Author Topic: RSL ripoff  (Read 1438 times)

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Offline FAT-TOY

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RSL ripoff
« on: July 24, 2018, 05:36:32 PM »

   A friend was stopped on her way into Coles Cessnock store to do her shopping on Friday, by a bloke selling RSL Art Union tickets.  She told him she didn't have any cash on her but he told her she could use her card.  Well who can you trust if you can't trust the RSL, so she purchased a $10 ticket.  When she arrived home she told her husband that they were in the running to win a new house, he looked at the ticket and realised that this arsehole had signed them up for $10 worth of tickets in all future draws as well.
  He then contacted the RSL to cancel these payments the bloke told him that he should be able to stop the other payments but didn't sound to convincing so my mate contacted his bank and they told him that they would probably have to cancel that account and start a new one, this means contacting all of the companies that he has a auto payment deal with and getting new cards etc, all because of these bloody thieves.
  He put a thread on a local facebook page and has been inundated with replies saying that they too had had the same thing happen.  So my advice is to be very careful if you are in the habit of buying tickets in these Art Unions.  In the past I would buy them but from now on I think I will give them a miss.   I don't think the RSL gets much out of these things anyway probably only a few cents out of every dollar.
Everyday I find one more name to add to the list of people who piss me off.

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Re: RSL ripoff
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2018, 07:32:09 PM »
My general rule now, for quite some years thinking about it, is to NOT buy raffle tickets etc foar any charity, because of an exact same thing. I got out easily though, I got onto he beneficiary organisation and said I'd not had it explained to me, was happy to do one but they needed to cancel further.