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Messages - Bamford#69

Pages: 1 ... 25 26 [27] 28
Vintage Track / Re: WHAT CLASS SHOULD THIS RUN IN PRE 60 65 68 OR 70
« on: March 27, 2008, 09:16:44 AM »
I hope you are all joining in the discussion re tyre sizes over at "bike talk",
but do read the rule book first.

Vintage Track / Re: WHAT CLASS SHOULD THIS RUN IN PRE 60 65 68 OR 70
« on: March 27, 2008, 08:58:48 AM »
 The people who consider VMX,or is that CMX , just a hobby,dont need a rule book ,hobbies dont have rules,but those who choose to compete in any form of motor sport understand that competitions must have rules ,its all about having a level playing field, the GCR's aren't perfect , but they are the rules we have to abide by.

Vintage Track / Re: WHAT CLASS SHOULD THIS RUN IN PRE 60 65 68 OR 70
« on: March 22, 2008, 07:25:55 PM »
Hi Mark
,Do you also remember that sinking feeling, having your mate with the Bultaco being excluded for using the Long Travel front forks, and who was the scrutineer!  some rules for some people ?

Vintage Track / Re: WHAT CLASS SHOULD THIS RUN IN PRE 60 65 68 OR 70
« on: March 22, 2008, 07:17:30 PM »
Yes its only fun, except  those pricks keep cheating !
Jikov ;Michael Bamford age 58 NZer living in Brisbane , co founder of QVMX ,Current National VMX Champion, owner ,builder of pre 65 triumph metisse ,250 twinportCZ, pre 70 CZ250,& CZ360 sidepipe, pre75 CR125 Honda ,75 CCM 580,  MAQ Vintage # 69 ,yep thats who jikov is

Vintage Track / Re: WHAT CLASS SHOULD THIS RUN IN PRE 60 65 68 OR 70
« on: March 22, 2008, 07:03:12 PM »
Its interesting you say that the 65 matchless was cheating because it didn't comply , but the Cheney which didn't comply  wasn't ,or  do you think we should only use some of those rules we like,

Vintage Track / Re: WHAT CLASS SHOULD THIS RUN IN PRE 60 65 68 OR 70
« on: March 22, 2008, 06:11:23 PM »
Hi Mark ,
I'm pleased to hear you are being a Devils Advocate, there needs to be more people who aren't afraid to ask a difficult question,that may be unsettling for some.  don't be like some riders who bitch and grizzle,most often with a beer in their hand after the racings over, casting aspersions about some one or their bike,but don't have the courage to do something about it .
Its all about a "level playing field " commonly known as the Rule Book, some people can't read it,some people don't read it,some people won't read it .
Eligibilty isn't a popularity contest,(I'd never get to ride)The GCR's aren't perfect, but they are the rules,its interesting to note that  some protests in the past, have been the catalyst for rule changes !remember;
Those who protest are often called pests
Those who have their protests dismissed are called gooses
Those who have protests upheld against them, are always wrong.

Tech Talk / Re: starting an old engine
« on: March 10, 2008, 09:35:46 PM »
If you are an optimist,and think you could get lucky,  and you  don't want to split the cases (yet) remove and clean the carb,take the head off ,look for rust marks in the bore, remove both the ignition cover and clutch cover check for free play or roughness when spinning over by hand, at the crankshaft,if there is no sign of moisture anywhere,and the transmission  oil is clean ,fill the the crankcase with diesel fuel thru the inlet,  lube the bore and rings, spin the crankshaft with a speedbrace by hand as fast as you can,now drain the diesel from the cases, if there is no contamination evident ie; clean diesel drained out, you might be lucky,someone may have stored it properly.
Reassemble everything with clean oil and clean fuel, and have a go.

Introductions / Re: So long
« on: March 10, 2008, 08:58:55 PM »
Hi Wes and bingil 6
Don't take it personally, no malice intended,

Introductions / Re: So long
« on: March 10, 2008, 01:01:46 PM »
Geez Louise,
To belong to the "Tribe" known as Australasian Vintage Moto Crossers ,you need to have big walnuts, a strong backbone , a large tolerance of bullshit, a high tolerance for pain and criticism,and the ability to back your bullshit with the facts,or at least a damn good story,you don't have to be right ,but you must have the  courage of your  convictions.
remember this , "Its not how many times you get knocked down , its how many times you get back up again"

General Discussion / Re: Rule Book changes.Pre68 All Powers 4-Stroke,
« on: March 06, 2008, 11:28:21 AM »
I woundn't want to belong a klub that would have ME as a member ???

General Discussion / Re: Rule Book changes.Pre68 All Powers 4-Stroke,
« on: March 06, 2008, 11:18:02 AM »
I never met a nicer bunch of guys to take the piss out of,or is that the "puss" out of,just because I dont agree  with you doesn't mean I don't like you, I suppose I just enjoy robust discussions, Mark ring me 0418 729 425 or text me your postal address ,
ps , I won't send  a letter bomb or white powder,

General Discussion / Re: Bang for your buck
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:38:56 PM »
alcohol, ethanol, methanol ,whats the difference,
try ;

General Discussion / Re: Rule Book changes.Pre68 All Powers 4-Stroke,
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:35:46 PM »
 Not stirring , just trying to be devils advocate,
All those interested in the GCR's  and eligibility should read more, in particular get a dictionary and look up the meaning of these words;nouns of course,
and to think about the phrase in the rule book that says;
"remains unchanged"

General Discussion / Re: Rule Book changes.Pre68 All Powers 4-Stroke,
« on: March 05, 2008, 08:22:02 PM »
one more time ,
what about 68 69 70 BSA Victors in the pre 68 class?

General Discussion / Re: Bang for your buck
« on: March 05, 2008, 08:17:14 PM »
All we need is a Moonshine still in the back yard ,enough to go racing on sunday and just a liitle to go a drinking and a dancin on saturday night,

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