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Messages - oldie

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General Discussion / Re: G450X
« on: November 21, 2010, 01:46:20 PM »
[quote  BTW your BMW is probably still worth something, trade it at a BMW dealer on new Husqvarna.


I don't want to get rid of it, but if I did they (bmw) wouldn't give me much, as I've said I'm now stuck with it.
Talking about the new Husky 450, I'm very interested to see how many they are going to sell, something tells me, not many, I for one wont, after the dealings I've had with them I would never buy anything with the bmw again.

General Discussion / Re: G450X
« on: November 21, 2010, 10:55:11 AM »
The 2011 450 Husky now has the BMW engine.

Actually it is a Kymco engine made in Taiwan.

Are you implying that they are crap, well I've got news for you, I've done over 120 hours & 4,874 k/m, the valves haven't moved yet, the only issue with the engine is the torque converter, which is still cover under warranty even tho I don't have the warranty.

General Discussion / Re: G450X
« on: November 21, 2010, 10:44:47 AM »
I don't care what BMW come up with, I wont have anything to do with BMW again, thanks to them I'm stuck with my G450X now, don't get me wrong I love the bike.

Peter Drakford, where are you mate, I'm interest in your viewpoint on the beemer now.

General Discussion / Re: G450X
« on: November 20, 2010, 06:36:01 PM »
I pass on this quote from latest UK Dirt Bike Rider:
"The main problem with the BMW was the swingarm pivot running through the front sprocket on the same axis - the bike
actually lifts at the rear under acceleration instead of squatting so it doesn't grip -and then the engine rotation runs backwards
so when you hit any soft terrain and try to power through it, it actually lifts the rear
and quite often faceplants you into the ground!"
                               - David Knight

Drakey told me his bike is an awesome climber

 ;D I must be an awesome rider then, I've never had a face plant, in fact like most bikes the harder you ride them the better it goes, I agree with Drakey it's a awesome hill climber, the only thing that lets me down sometimes is my age :D

General Discussion / Re: G450X
« on: November 20, 2010, 11:48:13 AM »
Don't knock the bike mate, have you got one, if not then you don't know what you are talking about, as far as David knight goes, he calls himself a world champion, looks like he can only do the job on a KTM Kawasaki was shit too, I reckon a world champion should be able to ride anything & win, BMW should have been smart & never gave nighter the bike that has been the down fall of their great bike.

General Discussion / G450X
« on: November 19, 2010, 07:57:44 PM »
Oi Drakie, you still got your Beemer? & how's it going, I'm still happy with mine, it's a pity they aren't making them anymore, I've learnt a good lesson, I see BMW in a much different light now, I had fath in bmw & bought the G450X, now they have pulled the pin & I'm now stuck with it, who wants to buy a bike that is no longer in production, I'll tell ya............... NOW ONE.

Frank Reefman.

Yeah but the roads are to straight ;)

When I was riding the black stuff, I used to ride like that, until the coppers stept in & spoilt it all, it's bloody boring riding a sports bike capable of 300 km/h & then having to ride at the speed limit.
I know coppers that ride bikes, & when they are off duty the ride they ride just like us, & then they will book ya for it the next day, thats how it is out there, I only ride the roadie 2 or 3 times a year now, dirt is more fun.

ps Riding at the speed limit you gonna end up in a hospital or worse, I didn't that's why I'm still alive.

Ok flame away.

General Discussion / Re: SYKO COPPERS
« on: October 13, 2010, 09:47:45 PM »
I wont go into my dealings with coppers, in my opinion they are scum, I'll hate them till the day I die, I sure I'm not the only one that feels that way.

General Discussion / Re: I hate it when Rossi..
« on: October 04, 2010, 09:15:38 PM »
Ooh, quick Narelle, come and have a look ! There's a bloke on the internet who's got a different opinion !  ;)

Didn't hear the shoulder get a mention yesterday....

So you don't know about his shoulder damage  when he had a fall on a M/x bike.

With a comment like yours!!!!!!! you don't want to know what I think of you.

General Discussion / Re: I hate it when Rossi..
« on: October 04, 2010, 08:24:36 PM »
Rossi has been

GD666 you seem to be possesed with jealousy

Hardly. Merely an opinion. And in you don't believe he's turning cynical on the way out the door, just check his latest quotes about Pedrosa and Stoner.

Or are you holding out some hope that Schumacher will rise to power again next year too ?
Don't write Rossi off so soon.. he's the reigning world champ, suffered a broken leg half way through the season and still came back for some podium finishes.
How can you compare him to Schumacher? He retired for a couple of years then came back..
The only thing that stopped Rossi from fighting for the title was a broken leg! Only a fool would say Rossi is done..

May I add, he has a also got a shoulder problem, how many of you Rossi knockers ride fast road bikes, & you think that you're good, I ride a fast road bike & have hit 283 km/h I take my hat off for those Moto GP racers, even the slowest rider there is bloody fast.

It's a bit like football, ......all the best players are siting on the fence.

General Discussion / Re: I hate it when Rossi..
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:27:10 PM »
Rossi has been at the top for a long time & has lifted the profile of moto GP.

Not to mention the championships along the way.

GD666 you seem to be possesed with jealousy


General Discussion / Re: Little stunt guy
« on: September 09, 2010, 08:23:09 PM »
What about the ppl that go to see that pore little 6 year old risk his life, I don't know about you, there's no way I could go there & watch that. would you go?

General Discussion / Re: Little stunt guy
« on: September 08, 2010, 09:09:57 PM »
sorry can't agree i think the parents are being absolutely ridiculous allowing him to do that at such a young age, the chances of serious damage to himself being lifelong at that age is tremendous.  Not the same as mini bike MX.  Is it good parenting!!   Personal opinoin only

I'm with you Tossa, I reckon the kids parents are bloody morons, I'm interested to know how they got their 6 year old kid to do it, I can't believe ppl would risk the life of their kid to make money, the kid should be taking away from them as they aren't fit parents.

General Discussion / Re: Fathers Day Rocks
« on: September 06, 2010, 11:11:34 PM »
I love Fathers day I can do what ever i like What about you guys ;D

Must be Fathers day for me every day, I can do what ever I like, Yes I'm married.

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