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Messages - Bamford#69

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27 28
Husqvarna / Re: 500AE new in the crate
« on: April 24, 2009, 10:44:41 am »
Hi ,
I'll bet that the guy who owns the CR250 has got a bigger smile now he can ride it  , than when all he could do was just look at it in a box and imagine,
mind you I dont understand Nintendo Wii either,
 "you will never get a great scar, or a ride in an Ambulance, sitting on the sofa"

Husqvarna / Re: 500AE new in the crate
« on: April 24, 2009, 09:58:18 am »
Motor bikes in boxes, Cockatoos in a cage , Wild animals imprisoned in a Zoo, thats not the way its meant to be.

General Discussion / Re: New website for Brisbane Motorcycle Club
« on: April 24, 2009, 09:45:45 am »
Hi ,
great new web site , we are lucky to have an excellent VMX photograher in Brisbane, check out the great home page photo, (and the photo page) thanks  to VMXSHOTZ.

CZ / Re: cz 250 big end bearing
« on: April 21, 2009, 01:07:01 pm »
the reason there is side freeplay in the big end,(in a good motor), is because there are no  thrust washers in the bottom end , that is why they have the thrust washers on the gudgeon pin , do not use any thing other than the factory thrust washers up there, remember, any thing made out of steel in a CZ mxer is made out of recycled Kalashnikovs and T18 tanks, including mud guards,fuel tanks and air boxes, strong but really heavy.
If you read a CZmxer parts book, page 14, you will see there are 4 size of big end bearings to match up with 5 fractional fit con rods .
Good Luck trying to save a buck.

CZ / Re: cz 250 big end bearing
« on: April 20, 2009, 05:06:50 pm »
Hi ,
If dont replace the big end bearing ,con rod,and crankpin as an assembly   you  will be sorry.
Good Luck,

General Discussion / Re: John Britten..........
« on: April 20, 2009, 04:54:24 pm »
  Kiwi's have never heard of the phrase "you cant do that"  the Kiwis have built some  weird and wonderful contraptions : a V12 Jag engined trike legally registered, A WRX turned into a Quad bike complete with handle bars and pillion seat ,brilliant, you will find it on U Tube  ,Iv'e seen 1938 Morris with a 308 V8 ,and just plain "off ya chops" a Velosolex front end ,forks front wheel handle bars and motor  towing a guy  on roller skates along,    they are a weird mob,

CZ / Re: CZ380 71 42hp V CZ400 73 37hp
« on: April 17, 2009, 09:09:08 am »
 CZ's have BRAKE horse power (BHP)
 Maico's have BREAK horse power

Suzuki / Re: Which PE175 models qualify for pre-78 VMX?
« on: April 16, 2009, 01:57:57 pm »
Hi Oz storm
 If you wanted to race in the age group classes, you have to have a real vintage MXer ie; pre 75, not one of those long travel modern dirt bikes,that belong in pre 78

Tech Talk / Re: Taming vibration through handle bars.
« on: April 08, 2009, 08:29:56 pm »
If the bike has had the vibration since you have had it,it might be a simple as the crankshaft not in balance ,the early crankshafts are full circle flywheels, the later model "pork chop" crank rev faster but are a bit lighter, the combination of aftermarket pistons, the wrong model ignition flywheel , is possible , also if it has been assembled roughly , hammered together without heating the cases, it may have altered the "alignment" of the crankshaft cheeks.
A lot of CZ internals are the "same" ,that is they will fill the hole , but its the  combination of those bits from the other different models that make for better motors     

Tech Talk / Re: Taming vibration through handle bars.
« on: April 08, 2009, 08:59:11 am »
Hi Noel,
one more; is the vibration more severe at idle , or worse at high revs?

Tech Talk / Re: Taming vibration through handle bars.
« on: April 08, 2009, 08:43:31 am »
HI Noel,
  Iv'e got a 250 and 360 and now no vibration , someone had tightened up worn out ,loose engine mount   bolts , check the mount bolt holes in frame and motor also, they may be elongated . are the steel sleeves in place .
  Has this vibration just appeared or
  has it been there for since you got the bike,or
  have you just rebuilt the motor,
  have you had this motor running without a vibration.

General Discussion / Re: Starting rollers
« on: April 07, 2009, 09:13:27 pm »
Hi  Rosco
make sure you post a photo , you can never see too many CCM's , there is a great web site , they have a very helpful forum esp. with regards to starting one of these things yes there is a knack, sorry I dont know it , but I need to find out soon as my 75 model  is coming together slowly ,
There was an article on starting rollers  on their forum I'm sure you can  track it down ,  if not , a large can of "Start you Bastard" wont go astray, good luck

Tech Talk / Re: Chassis Evolution
« on: April 07, 2009, 07:32:43 pm »
Hi evo555,
Check out the  perimeter frame CZ/Jawa 1963/4 (Banana frame) MXer, "czechpoint" web site will show you the photos ,  very collectable,very cool,  I have never seen one in the flesh though,

Competition / Re: Eligilibty scrutineer at the Nationals
« on: April 02, 2009, 11:52:24 am »
   One of the problems the scrutineers have to deal with is not only the safety aspect of scrutineering , ie; safe bikes , but also the eligibilty of each bike , even though the scrutineers at this level are  very experienced in VMXing it  is unrealistic to expect that they know all the brands presented to them at scutineering( also there is a long line in front of them waiting  for approval) , maybe we as riders should start to take a positive step to ease the burden faced by all scrutineers, M.A issued log books, that have bikes confirmed as eligible well before race day, by an eligibilty comittee who are known Builders or recognised experts in that particular brand , model , no one person can have all  that combined  knowledge,( although quite a few claim too,)
   Historic racing have log books , speedway does , it would remove the problem  of eligibilty on race day and the dissapointment of the  riders who build their bikes within the  Rules ,but are disadvantaged by those who don't )    no log book, no racing .

Competition / Re: Eligilibty scrutineer at the Nationals
« on: March 28, 2009, 04:26:05 pm »
hi Dirtrumph
Mikuni carbs
MOMS page 153 , ;
"any round slide carb of a type available pre 75 may be used ,except the pre 60 class".
after all we do want  to be able to start the bloody things ,
be careful of relying on anwers to queries that start with the words :" I THINK" , "I BELIEVE," &" IN MY OPINION,"

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