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Topics - PE sicko

Pages: [1]
For Sale / Sale on Gumtree 19 bikes up for sale nice mix
« on: January 25, 2013, 11:26:57 AM »
Dont know how to post link, or if you all know already, but some nice bikes in here. Suburb is at the bottom of Toowoomba Range.
Get on Gumtree and search Bike collection 19 bikes.
See how you go. ;)

Introductions / How ya'goin' to all
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:46:20 PM »
Hello you vmx tragic's, thanks for lettin' me in.
Name is Wozza, took delivery of the Suzuki PE250X advertised on here bout a month ago.
A sweet, nicely presented machine - too nice in fact (credit to the restorer) - gonna buy another bike to ride and keep improving on this one, can't see myself sacrificing this one to the mud + dust. ;D
Been reading through heaps of the old posts on here, privileged to have access to so much knowledge.
Been purchasing some items to kick it along just how I want it, too.

Hope to catch up with you all one day.

Highest Regards,

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