the police - there's good & bad in any large organisation). 


Offline SUZUKI311

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« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 11:21:44 pm »
There is no justification for anyone abusiing their position of power etc. in any way shape or form, but remember that there is always another angle to any story, especially one from ACA, who are reknowned for only showing what they want to, to sensationalise their stories. Mike, To say that you cant trust all Police is a stretch given what and who they deal with on a day to day basis.
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Doggy Digger

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« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2010, 12:30:58 am »
I saw it from the inside.   Like all big organisations, it is virtually impossible to administer 10,000 staff.   Some were brilliant, some were greedy, some were lazy, some were Christians, some were drunks, a few were great mates, some I hated ... it felt a bit like being in "Platoon", such was the diversity of characters.   Me?   A bit of a coward. I quit real quick.

I met two particularly nasty, corrupt and unlikeable bunches of characters at two stations, but here is one bottom line you can't argue with - when the sh*t would really hit the fan, and there was SERIOUS trouble to be dealt with ... you could back it in that they could and would deal with it.  Those were the sort of guys a person would be grateful to, in an horrendous situation.

EG:   That Bulgarian psycho factory burglar 'Mad Max' who shot about five cops in cold blood on one winter's night in Noble Park.   The guys who eventually took him down six months later (and who also got shot in process) were brave men indeed.
 They were tough.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 07:26:27 am by Doggy Digger »


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« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2010, 07:34:11 am »
For nearly as long as there has been a NSW a member of my family has been a trooper or cop. My brother was Highway Patrol, Freud, Arson, Major Crime squad, general duties country detective and finally a station sargent. My uncle was a country cop and then superintendent of Police Rescue southern districts. Both Good Cops who put their bodies and minds in harms way to served their community. Both of them were 'hard nosed' and mentally tough to deal with the shit and flotsam of society and  would be embarrassed to hear me describe their 'soft' motivation. 

My brother was the first on scene at the Anita Cobby murder, was the cop who had to tell the parents, was there investigating the lives of the Murphy Brothers and was there giving evidence. He was a cop toughened up by 20 years of experience dealing with low life and still wasn't prepared for that shit. He is affected to this day (he wouldn't want me to say that). When my brother won't talk to me about issues I know it's bad. And that was the case. He says whats published is about half of what he knows.

My brother has been shot at, had a gun put in his face of his partner and had the trigger pulled (misfire - a stolen ex-vic police 9mm Berretta), been in roll over accidents, pushed down stairs and a shit load of other crap all in 'the line of duty', 'another day at the office'.  And a thousand other shitty things. From telling Mum and Dad their 17 yo son won't be coming home. Investigating crime to be told 'drop that, it's too politically sensitive'. To investigating a crime for 6 months and have them 'banged up to rights' and then have a magistrate give bail in full knowledge that they were a flight risk with $15million dollars unaccounted for. Big surprise the bad boy is out of the country and disappeared with in 24 hours - the Big End of Town didn't want that case to become public knowledge through a 6 months court case!!!! Now turn up to work on Monday and do it all again without apparent support of the 'system' or the public!!!! And you think you have morale issues when your mean boss gives you shitty shifts!!!!

And the public perception is such that Tony is still careful about who knows he is an Ex cop.

I not quite sure what the percentage is of Good Cops, drones, career climbers or Bad Cops, but thank God there are Good Cops doing the job.

These Bad Cops should be prosecuted to the fully extent of the law for the civil wrongs they do and held to a higher standard in punishment for the damage they do and the hinderence they cause to Good Cops.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 07:39:36 am by mx250 »

Offline Mike52

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« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2010, 09:20:13 am »
Yep guys I agree there must be some good coppers BUT from the stuff we are seeing here in QLD they must be hiding.
If I was there I would have to wade in and try to defend the handcuffed person.
To stand around and watch is criminal or GUTLESS in the extreme.
The shelia in the video was NOT charged , not that it makes any difference.
What about the homeless 60year old in Bris toilet having a wash ?
All the coppers had a go at him.
Then they charged HIM with assult. He was trying to get away!!!!   The guy in PERTH was TAZER,D 14 times. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING. Sorry guys I,me just SOOOO pissed.
Because of the position of trust the penalty for these people should be DOUBLE.
As for them having a hard time in jaol this grub won,t even see another prisoner. [ PITY ]
And NO I have never had a conviction against me so my lack of trust must be for another reason. Could this be it????
Mike >:(
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 09:27:21 am by Mike52 »
Friend  struggling up a hill on a old bike at MTMee .


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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2010, 10:50:05 am »
Those bastards caught on tape are doing the police force such an injustice it makes me cringe with shame. I'm the proud son of an old school copper who joined the police force after coming out of the Navy after WW2 because he thought that it'd be a bit of a bludge after the horrors of war. Graeme's beautiful tribute to his brothers experiences almost mirrors my dads and even though my dad was was a very tough old school "kick 'em in the arse" style copper, some of the stuff he had to endure was simply awful and it deeply affected him. One situation not long after he'd joined up had him go to a domestic to find that a father had shot his four kids and wife with a 303. As he spotted the bloke in a corner with the gun in his mouth, the bloke winked and pulled the trigger blowing off the top of his head as my 22 year old dad and his sergeant watched. That final wink never left my dads mind. His old sergeant, a WW1 and WW2 veteran was never the same and died an alcoholic derelict a few years later.

Dad was one of those blokes who didn't outwardly show his emotions but we as a family knew that if my dad was quiet, grumpy or drinking more than usual, he was reliving some of the things he's seen or dealt with and we'd let him have his 'space'.

When I left school I wanted to become a cop but my dad told me to get a trade first, which I did. When I came out of my time and I told him that I still wanted to join up he didn't react in the way I'd expected, telling me that he didn't want me to have to go through my life dealing with the worst aspects of humanity on a daily basis. One sentence stuck with me forever. "I don't want you to have the nightmares I have every night, it's fu*ked". Until the day he died in 1976 he rarely if ever spoke about his job and it wasn't until he'd been gone and I'd met a few of the cops who'd worked with him that I learned some of the awful situations he's encountered. My dad was a great bloke but the job took its toll on him.

For every bad cop, there are 100 like my dad or Graeme's brother who do the job with pride and compassion. They'd be equally disgusted with the behavior of that cop in Mackay or the Tazer jockey in Perth.

Offline VMX247

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« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2010, 11:15:10 am »
Wasn't it just 6 months ago or yesterday, teachers were getting the media mongrels bitting on thier heels for slappin students ,or the nurses for neglect of a patient,RSPCA workers & attendance kicking dogs..... :-\
In todays world we have top notch media coverage on everything bad and dont they love showing it.
I rarely watch TV anymore and when I do I see injuries,blood,head in concrete news articles,not good fodder.
Our kids see it every day  >:(
I say turn the TV,Ipod or computor off and go throw ya leg over a motorsicle  ;D
ps the tazor incedent was two years ago.
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Offline EML

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« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2010, 01:53:06 pm »
I agree with 247, it's what we watch and talk about every day that effects us into the future. Our kids are already more hardened at 16 than we are now. And we need to change that - soon.
But hey sex and crime sells and as long as it does we wont win this battle.
My apprentice was telling me yesterday that most of the tools at his tech college are pinched and they can't do alot of the course as there isn't any tools to work with, he wanted to know why people could be so stupid as to prevent themselves and others from learning something that they could use everyday to make money. These(the theives) are the same dregs that the police have to deal with daily.
So the cops fight crime with crime, and stealth(speed cameras) as they have to be seen to be doing something-and their wages are frozen too low and they bite back when bitten.
We need to change society as a whole and not have an "us verse them" attitude.
IMO :( 

Offline VMX247

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« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2010, 02:23:34 pm »
It amises me how outspoken you are about Syko Cops . Your famous friend in the ASA is a disgraced cop and all of yous just ignore it conviniently , funny that  :D

He maybe so ! but he is one amongst many good ones.
Are you always going to let this issue eat you up.
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Offline VMX247

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« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2010, 02:37:31 pm »
A crook cop is a disgrace , you can twist it anyway you like it .

I totally agree with you,no twisting here.
But you insist on bringing down the whole sidecar fraternity of Australia each and every time.............It's getting old.
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Offline Ktm181

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« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2010, 02:51:10 pm »

Well as one who has been there, in THAT job, with ALL it entails & now left it, it does me GOOD to see so much support for the good guys. YES, there are and always will be crooks, God knows the bad ones even convinced me to leave it.  There are some really pointed comments in this thread, ALL HAVE WEIGHT.  Look around your current or former worksplaces, LOOK at the people, they are an exact cross section of the people in the "job", some, not all, are shitheads from the start, some get converted to the dark side, some just keep trying, some-like me, get really burned.  I mean you stand in front of a raging copper protecting a dick who bashed a kid form being bached in the station for what? BECAUSE you swear an oath to do it the right way, you WORD is who you are.  Like some, I AM TOTALLY DISCUSTED when i hear and see the bad ones, i really laughed AND cried during th Royal commission down here is Sydney, but not enough was done during that. They are in a position of trust and should be dealt with accordingly, they are supposed to set an example,if they get caught they should hang them.  If you dont feel like you can trust them PLEASE tyre to get to know some, you soon sort the chaff from the Hay.  Either way, a convicted cop should get DOUBLE what the Joe average gets for the same offence in my book.

Offline Tossa

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« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2010, 03:07:37 pm »
Well I know Alison is not going to believe this.  But I also have been one and left after getting fed up with the law for the Copper and the one for the public and even in the Police force certain people were untouchable. 

I even went back 27yrs later as a civilian, didn't stay long. There are some great coppers and will be great coppers around, but there will always be those coppers who just don't realise what it's all about
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Offline shorelinemc

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« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2010, 03:57:05 pm »
they wouldn`t have me ,thought i was  unstable 8)